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Fixed Ships La Couronne Assassins Storyline


I have discovered another little thing in this storyline, this is not a bug that apprears most of the time but I do report it here because there this CAN be happen.

Just following the quest line and capture the La Couronne at in the description but my ship was heavily damaged in the progress and I had to flee (I have hit a lot of hitpoints before I succeed board the La Couronne). The quest was to capture the La Couronne and I have done that but I haven't sunk or capture the rest of the French ships because my HP was to low and when I reached Havana Vice-Admiral Benavides only sais .... to me if I talk to him, first I thought there was a bug here but when I reload it again and capture the Couronne and the other two ships Benavides just talk to me how it is supposed to be happen. Like I said at the begin of this thread this is not a big bug or something but I think this needs so editing in the questbook so it sais that you must take out ALL THE FRENCH SHIPS. If someone can tell me where I can find the right file to does this I can look if I can fix this little one by myself ;) After that I shall of course upload the file so you can use it for the new beta ;)
If I recall, it doesn't work if La Couronne is a capture ship; you must captain her YOURSELF for it to work.
If I recall, it doesn't work if La Couronne is a capture ship; you must captain her YOURSELF for it to work.

If I'm not mistaken I was captain her myself that time. I thought it won't work because I don't sunk the other two ships and when I get back there they still were there
I have found the right file with luck and here it is, now there is also mentioned to sunk the other two French ships ;)


  • Couronne.zip
    931 bytes · Views: 141
Yup you need to be owner of the ship.
In the dialog file it says this:
case "begin_84":
            if (pchar.ship.type == "FR_Couronne")
            dialog.snd = "Voice\CLLA\CLLA004";
            dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[165];
            link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[166];
            link.l1.go = "begin_85";
                        AddMoneyToCharacter(pchar, 30000);
            dialog.snd = "Voice\CLLA\CLLA004";           
            dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[0];
            Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[1];
            Link.l1.go = "Exit";           

This is only initiated if you killed the captain of the ship, you don't have to destroy the other ships but the captain of La Couronne should be killed.
I have no idea why this check is here cause you shouldn't be able to get to this place anyway.
So I'd sugest changing the piece of code in POTC\PROGRAM\Storyline\Assassin\dialogs\Salvadore Benavides_dialog.c to:

case "begin_84":        
            dialog.snd = "Voice\CLLA\CLLA004";
            dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[165];
            link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[166];
            link.l1.go = "begin_85";
            AddMoneyToCharacter(pchar, 30000);

could you check if that works?
Eeeehh what do you want me do to exactly? Hehehe I'm a bit busy adding the side quest in Jack Sparrow storyline.

I hope I have finished that before the next build beta, I'm working on the Santaigo ship quest now and change it into my own version (Hope you like it) and then I must fix the Hitman quest and then alm quests work except that Patric Cardone one but I couldn't find much about this in the files
put this in

Not yet fixed sorry
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I have no idea why this check is here cause you shouldn't be able to get to this place anyway.
So I'd sugest changing the piece of code in POTC\PROGRAM\Storyline\Assassin\dialogs\Salvadore Benavides_dialog.c to:
I think the reason is because you get your own ship back at that point and not having that check would allow you to keep La Couronne.
Ah, I removed the check for now but then something else needs to be done probally. Will look at this later again.
Uuhm I do recommend to take out the other two French ships as well. I was playing the Henry Morgan quest Levis had fixed today and when I reached Cozumel to get to Vera Cruz the English ships from the La Couronne quest are still there so it means the French too if you don't sunk them and they attack you every time again if you go to Cozumel and you're at war with France. I don't know why these ships are still there but as long as they are there its better to sunk them in the Couronne quest or make sure you're not a war with England or France before going to Cozumel again..
For some reason, it sounds to me like quest ships have a tendency now to stick around after they should have been gone.
Not entirely sure where that came from; I don't think it used to do that.
For some reason, it sounds to me like quest ships have a tendency now to stick around after they should have been gone.
Not entirely sure where that came from; I don't think it used to do that.

I have no idea what could have caused that ... it's nice tough right? We just need to add something to the quests where it shouldn't then to delete to ships....
I think destroying all three would be nice altough I'm not sure how to programm that yet ...
Perhaps this example of the Standard Storyline pre-final battle can be helpful?
      Pchar.quest.Story_SinkPiratesAtKhaelRoa.win_condition.l1 = "NPC_Death";
       Pchar.quest.Story_SinkPiratesAtKhaelRoa.win_condition.l1.character = "Isenbrandt Jurcksen";
       Pchar.quest.Story_SinkPiratesAtKhaelRoa.win_condition.l2 = "NPC_Death";
       Pchar.quest.Story_SinkPiratesAtKhaelRoa.win_condition.l2.character = "Brian The Slayer";
       Pchar.quest.Story_SinkPiratesAtKhaelRoa.win_condition.l3 = "NPC_Death";
       Pchar.quest.Story_SinkPiratesAtKhaelRoa.win_condition.l3.character = "Thomas Norton";
       Pchar.quest.Story_SinkPiratesAtKhaelRoa.win_condition.l4 = "NPC_Death";
       Pchar.quest.Story_SinkPiratesAtKhaelRoa.win_condition.l4.character = "Robert Christopher Silehard";
// KK -->
       pchar.quest.Story_SinkPiratesAtKhaelRoa.win_condition.l5 = "location";
       pchar.quest.Story_SinkPiratesAtKhaelRoa.win_condition.l5.location = "KhaelRoa";
// <-- KK
       Pchar.quest.Story_SinkPiratesAtKhaelRoa.win_condition = "Story_SinkPiratesAtKhaelRoa";
Ah nvm I was sleeping :p you can ofc set multiple win conditions so no problem there ;).

it's a AND statement right? all things have to be done before the next thing is initiated?
Okay you should not sink all three ships and if you return without being the captain he will tell you to become captain first.

I wasn't able to test it so please do for me.


  • Assassin Fix.zip
    49.4 KB · Views: 134
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Would be great if someone can confirm this to work
Sorry, it would take me a week of playing to get to that point. It is deep in the game.