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Medium Priority 3D Sailing Mode: Flag-related Error Log

If this error occurs, then the ENTIRE function is aborted in the middle of it trying to load flags.
No wonder the flags can get a bit messed up at times.

But while I managed to replicate this insanity EVERY time straight upon loading an old savegame by @Jason,
I haven't yet been able to replicate it on demand in other situations.

I found myself a bunch of pirate ships at sea, then made a Save at Sea and loaded that.
This time, everything behaved perfectly fine.

I now know what ISN'T the problem (it has nothing to do with array sizes), but the actual issue remains elusive.

What I did do is to slightly modify the GetPirateFlag function to ensure EVERY character gets the required attributes set.
Not sure if that will help, but it can't hurt. :shrug
I have an ATTEMPTED FIX for this! Extract attached to PROGRAM\SEA_AI .

Basically, just added a crazy amount of 'makeint' function calls here, "just in case":
    if (!IsEntity(&PirateFlag[makeint(ntexture)])) { // PB: Add 'makeint' everywhere to avoid error logs
       sid = "" + ntexture;
       CreateEntity(&PirateFlag[makeint(ntexture)], "PFg" + sid);
       LayerAddObject(sCurrentSeaExecute, &PirateFlag[makeint(ntexture)], iPriority);
       LayerAddObject(sCurrentSeaRealize, &PirateFlag[makeint(ntexture)], iPriority);
       LayerAddObject("sea_reflection",  &PirateFlag[makeint(ntexture)], 3);

       if (hasPennant) {
         CreateEntity(&PiratePennant[makeint(ntexture)], "PPn" + sid);
         LayerAddObject(sCurrentSeaExecute, &PiratePennant[makeint(ntexture)], iPriority);
         LayerAddObject(sCurrentSeaRealize, &PiratePennant[makeint(ntexture)], iPriority);
         LayerAddObject("sea_reflection",  &PiratePennant[makeint(ntexture)], 3);
Seems to have helped. I also tried a single call at the beginning with ntexture = makeint(ntexture), but that didn't work.

It could be that this is ONLY needed on the IsEntity line, but since I do not understand this one bit, I'd rather be safe than sorry, so I added it EVERYWHERE!

As far as I can tell, I have observed correlation between this file and the lack of those annoying error.log entries.
So I'll add that to the next modpack and we'll see what happens....


  • AIShip.c
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