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Cannot Confirm Assign Boarded Ship to Companion Corrupts That Companion


Powder Monkey

i am getting this runtime error, it happened just after a boarding, went through all decks perfectly fine but as soon as i left the ship (back to sea view) the Engine.exe stopped working.

attached are the error.log, compile.log and the system.log



  • compile.log
    81 KB · Views: 130
  • error.log
    3.5 KB · Views: 147
  • system.log
    141.9 KB · Views: 139
boarded a heavy east indiaman from my advanced warship, it was an enemy ship part of a convoy.

i wanted to keep that ship so i assigned one of my companions to lead it, and gave the ship min crew to sail (82 sailors), regarding looting (transfer of goods) i took all its gunpowder and cannonballs -- nothing else

no looting during boarding

im using the 4.1 exe already :) still happened

what happened was:

interface back to sea, as if the battle had ended, time stuck-no movement of anything, compass did not load properly, then(like 0.5 seconds after), and engine.exe has stopped working error
There are a bunch of less-than-ideal things logged in error.log that may be related.
If you indeed have the latest version already, then that may indicate the problem.

Do you have a savegame just prior to that point from which it can be replicated?
And what exactly did you do to trigger this? Including what exact officer you assigned?
what do you mean by "less than ideal" and how many? what could have caused that?
i got the same crashes under the 4.0 version so i dont think they are "caused" by it

i dont have any savegame prior to that encounter, it happened after a 3-load-screen direct sail voyage from hispaniola to concepcion, i encountered a convoy midway and decided to board the heavy east indiaman

what did i do exactly:
1. board ship
2. fight my way trhough the ship
3. win the fight
4. loot all the cannonballs + gunpowder form the heavy east indiaman
5. increase the crew from 23 to 82(min crew) in the heavy east indiaman
6. assign one officer with "master at arms" role to the new ship (the only one with enough leadership + sialing to not-prompt any "warning" window
7. press "ESC" key
8. press "yes" in "do you want to leave this ship" (confirmation log to stop boarding)
9. screen freeze in sea view with no compass + wind speed + cannon loaded
10. after 0.5 sec, get engine.exe has stopped working
what do you mean by "less than ideal" and how many?
I mean that those error.log entries MAY provide a clue why the crash happens.

what could have caused that?
Won't know until I can investigate it. No guaranteed on when I'll find the time.

i got the same crashes under the 4.0 version so i dont think they are "caused" by it
Beta 4.1 WIP isn't worse than Beta 4.0, that much is certain.

i dont have any savegame prior to that encounter, it happened after a 3-load-screen direct sail voyage from hispaniola to concepcion, i encountered a convoy midway and decided to board the heavy east indiaman
This crash sounds like it is very inconsistent and inconsistent bugs are almost impossible to properly fix.
Please continue to play and save often and save close to the battles. Then if it happens again, post the savegame here.
Mention the names of the ship you attacked as well as the names of the officers you assigned.

Since we have no clue yet on what exactly happened, the more details we can get, the better it is.

Anyway, I'll move this to the Bug Tracker so we won't forget.
Rule 1: always save game right before getting into a fight. If something goes wrong, e.g. you lose the fight or the game crashes after you win the fight, you can try again. If it happens consistently then rethink your strategy (if you keep losing) or call here for help (if it keeps crashing). There are occasional random crashes and that could have been one of them, because I've done pretty much exactly the same as you and got away with it several times. Well, not quite exactly the same. If I'm only putting an officer aboard to keep the ship until I can sell it, I'm not too bothered about the warning about Leadership / Sailing skill because a commander with inadequate skills can still command that ship, just not very well. But then, with a minimal crew, he's not going to play much part in the battle anyway, so all you need him to do is keep out of trouble while you deal with the rest of the enemy ships.

There was a bug whereby, if you looted chests or bodies during boarding, the game was liable to crash. It wouldn't wait till the end of the boarding, though; if it didn't crash while you were still walking around the deck where you'd done the looting, it probably did it on the next deck, or it wouldn't crash at all during this battle. But it seems to have been fixed because apart from the occasional random crash that can happen at any time, I haven't had problems with boarding under the current version of the game, and I loot everything in sight. :rpirate

If the game does crash routinely, try deleting the "options" file which you'll find at the top level of the game installation folder. When you run the game again, you'll need to use the "Options" screen at game start to put back all your choices, e.g. game preferences, controls etc. The "options" file sometimes gets corrupted, causing all sorts of weirdness, which means deleting "options" can cure all sorts of weirdness.
There was a bug whereby, if you looted chests or bodies during boarding, the game was liable to crash. It wouldn't wait till the end of the boarding, though; if it didn't crash while you were still walking around the deck where you'd done the looting, it probably did it on the next deck, or it wouldn't crash at all during this battle. But it seems to have been fixed because apart from the occasional random crash that can happen at any time, I haven't had problems with boarding under the current version of the game, and I loot everything in sight. :rpirate
For details, see here: Fixed - Boarding: Inconsistent Crashes Related to Looting | PiratesAhoy!
Fix included in the Beta 4.1 WIP; link in my signature.
@garganteon: I had a quick look at the code pointed to in your .log files.
Those errors could happen if you have an invalid officer with you.
Do you happen to have any officers that lost their skills/don't show properly in the interfaces?

Definitely recommended to post a savegame that was made in a similar situation to the crash or a more recent one.
@Grey Roger yeah, it doesnt happen while looting or while boarding, it happens after i quit boarding, also, im using build 4.1 which as Pieter said, fixes the looting thing. Regarding rule #1, yes, i try to save as much as i can but sometimes its just too much

@Pieter Boelen i think i have one of those yeah, not sure what causes it but sometimes when i look at my passenger interface i see officers with no photo or name and some other weird stuff.

a)could this be causing it?
b)why does this happen?
c)how do i fix "broken" officers?

also, as i commented to @Grey Roger , im already using 4.1 so i dont think the looting issue is related
could this be causing it?
It won't help, that much is certain. And it may indeed be affecting this.

why does this happen?
I don't know for certain what was the reason for your specific case. We had problems with that before, but the reason for that was found and fixed in the Beta 4.1 WIP.
See here: Fixed - Empty officer appearing in Passengers | PiratesAhoy!

But in your case, you are the only person who can give any answer to that question.
When exactly did it happen? Was it a long time ago? Possibly a left-over from before the above mentioned bug was fixed?
If this has happened recently, e.g. more recently than 17 April, you'll have to enable the debug lines mentioned in the above thread.
Then continue playing until one of your officers vanishes again so that we might narrow down how and when it happens.

how do i fix "broken" officers?
You can't. Only thing that can be done is to get rid of those officers altogether.
If you post a savegame, we may be able to figure out which officers got bugged and give you a method to make them disappear so you keep only valid officers.
@Pieter okay so, its definitely related to assigning officers, luckily i had a savegame previous to that (attached: -=Player=- Open Sea January 1st, 1681) and i followed the same steps, allow for a "sail ho" screenshot and i found the same convoy i had fought before, this time i nuked/boarded every ship except the one i wanted to board (this time it surrendered) i saved and then i boarded it, everything went fine untill i assigned an officer "Sanjon something - pirate captain" once i broke the boarding, this is how my screen froze (attached)

im not sure about the date, how can i check that?


  • Captura de pantalla 2016-06-14 a las 12.15.17.png
    Captura de pantalla 2016-06-14 a las 12.15.17.png
    1.9 MB · Views: 133
Are you saying you could replicate the "officer bugging out" with the Build 14 Beta 4.1 WIP: 22 May 2016 version that you are running?
If so, please say exactly what ship you attacked and what officer you assigned.

Alternatively, read through Fixed - Empty officer appearing in Passengers | PiratesAhoy! and use the debug code suggested there.
That would give us more details to work from.

im not sure about the date, how can i check that?
What date do you want to check? o_O
i tried without success, from the savegame i posted, you have to attack the only enemy ship in sight (sao jorge i think) surrendered ship. assign companion "Sanjon -- pirate captain" to the captured ship, that is what caused it in the first place

to replicate it, i did put another captain "mage something" the only woman in my officer tab, and it worked without issue

When exactly did it happen? Was it a long time ago? Possibly a left-over from before the above mentioned bug was fixed?
If this has happened recently, e.g. more recently than 17 April, you'll have to enable the debug lines mentioned in the above thread.

this date
Thread renamed in an attempt to more accurately describe the problem.

i tried without success, from the savegame i posted, you have to attack the only enemy ship in sight (sao jorge i think) surrendered ship. assign companion "Sanjon -- pirate captain" to the captured ship, that is what caused it in the first place

to replicate it, i did put another captain "mage something" the only woman in my officer tab, and it worked without issue
Thanks. Will have to find the time to play through that, investigate what happens and why.

this date
You can only check from your own memory, I think.
But if you replicated the bug today with the 22 May 2016 version, then that answers the question. ;)
okay thank you!

hmm maybe the blackbeard save (the one i posted) comes from before 17 april though..shall i start a new gameplay and hope for the best or?
hmm maybe the blackbeard save (the one i posted) comes from before 17 april though..shall i start a new gameplay and hope for the best or?
IF the officer corrupted before you installed the fix, then that might help.
But if you're running the latest version and still actually happens during the gameplay, then it is something I need to investigate.

I mean here that an officer becomes corrupted during play, e.g. you saw him/her being fine and then afterwards he/she wasn't fine anymore.
I've been having weirdness with one of my officers too, and again it's a former pirate captain. Weirdness 1 is that a couple of skills are marked red, as if they're being penalised by an item or by being assigned to too good a ship, though she's not on a ship. Weirdness 2 is that originally she was reputation "Damsel", then I went and claimed a promotion. This adds 5 to your reputation, and when you gain reputation, officers who are actively with you at the time get a portion of it. So a few of my officers have gone up a grade or two over time. This one dropped straight to "Femme Fatale" when I got the promotion. It wasn't due to any other action, I confirmed that by loading a pre-promotion savegame, checking reputation right before claiming the promotion, then checked it right after claiming the promotion. (She can't do anything naughty in between because officers don't follow you into the town hall.)

This is under the 22nd May version.