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Notice Build 14 Beta 4: To-Do List

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I am aiming for an archive replacement on Thursday. Then I can take that with me on an external HD to upload it using the super speed Internet at my parents' house during the weekend.
After that, I would hope for a public release as soon as possible. Assuming no terrible stuff is found by then anymore.
This is officially NOT happening anymore this weekend. Better luck in February, I hope.
If you are checking that, could you check this one too?
Feature Request - Correct Financial Situation for Naval Officers | PiratesAhoy!
It is quite related because it also deals with ship prices.
That should definitely be an easy one too, but would be a nice improvement to the game again. :bow
I could but since it isn't broken and looking at the thread I see we haven't got an agreed end aim or concept (should its behaviour be period related, how does that cash relate to re-supply costs, methods fame etc) I don't think I will. Looks like it belongs with a re-appraisal of game success targets rather than an isolated tweak to me. Sorry.
@pedrwyth: I think you misunderstand my request.
Adding extra #defines as @Grey Roger suggests should be easy and cannot do any harm.
The only other addition would be adding a percentage to personal wealth for Naval Officers when selling prize ships.
Those are two relatively small changes.
I've got all the latest stuff finally installed in my own game version again, so I'm once more up-to-date.
So the big question is: What's next? I think I can fit almost everything into a new ZIP.
Only exception is probably the two new loading screens. So @Levis: What would you want me to get you tomorrow? :wp
I've got all the latest stuff finally installed in my own game version again, so I'm once more up-to-date.
So the big question is: What's next? I think I can fit almost everything into a new ZIP.
Only exception is probably the two new loading screens. So @Levis: What would you want me to get you tomorrow? :wp
I'm fine for now :) but a zip with the newest code would be nice :).
I'm fine for now :) but a zip with the newest code would be nice :).
Comparing files now; should be coming soon.

Don't expect any Earth-shattering new stuff, but at least you'll be up-to-date. ;)
@Levis: Unfortunately I couldn't make it all fit into a single ZIP anymore.
So this is the best I can do for now. :facepalm


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Until Build 14 Beta 4 is publicly released, my hands are very much tied.
That means I can't even begin to make the changes I'd like to see done, because all of them,
while worthwhile in themselves, risk temporarily breaking stuff.

As far as I can tell, most of the large still-standing issues have been resolved (or at least attempted fixes been made) and the game should be relatively playable now.
Whatever large items are still left open are mainly for @Levis' attention. I sincerely hope he will do what he said he would, but this coming week is the last week that I wait.

@Jack Rackham, @Grey Roger and @everyone else, please upload your latest content within the next few days.
It is my intention to start compiling a proper new large archive on Tuesday, to be completed by Thursday.
Upload should then be next weekend; public release one week later (27 March 2016).

If anyone has any reasons why I should NOT push for the large update now, SPEAK UP!
We have waited long enough and I want it over and done with.
I have uploaded on the ftp: JRH files 626 16-03-14, it's WoodesRogers part 2 files only.
Thanks for that, Jack.
Please check your "itemsbox.c" file though. It looks quite out-of-date compared to the one you posted a while back.
This one doesn't contain the new and cleaner "switch" code nor the "Officer arrow carrying requirement".
Thanks Pieter, I must have messed it up somewhere along the way.
Have you merged in my latest changes into a more up-to-date version?
Have you merged in my latest changes into a more up-to-date version?
I did, but that is assuming you didn't change anything in the contents of the switch statement.
If indeed you didn't, then I think it is probably OK now. But if you did, then I don't know....
So.... the final CAB archive was compiled yesterday and will be uploaded this weekend.
The contents are near-identical to the 17 Mar 2016 update I posted yesterday as well.
This means that final testing starts NOW and we do really need as much testing as possible.

Once the archive is available, I'll post a link to that and the accompanying EXE installer.
At the moment, that one ENFORCES you to make use of that specific CAB archive, so you must download the 2+ GB file.

If anyone has a problem with that and needs an update version instead, let me know before the end of the weekend and I'll try to make one next week.
But if at all possible, but I want to avoid that to ensure that everyone's game is based on exactly the same files.
So I just posted a bunch of final fixes here:
Mod Release - Build 14 Beta 4 Internal WIP For Testing | Page 16 | PiratesAhoy!

I think that should cover the most obnoxious problems that we still had left.
Now please tell me: Am I forgetting anything? Any proper annoying bugs that really shouldn't be in Beta 4 before the release?

Also, why is able to do some final testing with this very latest update this weekend?
I quite want to know things are OK for release basically as soon as humanly possible.
My brother has been in the hospital and I have not been playing POTC for a while. Maybe I can play a little this weekend and maybe not. I have no schedule. :shrug
As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing left to do for the new release.
Just waiting until I'm home again before posting it.
And then of course I'll need to write the release article. That'll take some doing.... :cheeky
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