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Fixed Cannot board Tonina after capturing her


Master Mariner
In the Ardent storyline. After the killing the cap and capturing the ship, I cannot go back and board it. Wonder what I have done wrong?



  • compile.log
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I can't see anything wrong. "compile.log" shows that quest cases "ship_is_ours3", "restore_officers" and "crew_returning" have run, which means you should now own the ship. Santiago pier is quite big and you may need to move around a bit to find the boarding position - this is true generally, not just in the storyline.

But you've definitely done something wrong in your post because I can't see your picture! All I see is "IMG".
I am using a free image posting site. And the link there disappears really quickly. Here is .png version of the file. It is not I am mis-positioned. If I am in a wrong position, the ship icon wouldn't even show up, right ? In this case, the ship icon showed up but became a closed lock on the top left corner.

Btw, I have probably figured out why. Before doing this mission, I sold my initial boat, the tiny one I stole at Havana. If you do that, your ship would become locked like this. In the 2nd try, I did not sell my first boat and the mission worked as normal. But that initial boat is worth 15k, really valuable at this early stage. Not sure if this is the cause: the ship becomes locked because when I sell the first boat, my crew were gone? And I need a new crew to be able to access the new ship again?


  • Cannot board.png
    Cannot board.png
    1.9 MB · Views: 223
I tried your save and I can board it just fine. Press 'enter' and just use those options to teleport. 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg
I even went to Port Royal: Port Royale.jpg I've included a save where the ship is at Port Royal. Try it out if you want.

Also, I noticed every time I fast travel I get the memo "something is about to happen" thus, the game not letting me fast travel so it also might be one of the reason(s) that the boarding icon at the pier is locked saying you need to complete or finish something. You have three active quests and I am not really familiar with the Ardent Storyline so yeah. :bonaparte


  • -=Girl=- Open Sea August 13th, 1691.7z
    534.5 KB · Views: 217
I understand it is not a big issue. But if I don't sell that first stolen ship then this would not happen. What puzzles me is that how these two things are related?
If you sold the little tartane which you (or rather, your crew) stole in Havana, I'm surprised you got this far! @pedrwyth recently fixed a bug to do with berthing or selling your last ship; the fix went into my most recent update, but that came too late for your game.

The odd thing is that the same chunk of code which gives you the Tonina should also unlock the link between the dock and the ship. If you know how to edit "console.c", add this line to it:
 Locations[FindLocation("Santiago_port")].reload.l2.disable = 0;
Otherwise download this version of "PROGRAM\console.c". Load up your savegame, press F12, then the dock should unlock.


  • console.c
    35.3 KB · Views: 212
Well, in your latest version, Two Dogs Fighting won't talk to me outside the Town, so I am stuck. I reverted back to March version and there, you can sell Tartane no problem.
The problem with Two Dogs Fighting outside the town is because you didn't kill all the guards:
Problems escaping from prison

The only change in the 2nd September version which I can think of that might affect selling the tartane is that @pedrwyth tried to fix a bug in the shipyard interface relating to berthing or selling your only ship. If that's broken the story then it may have broken other things as well. I'll try it myself and, if necessary, the next update will have the earlier version of the shipyard interface.
The only change in the 2nd September version which I can think of that might affect selling the tartane is that @pedrwyth tried to fix a bug in the shipyard interface relating to berthing or selling your only ship. If that's broken the story then it may have broken other things as well. I'll try it myself and, if necessary, the next update will have the earlier version of the shipyard interface.

The change I made was related to a lack of an attribute if you had no ship and tried to re-launch a previously berthed one and being in ship berthing code SHOULD only affect that (as always with POTC NH code no guarantees) - I don't recall touching the shipyard interface?.

When I looked at the Ardent saved game provided above with the locked ship icon the attribute in question was in place and just the locator was locked - despite your code in an apparently executed case in compile to unlock it??

Console cleared it as expected.

(Given that selling your ship wipes your fleet location (via calling SetFleetInTown "") it may just be the order of the code lines in "Ship is ours" that causes the glitch (ie perhaps give ship to player, place at port then release the locator may sort it ?- I don't know why but just a thought) - but then I don't know why March version would be different.
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I tried rearranging "ship_is_ours" to give you the new ship before doing anything relating to the port. It didn't work. Some serious digging involving "console.c" and a 'dumpattributes' on Santiago port showed that another attribute, "olddisablevalue", is set to 1 by the time you board the Tonina for the deck fight. This is set in function "chrCheckReload" in "PROGRAM\Characters\characters_reload_check.c" as part of a determined effort to make sure you can't go through reload to ship if you don't have a ship, and is why "reload.l2.disable" is set back to 1 after I've set it to 0. I tried giving the player a dummy ship just before relocating to the deck - no effect, "olddisablevalue" must have been set when I first entered Santiago port from the town centre. OK, so being nice to the system doesn't work. A dirty hack does work. I added the line 'Locations[FindLocation("Santiago_port")].reload.l2.olddisablevalue = 0;' to "ship_is_ours", and that finally did the trick.
I tried rearranging "ship_is_ours" to give you the new ship before doing anything relating to the port. It didn't work. Some serious digging involving "console.c" and a 'dumpattributes' on Santiago port showed that another attribute, "olddisablevalue", is set to 1 by the time you board the Tonina for the deck fight. This is set in function "chrCheckReload" in "PROGRAM\Characters\characters_reload_check.c" as part of a determined effort to make sure you can't go through reload to ship if you don't have a ship, and is why "reload.l2.disable" is set back to 1 after I've set it to 0. I tried giving the player a dummy ship just before relocating to the deck - no effect, "olddisablevalue" must have been set when I first entered Santiago port from the town centre. OK, so being nice to the system doesn't work. A dirty hack does work. I added the line 'Locations[FindLocation("Santiago_port")].reload.l2.olddisablevalue = 0;' to "ship_is_ours", and that finally did the trick.

I didn't really think changing the order SHOULD be effective but a straw to clutch at. Some serious sleuthing there. :onya I did search for other instances of reload.l2.disable for the port to see if I could find somewhere else it was being set but a different attribute to work in a wider function is damn sneaky. I wonder who thought that was needed and why?
we can close this thread now. It is working perfectly with the latest patch and Roger storyline fix
Thanks for reporting back!

Thread marked as "Fixed" and moved to the Archive now.

It'll remain open for posts though; just in case someone ever needs it in the future. :doff