• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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About Maelstrom engine

From what I can see, this line is causing the crash to desktop:

    GiveItem2Character(ch, BLADE_SABER);

But I don't know what it does...

Either the NH files I got back then were mismatched, or there was a leftover bug, or perhaps I inadvertently did a mass search/replace based on POTC by mistake...I don't know. It looks like NH code replaced all the older #defines with hardcoded item names, but either that one was missed during the replacements, or the code I have for NH was only partial, or my mistake...in any case, for now a simple fix is to add the old POTC #defines for them in Program\ITEMS\items.h:

#define BLADE_SABER "blade1"
#define BLADE_SHORT "blade1"
#define BLADE_NORMAL "blade1"
#define BLADE_LONG "blade1"
#define GUN_COMMON "pistol1"
#define CHEAP_SPYGLASS "spyglass1"
#define COMMON_SPYGLASS "spyglass2"
#define GOOD_SPYGLASS "spyglass3"
#define SUPERIOR_SPYGLASS "spyglass4"
#define POTION "potion1"

I added the above in the itch version and it is updating now.
Either the NH files I got back then were mismatched, or there was a leftover bug, or perhaps I inadvertently did a mass search/replace based on POTC by mistake...I don't know. It looks like NH code replaced all the older #defines with hardcoded item names, but either that one was missed during the replacements, or the code I have for NH was only partial, or my mistake...in any case, for now a simple fix is to add the old POTC #defines for them in Program\ITEMS\items.h:

#define BLADE_SABER "blade1"
#define BLADE_SHORT "blade1"
#define BLADE_NORMAL "blade1"
#define BLADE_LONG "blade1"
#define GUN_COMMON "pistol1"
#define CHEAP_SPYGLASS "spyglass1"
#define COMMON_SPYGLASS "spyglass2"
#define GOOD_SPYGLASS "spyglass3"
#define SUPERIOR_SPYGLASS "spyglass4"
#define POTION "potion1"

I added the above in the itch version and it is updating now.

I will download now and test it.
well this is really sad, I don't have any clue where or why the game stalls when trying to start a game, since neither compile.log, nor system.log show anything suspicious and an error.log doesn't get created at all.

I tried to apply your fix above Chez, with no change.

@Pieter Boelen I didn't touch any default settings yet. BUT I initally copied the whole Maelstrom New Horizons to do the merge in a "test version" - which means I also copied the options, and start.ini .. but I doubt that this would cause problems other than maybe buggy controls

This is the only error in system.log that may be a problem:
Can't init font INTERFACE_SMALL

but other than that I don't really have an idea.. I can only code from error to error but I am lost without a logging :(
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well this is really sad, I don't have any clue where or why the game stalls when trying to start a game, since neither compile.log, nor system.log show anything suspicious and an error.log doesn't get created at all.

I tried to apply your fix above Chez, with no change.

@Pieter Boelen I didn't touch any default settings yet. BUT I initally copied the whole Maelstrom New Horizons to do the merge in a "test version" - which means I also copied the options, and start.ini .. but I doubt that this would cause problems other than maybe buggy controls

This is the only error in system.log that may be a problem:
Can't init font INTERFACE_SMALL

but other than that I don't really have an idea.. I can only code from error to error but I am lost without a logging :(

I also tested and again it crashes. It plays normally with 2016 version that Chez uploaded on itch.io, but when applying the 2018 build, it crashes.
I also tested and again it crashes. It plays normally with 2016 version that Chez uploaded on itch.io, but when applying the 2018 build, it crashes.

I fixed a few missing lines in PROGRAM folder (most of them from original POTC) and look what I've got now...


  • error.log
    548.2 KB · Views: 315
well thats definitly some hints here. Good job. Maybe you can look into the files with WinMerge and compare the itch.io Maelstrom New Horizons with my file, and see if I probably merged something wrong there.
well thats definitly some hints here. Good job. Maybe you can look into the files with WinMerge and compare the itch.io Maelstrom New Horizons with my file, and see if I probably merged something wrong there.

I forgot to mention that this is from your PROGRAM folder that you sent me. So I guess we have to start from beginning, because a lot of original POTC codes are missing.
What? I copied the whole PROGRAM folder and just merged those files, that got edited since 2016. Wdym with missing?
I have successfully booted up New Horizons 2018 build on Maelstrom engine. It needs to be tweaked, but the graphics and stability are worth the effort. I will keep trying to fix all the bugs and hopefully people will enjoy it because what Jeffrey did with Maelstrom is something extraordinary.
Methinks this topic can be an appropriate place to post my Maelstrom crash report.

Yesterday I did purchase Maelstrom on Itch and downloaded ERAS2. For gaming I use my secondary old desktop with WinXP on board, some dualcore 2GHz CPU (or 2,5GHz, don't remember correctly, sorry, need to check it later), 4Gb RAM and NVIDIA GT 630 video.

I chose the 'traditional' installation described in help PDF - I just created the folder ERAS2 in C:\Games, then I unpacked ERAS2 archive there, then I placed Maelstrom DirectX9-32 files in there too. I got a dozen of errors while unpacking ERAS2 with 7-Zip, mainly in TGA.TX files (don't know if it's important). Then I got an error when trying to run Config or Engine EXEs so I had to install Visual Studio 2017 from Maelstrom distributive. Then Config ran fine, I set 1024*768 resolution, checked the Creating Dumps tick and tried to run Engine. It started, the first engine starting little screen appeared, then I saw the loading screen (vintage ship art), it blinked a couple of times (brighter -> dimmer -> brighter again) and flung me back to desktop with no error messages. Dump file is created but it's empty.

I already have the last possible DirectX9 files installed. I installed Xiph.org files from Maelstrom pack just in case but to no avail.

Where can be the source of my troubles?
Methinks this topic can be an appropriate place to post my Maelstrom crash report.

Yesterday I did purchase Maelstrom on Itch and downloaded ERAS2. For gaming I use my secondary old desktop with WinXP on board, some dualcore 2GHz CPU (or 2,5GHz, don't remember correctly, sorry, need to check it later), 4Gb RAM and NVIDIA GT 630 video.

I chose the 'traditional' installation described in help PDF - I just created the folder ERAS2 in C:\Games, then I unpacked ERAS2 archive there, then I placed Maelstrom DirectX9-32 files in there too. I got a dozen of errors while unpacking ERAS2 with 7-Zip, mainly in TGA.TX files (don't know if it's important). Then I got an error when trying to run Config or Engine EXEs so I had to install Visual Studio 2017 from Maelstrom distributive. Then Config ran fine, I set 1024*768 resolution, checked the Creating Dumps tick and tried to run Engine. It started, the first engine starting little screen appeared, then I saw the loading screen (vintage ship art), it blinked a couple of times (brighter -> dimmer -> brighter again) and flung me back to desktop with no error messages. Dump file is created but it's empty.

I already have the last possible DirectX9 files installed. I installed Xiph.org files from Maelstrom pack just in case but to no avail.

Where can be the source of my troubles?

If you have Discord account, join this channel and we might try to help you out.

Join the Buccaneers Reef Discord Server!

PA! is not the official developer of Maelstrom. They only promote it as part of Storm engine development.
If you have Discord account, join this channel and we might try to help you out.

Looking at the popularity of this media I always think to myself: Can a good thing be called 'discord'?

No, I don't have an acoount, and when I try to create one I'm told "You are being rate limited". What does it mean exactly I don't know.

Is Discord the only way of communication about everything concerning Maelstrom?

They only promote it as part of Storm engine development.

BTW, I also tried the GoF Storm 1.2.7 pack you so kindly provided via Mega link in some other topic here, and couldn't make it run too. That is very strange because Storm games (PotC, SD:LR, Caribbean Tales, CoAS) run flawlessly on my system, be it old disk versions, not-completely-legal ISOs or GOG distributives I got as soon as they appeared in their store.