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Woodes Rogers Part 2 - (07) Isla Mona

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  • Isla Mona (top)

    • Sail to Isla Mona. The swedish town Kristiania is to the left after the palisade.

    Kristiania (top)

    The auction (top)

    • You arrive at the end of an auction.
    • Ask any citizen about Blackbeard’s tower. Exit is to the left from the town center.
    • Walk on until you reach the mountain ‘wall’. Go around it to see Blackberad’s tower.
    • Return to the wall and search for the ladders up to the entrance and climb up.
    • A Lever is needed here so return to Kristiania and talk to the auctionist.
    • Buy the auction list of sold Blackbeard items.
    • Examine it closely to update your questbook. There are six items.
    • The citizens can now give you directions to the locations you are interested in.

    1 - Letter (top)

    • The Townhall in the Kristiania center is now open.
    • There’s a Cupboard and a Chest (Letter) to loot upstairs.
    • The Governor’s wife gives you the password to the Fort.

    2 - Cutlasses (top)

    • With the password you’re allowed to enter the Fort.
    • Go to the highest level and continue up the Tower.
    • In the Commander’s Office you find the two Cutlasses.

    3 - Flagchest (top)

    • Continue through the Fort until you get to ‘Nueva Suecia lower town’, one of the spanish parts of Kristiania.
    • The Shipyard’s called Astillero in spanish. Knock on the door.
    • Find the Ladder and climb to the Bell. The sound will call out the shipyard owner.
    • Quick, jump down and enter the Shipyard. The owner is locked out.
    • Exit down to the (dry) dock and into the old wreck. Three items to find here.
    • A Flagchest, incense and ‘rectangular tile with some colored strings’.
    • Exit to the Port with the raft at the far end.

    4 - Amulet (top)

    • Return to the Lower Town. Talk to the cardinal outside the Cathedral and enter it.
    • There’s something hidden in the Collection box. Also a locked secret exit from the Confessional box. Careful when placing the rectangular tile on the Confessional box.
    • Turn off the electricity behind the Altar first. Place the tile and electricity on again.
    • Now you can open the secret door with button.
    • You exit to the ‘Nueva Suecia inner town’.
    • To the right is the Tavern and upstairs the Priests room. Search it for a small piece of wire and incense. Create a Hook of the wire.
    • Return to the Cathedral and use the Hook in the Collection box. You find the Amulet.

    5 - Tricorn (top)

    • Exit again to the Inner town and continue to the Upper town.
    • The Tailor is to the left of the stairs. Go upstairs and find the Order-book.
    • Exit to the balcony and continue the roof tour.
    • Be careful at the Shutter. If you’re very quick you don’t fall to the ground.
    • Then it’s safe to the Oriel room. Find the Key to the town and the Tricorn.
    • Examine the Tricorn until you find Teach’s Gold Key.
    • Exit down to the alley and the town.
    • It’s now open to Kristiania entre but not to the Center.
    • Find the Lever in the Upper town to open the grating to the Lower town.
    • Now go all the way back to Kristiania center.

    6 - Logbook (top)

    • Examining the Order-book gives information of the ‘Red House’.
    • Exit the town center through the dark brown wooden house. (with the brothel)
    • In the jungle never choose left-left or right-right after each other.
    • In the Red House hall incense and in the living room the Logbook.
    • Return to Kristiania center. Now it’s time to visit Blackbeard’s tower.

    Blackbeard’s tower (top)

    • Climb to the entrance of Blackbeard’s tower and use one of the Cutlasses instead of a Lever to open the door. After the bridge use the other Cutlass.
    • At the foot of the stairs an open Chest and a door.
    • Behind the door, is a trap! Exit very fast and you may survive.

    Two caves (top)

    • Go up to the next door and into the Cave with the church window.
    • There’s a swivel gun here you can’t move and an open floor hatch. Go down.
    • YES! There is the Treasure. Behind bars though. Take the Boom and go up.
    • Use the Boom to turn the gun. The hatch closes but the church windows opens.
    • Go outside down the ladder. A Lever here is missing and a Tartane is ready to sail.

    Signal with flags (top)

    • Return to the stairs and go all the way up to the roof.
    • Open the Flagchest and remove all flags.
    • Examine the Letter. On the backside a six-letter code.
    • Raise flags with names starting with the alphabetic characters in the code. In that exact order. You’ll see the ‘spelled’ letters to the left. A cannon shot when you’re done.
    • The Amulet is used to activate the Tourist spyglass. You see smoke from an islet.

    Islet (top)

    • Return to the Tartane and sail to the islet. Smoke from a chimney in the ground.
    • A hut is hidden in the sand but the door is locked.
    • Talk to Louis Arot at the chimney. When he gets the Logbook he opens the door.
    • In the passage an open Chest. After Arot dialog:
    • Teach’s Chest is on the upper ‘floor’. Unlock it with the Gold Key. Take the Lever.
    • Return to Blackbeard’s tower and use the Lever. You hear water sound.
    • Open the hatch again and go down. The water is gone and a steplock is visible.
    • It opens to the Treasure!
    • Careful with the trap from this side too.
    • Take the Censer, Aron’s Rod, the Book and try to take the Painting as well.
    • Suddenly a door opens…

    Into the unknown (top)

    • The right passwords from the list are based on the Fibonacci numbers: 1 1 2 3 5 8.
    • The first one from the top of the list, the second from the end, third top etc.
    • The Conquistadores also demands Inca gold. Found in a Chest on the floor to the right after the Painting.
    • Next time they want more Inca gold. Take the Chair near the Guillotine and place it under the first cage after the Painting.
    • The Priests demand Black magic items. Turn around from the Priests. At the exit to the right is a Toolchest on the floor. Examine it to take out the Tools.
    • Go to the Ladder and with the help of the Hammer you can loosen it.
    • Place the Ladder under the Cage with a Chest in the Guillotine room.
    • Bring the Black magic items to the Priests.
    • The two Demons at the last obstacle want their Contracts back.
    • Those papers are in a Chest on top of the Cage opposite the Gallows.
    • Try place the Ladder here. It’s not long anough. Remove it.
    • Instead take the Chair and place it first. Then the Ladder on the Chair.
    • Take the Dagger and the Contracts. Given the Contracts the Demons unlocks the
    • Gate and disappears.

    Old Nick (top)

    • There will be a very difficult fight with ‘Old Nick’ next.
    • He’s got two dangerous weapons. A Blade with Thunder effetcs and
    • a Wand (pistoltype) with Lightning effects.
    • Your offense weapon is Aron’s Rod. (blue effect)
    • The (pistol) Censer you’ve got gives protection for a few seconds. (white smoke)
    • The Incense is the ‘ammunition’ for it.
    • The Myrrh is your only healing potions you’ve got left.
    • Hit Old Nick nine times and he’ll disappear.
    • He’ll transform you into a Skeleton though as a revenge.
    • If you go near the Gate of Hell the little of you that remains is burned.

    Return to Kristiania (top)

    • Go back to Blackbeard’s tower. Use the Dagger to cut out the Painting.
    • Take the Painting and the Damaged book and exit to the stairs.
    • The trap is now harmless. (as you don’t have any body)
    • Leave Blackbeard’s tower the same way you came.
    • After the mountain tunnel you scare your officers away by your appearance.
    • Claire Voyant helps you get your body back. Call your officers and you return to Kristiania with them. Continue to your ship in the Isla Mona port and sail to Blackbeard’s cave for the Treasure.
    • With the Treasure safe onboard you weigh anchor and immediately sail into a storm.

    Next part here : Woodes Rogers Part 2 (08) Careen Shore
