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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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BUILD 14 BETA 3.1 Polish translation

It must be in that Multilanguage Archive I uploaded a while ago, right?
Indeed, it was, thanks. Don't mind if I upload it here because I can't have text coding in 2 languages at once (different letters).
; nations
string = England,"Англия"
string = Britain,"Британия"
string = France,"Франция"
string = Spain,"Испания"
string = Pirate,"Пираты"
string = Holland,"Голландия"
string = Portugal,"Португалия"
; RM
string = Russian,"Русский"
string = English,"Английский"
string = French,"Французский"
string = Spanish,"Испанский"
string = Pirates,"Пиратский"
string = Dutch,"Голландский"
string = Portuguese,"Португальский"
string = British,"Британский"
string = 1England,"английскими"
string = 1France,"французскими"
string = 1Spain,"испанскими"
string = 1Pirate,"пиратскими"
string = 1Pirates,"пиратскими"
string = 1Holland,"голландскими"
string = 1Portugal,"португальскими"
string = 1Britain,"британскими"

string = 1English,"английскими"
string = 1French,"французскими"
string = 1Spanish,"испанскими"
string = 1Pirate,"пиратскими"
string = 1Pirates,"пиратскими"
string = 1Dutch,"голландскими"
string = 1Portuguese,"португальскими"
string = 1British,"британскими"

string = 2English,"Английские"
string = 2French,"Французские"
string = 2Spanish,"Испанские"
string = 2Pirates,"Пиратские"
string = 2Pirate,"Пиратские"
string = 2Dutch,"Голландские"
string = 2Portuguese,"Португальские"
string = 2British,"Британские"

string = 3England,"Англии"
string = 3France,"Франции"
string = 3Spain,"Испании"
string = 3Pirate,"Берегового Братства"
string = 3Holland,"Голландии"
string = 3Portugal,"Португалии"
string = 3Britain,"Британии"
string = 3no nation,"Берегового Братства"

string = 4English,"английский"
string = 4French,"французский"
string = 4Spanish,"испанский"
string = 4Pirate,"пиратский"
string = 4Pirates,"пиратский"
string = 4Dutch,"голландский"
string = 4Portuguese,"португальский"
string = 4British,"британский"

string = 5English,"английских"
string = 5French,"французских"
string = 5Spanish,"испанских"
string = 5Pirate,"пиратских"
string = 5Pirates,"пиратских"
string = 5Dutch,"голландских"
string = 5Portuguese,"португальских"
string = 5British,"британских"

string = pEnglish,"Англии"
string = pFrench,"Франции"
string = pSpanish,"Испании"
string = pPirates,"Берегового Братства"
string = pDutch,"Голландии"
string = pPortuguese,"Португалии"
string = pBritish,"Британии"
string = pno nation,"Береговому Братству"

string = pEngland,"Англии"
string = pFrance,"Франции"
string = pSpain,"Испании"
string = pPirate,"Береговому Братству"
string = pHolland,"Голландии"
string = pPortugal,"Португалии"
string = pBritain,"Британии"

string = capEnglish,"Англии"
string = capFrench,"Франции"
string = capSpanish,"Испании"
string = capPirate,"Берегового Братства"
string = capPirates,"Берегового Братства"
string = capDutch,"Голландии"
string = capPortuguese,"Португалии"
string = capBritish,"Британии"
string = capno nation,"Береговому Братству"

string = swbritish,"англичане"
string = swenglish,"англичане"
string = swfrench,"лягушатники"
string = swspanish,"испанцы"
string = swdutch,"голландцы"
string = swportuguese,"португальцы"

string = s_w_british,"англичанином"
string = s_w_english,"англичанином"
string = s_w_french,"французом"
string = s_w_spanish,"испанцем"
string = s_w_dutch,"голландцем"
string = s_w_portuguese,"португальцем"

string = sw_british,"английский"
string = sw_english,"английский"
string = sw_french,"французский"
string = sw_spanish,"испанский"
string = sw_dutch,"голландский"
string = sw_portuguese,"португальский"
string = sw_pirate,"пиратский"

string = gen_Britain,"Британия"
string = gen_France,"Вранция"
string = gen_Spain,"Испания"
string = gen_Pirate,"Пираты"
string = gen_Holland,"Голландия"
string = gen_Portugal,"Португалия"

string = adj_British,"Британский"
string = adj_French,"Французский"
string = adj_Spanish,"Испанский"
string = adj_Pirate,"Пиратский"
string = adj_Dutch,"Голландский"
string = adj_Portuguese,"Португальский"

string = d_british,"англичанин"
string = d_english,"англичанин"
string = d_french,"француз"
string = d_spanish,"испанец"
string = d_dutch,"голландец"
string = d_portuguese,"португалец"
string = d_pirate,"пират"

string = d_sw_british,"английский козёл"
string = d_sw_english,"английский козёл"
string = d_sw_french,"лягушатник"
string = d_sw_spanish,"испанский павлин"
string = d_sw_dutch,"голландский увалень"
string = d_sw_portuguese,"португальский сапог"
string = d_sw_pirate,"грязный разбойник"
Yes, that is correct, whenever you want "Ą" in the game you must write "¥" in the code, whenever you want "ą" in the game you must write "¹" in the code, and so on (if the characters look the same for you as they do for me). Unfortunately, that's how the font files and texture files are set up. :/
Okay, thank you, but can't I change this code a bit?
I once tried to "sense it up" a bit for the Ç, but I broke more than I fixed. Should be possible though, but doesn't appear to be too simple. :facepalm
Just letting know that work is going slower now cause my left eye is in bad condition. I hope I'll finish 'til August 2014. Greetings.
You'd best check with Baste. I think he has been the most successful on font work.
Can someone post here these Beta 2.5 font files that Baste mentioned, please?
I don't have access to those for at least another month. Hopefully somebody else can help you out soon.
I'm sorry it took so long to get the beta 2.1 installed. :oops:

Here is what I think you say you need. Let me know if you want more.


  • fonts_euro.7z
    3.6 KB · Views: 80
  • Menu font.tga.tx.7z
    41.9 KB · Views: 96
  • Like
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I once tried to "sense it up" a bit for the Ç, but I broke more than I fixed. Should be possible though, but doesn't appear to be too simple. :facepalm
And how did you do this?
Second thing: are the files from PROGRAM/DIALOGS used at all or only those from Storyline folder?
And how did you do this?
I was messing around with the RESOURCE\INI\fonts.ini file. Unless it was fonts_euro.ini/fonts_rus.ini . Can't remember now.
I didn't actually manage it though because it is VERY annoying and apparently more complicated than it looks.

Second thing: are the files from PROGRAM/DIALOGS used at all or only those from Storyline folder?
The PROGRAM\DIALOGS folder is used a lot for all regular files.
The Storyline folder is only used for quest-specific characters and/or for default dialogs that need to be overridden for quest purposes.
But is anyone here capable of doing this, I really hope so.
P.S. I understand that I can rely on PA with the release, yeah?I don't wanna do it elswhere.
Send a PM to Baste. He's the main expert on doing such things. Alternatively, try konradk, but he hasn't been actively around for quite a while.

Of course we'll do what we can to support your release when the time comes. :yes
Another matter: does someone have the "tapescript" (dunno how to call it in English) of these movie cutscenes from Hornblower and Jack storylines? I don't understand the talking good enough.:oops:
Thank you very much, but maybe someone here is more "native" with this language so can write it down here.:wp Would be a great help.