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Spoiler Age of Pirates 2 Game Data Mods / Cheats / Codes

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*****NOTE***** VERY IMPORTANT******

**Starting Money**

Open the [ RPGUtilite.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters. From here use ctrl+f to search for the code line [ pchar.money ]. Simply just change the number value that follows to the desired amount of starting funds. Here you will notice
it will only show money amounts for the Adventure and Merchant characters, but you can add the code line [ pchar.money = 99999999; ] between the [ EquipCharacterbyItem ] and [ break: ] for
the Corsair character as well.

**Starting Sword, Spyglass, And Pistol**

Open the [ RPGUtilite.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters. From here use ctrl+f to search for the code line [ void initMainCharacterItem() ]. Here you will notice it will show the starting items for the al 3 starting characters. Anywere you see [ pistol# ] and [ blade# ] and [ spyglass# ] you can change # to change the weapon. The weapon list in located in the text file [ initItems.c ] located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\ITEMS.

**Starting Stats = All 10**

Open the [ RPGUtilite.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters. From here use ctrl+f to search for the code line [ case "Merchant": ] , [ case
"Corsair": ] or [ case "Adventurer": ] depending on the character you want to change if not all 3. Right below the code line listed you should see [ SetSPECIAL(ch, #,#,#,#,#,#,#); , Here simply
just change the numbers in the brackets to 10's. Values above 10 do not work.

**Starting Ship**

Open the [ RPGUtilite.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters. From here use ctrl+f to search for the code line [ pchar.Ship.Type = GenerateShip ]. Here you will see the oirginal code line is [ pchar.Ship.Type = GenerateShip((SHIP_LUGGER + rand(2) - 1), 0); ]. Here simply replace [ LUGGER ] with the desired ship name (note that all ships are listed in the [ Ships_init.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\Ships.). But unlike in Age of Pirates 1 there is this little addon to the code [ + rand(2) - 1) ], This was added to randomly give you a ship within 3 slots of your starting ship... its stupid I know. So you can erase it so you know what ship you get everytime. When your done you code line will look like this [ pchar.Ship.Type = GenerateShip(SHIP_SHIPNAME, 0); ].

**Ship Stats**

Open the [ Ships_init.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\Ships. From here all ship classes in the game are listed from worst to best. Simply scroll down threw the list and change any stats on the ship or ships of your choice. ******NOTE****** WHEN CHANGING THE STATS OF A SHIP PLEASE UNDERSTAND YOU ARE CHANGING IT FOR THE ENTIRE GAME, THIS MEANS THE GAME CONTROLLED SHIPS WILL HAVE ALL THE CHANGES AS YOUR OWN SHIPS.

**Cannon Stats**

Open the [ Cannons_init.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\CANNONS. From here all cannons in the game are listed from smallest to largest starting will the CULVERINE type cannon and then the CANNON type cannon. Simply scroll down threw the list and change the stats on the cannon or cannons of your choice. ******NOTE****** WHEN CHANGING THE STATS OF A CANNON PLEASE UNDERSTAND YOU ARE CHANGING IT FOR THE ENTIRE GAME, THIS MEANS THE GAME CONTROLLED CANNONS ON SHIPS AND FORTS WILL HAVE ALL THE CHANGES AS YOUR OWN SHIPS AND FORTS.

**Weapon Stats**

Open the [ initItems.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\ITEMS. From here all the weapons in the game will be listed. Simply change the stats on the weapon or weapons of your choice. ******NOTE****** WHEN CHANGING THE STATS OF A WEAPON PLEASE UNDERSTAND YOU ARE CHANGING IT FOR THE ENTIRE GAME, THIS MEANS THE GAME CONTROLLED WEAPONS ON ENEMY CREW AND PORT SOLDIERS WILL HAVE ALL THE CHANGES AS YOUR OWN WEAPONS.

**No Stat Penility For High Class Ships**

Open the [ RPGUtilite.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters. From here use ctrl+f to search for the code line [ switch (shipClass) ]. Here you will see [ case 1 : needSkill = 95; break; ] right down to [ case 7 : needSkill = 0; break; ]. Simply change the # after the = sign to 0, and now you will have no stat penility for having a high class

**Item Stats**

Open the [ initGoods.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\STORE. Here all the items are listed in the game. Simply just edit the item or items you want. Usually I have just changed the weight of some items.

**All Abilities At Start Of Game**

Open the [ RPGUtilite.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters. From here use ctrl+f to search for the code line [ SetCharacterPerk(pchar, sGlobalTemp); // ïåðê ôëàãà íàöèè ]. Right After that code line add
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "FlagPir");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "FlagEng");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "FlagFra");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "FlagSpa");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "FlagHol");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "BasicDefense");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "AdvancedDefense");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Ciras");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "CriticalHit");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "HPPlus");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "HardHitter");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Tireless");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "EnergyPlus");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "BladeDancer");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "SwordplayProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Rush");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Sliding");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Gunman");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "GunProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Grus");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Medic");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "SharedExperience");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "IronWill");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "ShipEscape");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Trustworthy");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Brander");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Aboard");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Troopers");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "LongRangeGrappling");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "GrapplingProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "MusketsShoot");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "BasicCommerce");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "AdvancedCommerce");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "FastReload");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "ImmediateReload");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "HullDamageUp");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "SailsDamageUp");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "CrewDamageUp");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "CriticalShoot");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "LongRangeShoot");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "CannonProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Carpenter");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Builder");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "LightRepair");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "InstantRepair");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "BasicBattleState");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "AdvancedBattleState");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "ShipDefenseProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "ShipSpeedUp");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "ShipTurnRateUp");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "StormProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "WindCatcher");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "SailsMan");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Turn180");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "SandbankManeuver");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "SailingProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Doctor1");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Doctor2");

Or just the ones you want, and when your done it should look like this:

ch.skill.freeskill = 0;
ch.Skill.FreeSPECIAL = 0;
sGlobalTemp = "Flag" + NationShortName(sti(pchar.nation));
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, sGlobalTemp); // ïåðê ôëàãà íàöèè
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "FlagPir");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "FlagEng");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "FlagFra");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "FlagSpa");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "FlagHol");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "BasicDefense");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "AdvancedDefense");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Ciras");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "CriticalHit");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "HPPlus");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "HardHitter");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Tireless");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "EnergyPlus");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "BladeDancer");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "SwordplayProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Rush");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Sliding");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Gunman");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "GunProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Grus");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Medic");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "SharedExperience");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "IronWill");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "ShipEscape");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Trustworthy");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Brander");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Aboard");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Troopers");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "LongRangeGrappling");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "GrapplingProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "MusketsShoot");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "BasicCommerce");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "AdvancedCommerce");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "FastReload");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "ImmediateReload");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "HullDamageUp");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "SailsDamageUp");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "CrewDamageUp");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "CriticalShoot");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "LongRangeShoot");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "CannonProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Carpenter");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Builder");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "LightRepair");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "InstantRepair");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "BasicBattleState");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "AdvancedBattleState");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "ShipDefenseProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "ShipSpeedUp");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "ShipTurnRateUp");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "StormProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "WindCatcher");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "SailsMan");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Turn180");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "SandbankManeuver");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "SailingProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Doctor1");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Doctor2");
SetCharacterPerk(pchar, "Energaiser"); // ñêðûòûé ïåðê äàåò 1.5 ê ïðèðîñòó ýíåðãèè, äàåòñÿ ÃÃ è áîññàì óðîâíåé
// íà÷àëüíûå ñêèëû çàäàòü

**Starting Items**
Open the [ RPGUtilite.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters. From here use ctrl+f to search for the code line [ case "Adventurer": ] , [ case "Corsair": ] ,or [ case "Merchant": ] depending on your desired class, Below you will see the code lines TakenItems(Pchar, "potion1", 5); and TakeNItems(Pchar, "bullet", 10); or something close depending what class your looking at. Simply change where you see "potion1" to the desired item name also the following # as shown above it was 5, just indicates the amount of that item you start with, and all items are listed in [ initItems.c ] located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\ITEMS. Also the code line can be added multiple times to give multiple items. For example my own personal mod looks like this.
TakenItems(Pchar, "blade21", 4);
TakenItems(Pchar, "potion2", 100);
TakenItems(Pchar, "pistol5", 4);
TakenItems(Pchar, "cirass5", 5);
TakeNItems(Pchar, "bullet", 400);

**Don't lose Starting Items and Money with Blood** (Credit for this Mod goes to NeonMouko from GameFAQS)
Open the [ reaction_functions.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\Quests. From here use ctrl+f to search for the code line [ void CapBloodLineInit(string qName) ]. In this section, you'll see this:
void CapBloodLineInit(string qName)
//Âîçâðàùàåì âñå ïîñëå ïëåíà
LAi_SetImmortal(Pchar, false);
DeleteAttribute(Pchar, "items");
DeleteAttribute(Pchar, "equip");
DeleteAttribute(Pchar, "ship");
DeleteAttribute(Pchar, "ShipSails.gerald_name");
Pchar.ship.type = SHIP_NOTUSED;
/*GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "unarmed");
EquipCharacterByItem(Pchar, "unarmed");*/
Pchar.money = 0;

This is what deletes your inventory, items AND money. Delete the "items" line and adjust the number beside Pchar.money. This is what I have:

void CapBloodLineInit(string qName)
//Âîçâðàùàåì âñå ïîñëå ïëåíà
LAi_SetImmortal(Pchar, false);
DeleteAttribute(Pchar, "equip");
DeleteAttribute(Pchar, "ship");
DeleteAttribute(Pchar, "ShipSails.gerald_name");
Pchar.ship.type = SHIP_NOTUSED;
/*GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "unarmed");
EquipCharacterByItem(Pchar, "unarmed");*/
Pchar.money = 999999999;

Now I have money and my items are not taken from me. However, the second you step in town, you'll be accosted by a guard. What's the point of having weapons in the mod if you can't keep any of them, hm? This means you have to edit one more place, which will be in the next message.

use ctrl+f to search for the code line [ void DetectBlades() ]

This is what the game normally has:
bool bblades = ( sweapon != "unarmed") && (sweapon != "blade5" ) && (sweapon!= "");
bool bguns = (FindCharacterItemByGroup(pchar, GUN_ITEM_TYPE) != "");
if(bblades || bguns)

This is what I edited it to:
bool bblades = ( sweapon != "unarmed") && (sweapon != "blade5" ) && (sweapon != "blade27" ) && (sweapon != "blade28" ) && (sweapon != "blade32" ) && (sweapon!= "");

With this edit, the guards do not harass me at all over my weapons - or, in fact, any weapons. I'm not sure how necessary most of the data I inputted in actually is, as the guards now ignore ALL weapons and not just the exceptions, but it makes it so that the guards do not take any of my weapons from me.
very helpfull, thanks

Have you found any reference to clothing 1, clothing 2, clothing 3 in the items?

CoAS has the ability to change character models based on what is equiped in the body slot. This is how they make the body armor appear. I noticed that you can enter a character model in herodescribe as (Blood) or add 7 more entries separated by comas (Blood, Blood1, Blood2....). The entries correspond to (Base Model, Armor1, Armor2, Armor3, Armor4, Clothing 1, Clothing 2, Clothing 3). There are clothes in the game that you can wear, (nobel cloak +20 authority, merchant cloak +20 barter, rags +20 stealth), but none of the characters have models for them, so the entries for Clothing 1-3 are just the base model.

What I would like to do is Make a model using my character head on an English officer uniform, add a English uniform to the game, maybe just retexture the +20 authority cloak to a red color, and put that model in one of the clothing slots. I do feel out of place doing the English quest line with a full crew in English uniform and I'm still dressed as a pirate. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="xD:" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

I guess I need some tips on adding new items and/or getting an added/changed item tagged as clothing X so the correct model appear when I equip it.

In Summary, can you please expand on the items tips in relation to what I just wrote?

Edit: Also, it you know how to edit the English quest, so the governor will give you an additional item (English Uniform), when he gives you the letter of marque, that would be amazingly cool.

Thanks <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/bow.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":bow" border="0" alt="bow.gif" />
It's really great how moddable COAS is, hopefully a healthy modding community will spring up here thanks to info like this. Now, if only word would get out about the coolest pirate game ever... <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/hi.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":gday" border="0" alt="hi.gif" />
<!--quoteo(post=335899:date=Jul 8 2009, 09:21 AM:name=Dread_Pirate)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Dread_Pirate @ Jul 8 2009, 09:21 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=335899"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->It's really great how moddable COAS is, hopefully a healthy modding community will spring up here thanks to info like this. Now, if only word would get out about the coolest pirate game ever... <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/hi.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":gday" border="0" alt="hi.gif" /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Well if all goes to plan <i>OUR</i> modding team will be moving onto COAS <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />

This however will be after we finish Build 14 for PotC so will be awhile <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />
<!--quoteo(post=335869:date=Jul 7 2009, 06:30 PM:name=Croaker)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Croaker @ Jul 7 2009, 06:30 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=335869"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->very helpfull, thanks

Have you found any reference to clothing 1, clothing 2, clothing 3 in the items?

CoAS has the ability to change character models based on what is equiped in the body slot. This is how they make the body armor appear. I noticed that you can enter a character model in herodescribe as (Blood) or add 7 more entries separated by comas (Blood, Blood1, Blood2....). The entries correspond to (Base Model, Armor1, Armor2, Armor3, Armor4, Clothing 1, Clothing 2, Clothing 3). There are clothes in the game that you can wear, (nobel cloak +20 authority, merchant cloak +20 barter, rags +20 stealth), but none of the characters have models for them, so the entries for Clothing 1-3 are just the base model.

What I would like to do is Make a model using my character head on an English officer uniform, add a English uniform to the game, maybe just retexture the +20 authority cloak to a red color, and put that model in one of the clothing slots. I do feel out of place doing the English quest line with a full crew in English uniform and I'm still dressed as a pirate. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="xD:" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

I guess I need some tips on adding new items and/or getting an added/changed item tagged as clothing X so the correct model appear when I equip it.

In Summary, can you please expand on the items tips in relation to what I just wrote?

Edit: Also, it you know how to edit the English quest, so the governor will give you an additional item (English Uniform), when he gives you the letter of marque, that would be amazingly cool.

Thanks <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/bow.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":bow" border="0" alt="bow.gif" /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

I havent come across anything yet for the clothes, But i'll be sure to post anything that might be of use here. I have been wanting a uniform as well lol.
Hey Croaker, Might have found the code line your looking for, Found 3 Items called Suit 1, Suit 2, Suit 3, and they require a min LV 20 to ware. I'm sure thats easily changed, Let me know if you can do anything with it or if its a dead end. Search this code line [ itm.id = "suit_1"; ] in the text file [ initItems.c ] located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\ITEMS. That will bring you to Suit 1 and Suit 2 and 3 and right below it.
<!--quoteo(post=335912:date=Jul 7 2009, 09:44 PM:name=Mac)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mac @ Jul 7 2009, 09:44 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=335912"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Hey Croaker, Might have found the code line your looking for, Found 3 Items called Suit 1, Suit 2, Suit 3, and they require a min LV 20 to ware. I'm sure thats easily changed, Let me know if you can do anything with it or if its a dead end. Search this code line [ itm.id = "suit_1"; ] in the text file [ initItems.c ] located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\ITEMS. That will bring you to Suit 1 and Suit 2 and 3 and right below it.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Ok I answered my own Question, Tried Adding a few lines of codes to see the items and those arnt it, I'll have to keep you posted.
<!--quoteo(post=335913:date=Jul 8 2009, 01:27 AM:name=Mac)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mac @ Jul 8 2009, 01:27 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=335913"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><!--quoteo(post=335912:date=Jul 7 2009, 09:44 PM:name=Mac)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mac @ Jul 7 2009, 09:44 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=335912"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Hey Croaker, Might have found the code line your looking for, Found 3 Items called Suit 1, Suit 2, Suit 3, and they require a min LV 20 to ware. I'm sure thats easily changed, Let me know if you can do anything with it or if its a dead end. Search this code line [ itm.id = "suit_1"; ] in the text file [ initItems.c ] located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\ITEMS. That will bring you to Suit 1 and Suit 2 and 3 and right below it.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Ok I answered my own Question, Tried Adding a few lines of codes to see the items and those arnt it, I'll have to keep you posted.

Nope, those are it! See <a href="http://forum.piratesahoy.net//index.php?showtopic=14060" target="_blank">http://forum.piratesahoy.net//index.php?showtopic=14060</a>. Tested and working in game just fine. Can be worn at level 1. I think the LV 20 might refer to when they appear randomly in chests???
Hello Mac. You are doing a great job. you are seriously. I wanted to ask that

Do you know anyway to enable using the muskets. I mean the russian hardcore version do not work for me. So i just want to use thye muskets. Please let me know if you can use the muskets.

With best wishes
<!--quoteo(post=335944:date=Jul 8 2009, 02:28 AM:name=P2000)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (P2000 @ Jul 8 2009, 02:28 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=335944"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Hello Mac. You are doing a great job. you are seriously. I wanted to ask that

Do you know anyway to enable using the muskets. I mean the russian hardcore version do not work for me. So i just want to use thye muskets. Please let me know if you can use the muskets.

With best wishes

I'll try a few things and let you know P2000, I'v been wondering if we could get them too because I see the port soldiers have and use em.
<!--quoteo(post=335944:date=Jul 8 2009, 02:28 AM:name=P2000)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (P2000 @ Jul 8 2009, 02:28 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=335944"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Hello Mac. You are doing a great job. you are seriously. I wanted to ask that

Do you know anyway to enable using the muskets. I mean the russian hardcore version do not work for me. So i just want to use thye muskets. Please let me know if you can use the muskets.

With best wishes

Found what you were looking for P2000, in the text file [ CharacterUtilite.c ] located in [ C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters ], Search for the line of code [ if (chref.model.animation == "mushketer") ]. Right below that you will see a few lines of code that say [ if (groupName == GUN_ITEM_TYPE && itemID != "mushket") return; ] and [ if (groupName == GUN_ITEM_TYPE && itemID != "mushket2x2") return; ], If you erase all of those lines and change this line [ if (chref.id == "OffMushketer") ] to [ if (chref.id == "OnMushketer") ] you will be able to use Mushkets, But I noticed they are still attached at the hip, I dont know how to fix that lol..sry. My final product of code looked like this and it worked fine no errors.

if (chref.model.animation == "mushketer")
if (groupName == BLADE_ITEM_TYPE && itemID != "unarmed") return;
if (chref.id == "OnMushketer")

chref.equip.(groupName) = itemID;
You probably need the mushketer animation to be able to use a musket properly.
So you can't do that with a regular main character model; apparently there's special musketeer characters.
<!--quoteo(post=336092:date=Jul 8 2009, 06:14 PM:name=Pieter Boelen)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Pieter Boelen @ Jul 8 2009, 06:14 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=336092"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->You probably need the mushketer animation to be able to use a musket properly.
So you can't do that with a regular main character model; apparently there's special musketeer characters.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

I agree, What I got listed above will let you use the mushket like a hand pistol, but at least you can use it ROFL.
Well it does not work for me. i can not equip the musket. Do i need to start a new game? I changed and deleted but nothing works. So can you send me your CharacterUtilities.c

With best regards
Well people i am having some problems. When ever i change any file data or overwrite any file i have a error message. I am attaching the image. Even if i use any kind of mods or patches. I can not use the russian mod Coas hardcore. I found a website that translates mods. I translated it and tried to play but its does not work. It did not work even when it was not translated. I mean no kind of mods(translated or russian) is working on my computer. the musket thing, i changed and the game ran but i could not equip it. Now how do i play it with so many problems. If there is anyone please help.

With regards


  • Error.JPG
    44.7 KB · Views: 1,625
You can't just copy the russian mod into the game. You have to selectively use files from the russian mod.

The problem is the russian version of the game uses a completely different copy protection system.

Though the same game, the copy protected portions are NOT compatible with one another.

You'll need to reinstall and start over.

Cap'n Drow
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