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Need Help Sound format and add locators

Here are 2 settings that work for .wav sound effects:

22050Hz 16bit Mono 352kb/s
22050Hz 16bit Stereo 705kb/s

among others.

for music it's .OGG:

44100Hz 16 bit Stereo and almost anything for kb/s

Maybe i must try make all sound in ogg? Or better use wav?

My sound have very low kb/s

if need i can upload files
I can not change the sounds, can anyone help? The beginning of the phrase is cut off a little.
Guys I solved the issue with music and sounds, but I do not remember what values locators turn the character clockwise or counter-clockwise?
If xx = zz = 1 and xz = zx = o (and yy =1) the locator(and character) is turned in the "main" direction.
That would on a ship be looking forward.

To turn him 90 degrees to the right set xx = zz = 0 and xz = 1 and zx = -1.
To turn him 90 degress to the right set xx = zz = 0 and xz = -1 and zx = 1.
To turn him 180 degress set xx = zz = -1. eg. change all + to - and vice versa.

To turn him 45 degrees to the right set xx = zz = 1 and xz = 1 and zx = -1.

From this I think you can figure out the rest.

The console is very useful to teleport you to any location when testing.
Cant fix this sit locator. Need some turn too left. SOS!

Save locators in tool



  • Corsairs3_0004.jpg
    337.5 KB · Views: 120
If you change the values for sit_front4 to match those for sit5, it will probably be facing too far left. So the values for sit_front4 need to be somewhere between what they are now and the values for sit5.
If you change the values for sit_front4 to match those for sit5, it will probably be facing too far left. So the values for sit_front4 need to be somewhere between what they are now and the values for sit5.

I need turn main hero, no move locator. all correct?
When you place the hero on "sit_front4", he will face the direction that "sit_front4" is pointing. So, to turn the hero, you turn "sit_front4". And that is done by changing the xx, xz, zx and zz values.
When you place the hero on "sit_front4", he will face the direction that "sit_front4" is pointing. So, to turn the hero, you turn "sit_front4". And that is done by changing the xx, xz, zx and zz values.
nobody cant say for +\- valve?