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Fixed Ardent storyline: cant find fisherman


Storm Modder
Hearts of Oak Donator
I cant find fisherman Doolin Becart after I have done the temple job.
He is no where and I cant get my ship back?


  • compile.log
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  • -=Player=- Hispaniola. Jungle September 27th, 1691.zip
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I can't see any quest-related information in that "compile.log", and won't be able to test the savegame for a while.

What's supposed to happen:
You hire the guide, Mauricio Juradu, at Santo Domingo tavern. (If you don't, you can find your own way to the temple and the ship is never stolen.) He tells you to go to Cape Francos. When you land there, he tells you to follow him. At the temple site, he tells you to continue along the path until you find an arrow sticking out of your chest, and you tell him to return to the ship. Did you have this conversation? Then you fight your way into and through the temple, find the Taino rug, fight your way back out of the temple and to the jungle, by which time Mauricio Juradu should have disappeared and Doolin Becart should be in place on the shore.

There was a problem with Doolin Becart not showing up at night time because I'd forgotten to change a certain line in his character definition, but that should have been fixed some time ago and I've checked it by running the quest both by day and by night. Can you upload your version of "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\characters\init\TempQuest.c" so I can check it has the correct definition?

Beyond that, the only thing I can think of is that Doolin Becart can be hard to find as there are trees on the shore, but he should be there somewhere. Edit "PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h", set "VISIBLE_LOCATORS" to 1 (it's right near the bottom of the file), then look for locator "goto / citizen05" as that's where he's supposed to be standing. Failing that, set "ENABLE_CHEATMODE" to 1, load a savegame from before you arrived at Cape Francos, or at least from before you arrived at the temple, then press "0" to make yourself immortal so you can go right through the temple Indians safely, and don't reload until you've got the Taino rug and are back at Cape Francos. Then post "compile.log". It should then have a full record of all quest cases executed during your trip to the temple.
@Grey Roger I dont hire that guide at Santo Domingo, but the ship is locked anyway.
Here is the file you asked for:


  • TempQuest.c
    12.5 KB · Views: 155
@Grey Roger I dont hire that guide at Santo Domingo, but the ship is locked anyway.
Aha! And now I see what's wrong - the command to lock the ship isn't inside the condition which checks that you've hired the guide and sets up the guide to steal the ship. So the ship boarding point gets locked whether you hired the guide or not, but only gets unlocked if the ship has been stolen and you talk to the fisherman.

Try this version of "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\quests\quests_reaction.c". That ought to fix it. I think any savegame from before you entered the temple should work. If not, you'll need one from before you accepted the temple quest.

Your version of "TempQuest.c" is correct - if you do hire the guide and he steals the ship, Doolin Becart should appear whether it's day or night.

(Having said all that, hire the guide. Then get the rug, take it back to the chief, and then go to Port au Prince, where you should find the fisherman wandering around. Make sure your Indian friend is active when you talk to the fisherman...)


  • quests_reaction.c
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There's nobody of interest outdoors in the camp, no. Go into the tavern. You should meet someone there...

Warning - plot spoiler ahead, do not read unless in-game explanations are inadequate or you're sure something that should have happened has failed to happen.
The crew are still on the ship. (Which you may have noticed moored near the beach.) Mauricio Jurada tricked them into moving the ship to a safer location. He's now in the tavern trying to hire a gang to help him get rid of your crew and take the ship for himself. You can interrupt him. :duel:
There was no Mauricio Jurada in the tavern! Any way I have done the Temple
quest with out the fisherman now, and have the reward. No more Temple quest
this time. I will go to the kidnap quest now!
There was no Mauricio Jurada in the tavern!
That shouldn't be possible! He's supposed to be moved into the tavern when you enter the temple, which is why you shouldn't see him again on the way out of the temple area. (Before he moves to the tavern, he stands still at the path to the jungle.) Can you post a savegame from shortly before you entered the temple? Or failing that, one from before you entered the tavern.
@Grey Roger Here is a savegame at Buccaneers camp. About Mauricio Jurada I
think he were going with me in to the temple section.
And a savegame just before we are going to the temple


  • -=Player=- Hispaniola. Buccaneers Camp September 15th, 1691 1.zip
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  • -=Player=- Hispaniola. Cape Francos. September 15th, 1691.zip
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Last edited:
Thanks! I'll check those when I get the chance.

Mauricio Jurada shouldn't follow past the start of the temple section. As soon as you arrive, he should speak to you, then stay still until you go into the temple, at which point he's teleported to the Buccaneers' Camp tavern. I'll have to see why that isn't happening for you.
Mauricio Jurada shouldn't follow past the start of the temple section.
I think I found out what where going wrong! I talk to Mauricio Jurada only at the tavern ( using fast travel to my ship) so I
dont have the dialog with Mauricio Jurada after going through the Port gate:woot. Fast travel can be dangerous in a quest!
Now I will go to the temple again:walkplankIt must be the seventh time I do that!
Yes! Now the quest is properly done, everything works alright. Maybe we should
tell people to be cautious using fast travel in this quest. When I miss that dialog
at the Port Gate, Fast Travel disappears at all places and at the ship too. Making
the quest right bring all fast travels back again.
I think I found out what where going wrong! I talk to Mauricio Jurada only at the tavern ( using fast travel to my ship) so I
dont have the dialog with Mauricio Jurada after going through the Port gate:woot. Fast travel can be dangerous in a quest!
Interesting, because my own investigation led to a quite different conclusion. The reason Mauricio Juradu didn't appear in the Buccaneer Camp tavern is that he was dead. :D

Starting with your savegame at the camp, I went everywhere that Juradu could possibly be - Cape Francos, the jungle, the approach to the temple, and Santo Domingo. No sign of him. So I put a couple of lines into "console.c" to tell me where Mauricio Juradu is, and for good measure, where I am as well. It said Mauricio Juradu was in the Buccaneer Camp tavern.

Then I tried your savegame at Cape Francos, where you hadn't hired Mauricio Juradu, so I went to Santo Domingo to get him and then returned to Cape Francos to do the quest as far as getting to Buccaneer Camp. Console reported that he was in the tavern, which indeed he was. On a whim, I killed him, left the tavern, went in again, and console still reported him being in the tavern.

Then I added a couple more lines to "console.c" to tell me if Mauricio Juradu was alive or dead. After checking using my own Buccaneer Camp savegame that it worked properly, I loaded up your Buccaneer Camp savegame again, and console reported him being in the tavern and dead.

The only way I can think of for this to happen without you noticing is if you're attacked by bandits while going through the jungle and one of them kills Juradu. They can certainly attack him if one of them is in his way as he walks towards the exit leading to the temple, I saw it happen once. So when I release the next update, there will be a check on the piece of code which sets Juradu up to steal the ship - he can't steal it if he's dead! But my version of "quests_reaction.c" is not currently ready to be released, so for now, either save game on the beach and reload if Juradu doesn't show up at the temple area, or edit "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\quests\quests_reaction.c":
    case "inside_temple":
       PChar.quest.disable_rebirth = true;
       if (!LAi_IsDead(characterFromID("Mauricio Juradu")))  // <--- Add these lines
       {                                                // <---
         if (checkQuestAttribute("inca_temple", "got_guide"))
           Locations[FindLocation("Hispaniola_shore_03")].reload.l2.disable = 1;
           ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Mauricio Juradu"), "BC_Tavern", "goto", "goto6");
           LAi_SetImmortal(characterFromID("Mauricio Juradu"), false);
           pchar.quest.mauricio_steals_ship.win_condition.l1 = "location";
           PChar.quest.mauricio_steals_ship.win_condition.l1.location = "Hispaniola_Jungle_07";
           PChar.quest.mauricio_steals_ship.win_condition = "mauricio_steals_ship";
         else Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Mauricio Juradu")].dialog.CurrentNode = "First time";
       }                                                   // <---
Also, here's my Buccaneer Camp savegame in case you want to see what happens next without having to redo the whole quest again.

Fast Travel, especially directly to ship, can play merry havoc with many quests! I've disabled it in "Ardent" in several key places. Fast Travel from the tavern straight to the port won't do any harm here, though.

Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to seeing how you do with the "Kidnap" quest...


  • -=Player=- Hispaniola. Buccaneers Camp September 15th, 1691.zip
    726.4 KB · Views: 105
Try this version of "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\quests\quests_reaction.c".
This added to my game now.
Just to be sure: There are a LOT of changes in that file compared to the previous one I had.

But my version of "quests_reaction.c" is not currently ready to be released
So based on the above, is that quests_reaction.c file quite safe to use....? :unsure

edit "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\quests\quests_reaction.c"
That now added to my game version.

For my final merged file, see attached.


  • quests_reaction.c
    155.8 KB · Views: 147
Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to seeing how you do with the "Kidnap" quest...
I have done the Kidnap quest with out any problems, so I was doing The Marriage quest. Having trouble to find the ring, so I give me
self one with the console. I was married indeed but now Im stuck at the governors office, "Grigorio" has nothing to say about the dinning room.
Im stuck and can go no further. I loose passion and deleted the game, this savegame I post is the only one I have left. If I cant go further with
this save game I have to redo the quest from start.
Its a good storyline and I like the Marriage scenes. The only thing I havent done is the Monkey thing.


  • -=Player=- Cuba. Santiago townhall February 6th, 1692.zip
    925.3 KB · Views: 129
@Pieter Boelen: I suppose it wouldn't do any harm. Though at present the interested people are you, me and @ANSEL, and his reports are as likely to be as valid in the "Bug Tracker" subforum as anywhere else. xD (This one about the missing fisherman and subsequent missing Mauricio Juradu, for example. ;))

As for your file, please change case "return_to_residence2" to this:
    case "return_to_residence2":
       LAi_SetActorType(characterfromID("Javier Balboa"));
       Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Javier Balboa")].dialog.CurrentNode = "enjoy_reception";
       LAi_ActorDialog(CharacterFromID("Javier Balboa"),PChar,"bypass_reception",5.0,5.0);

I seem to have released an unready version after all, and putting this case back the way it was should deactivate the unfinished bit. A great deal more is going to happen following the assassination attempt...
I have done the Kidnap quest with out any problems, so I was doing The Marriage quest. Having trouble to find the ring, so I give me
self one with the console. I was married indeed but now Im stuck at the governors office, "Grigorio" has nothing to say about the dinning room.
That's odd. Grigorio indeed doesn't say anything. There's supposed to be a reload to the same place, i.e. the residence, and then a further conversation with the governor. Can you post "compile.log"?

Also, I seem to have included a piece of work under development in that version of "quests_reaction.c" which corrected the fisherman problem. A couple of seconds after the governor had told you to go to the reception, something rather drastic was supposed to happen. Apparently it didn't. Have you a savegame from before you went into the residence, either after or shortly before the wedding ceremony?

Meanwhile, same advice as to @Pieter Boelen. Edit "quests_reaction.c", find case "return_to_residence2", and make it look like the one above. That should deactivate the unfinished scene and allow you to proceed to the happy ending. If it works, don't forget to talk to the governor on the way out - he has something for you...

As for the ring. This is supposed to be a wedding ring, so not just any old rubbish will do, it has to be gold. There are two types of gold ring in the game but the quest doesn't make any special provision for you to get them. You're a pirate so go and do piratey stuff! Raid ships, loot their chests. Go on treasure quests. Burgle people's houses and loot their chests. If necessary, mug people in the street - you don't need to tell Lucia that the ring is, shall we say, "second hand". Or, as a last resort, search through stores and street traders to see if one of them has something suitable for sale.