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Woodes Rogers Part 2 - (02) Richards

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  • Cave shore (top)

    • Cave shore is on Jamaica too. The bay east of Port Royal. Visiting Vane gives knowledge about four french surgeons who should have treated Richards. They all came from Tortuga.

    Tortuga (top)

    • Ask the citizens about the surgeons. The first one is said to be living in a wood house near the townhall. Visit him.
    • Ask the citizens about the gunsmith. Visit him.
    • Ask the citizens about the sailmaker. Visit him.
    • Ask the citizens about a carriage. Visit the carriage girl and find out where the fourth surgeon is.
    • Go through the townhall to the tower.
    • High up outside you suddenly meet Edvard Cook and must defeat him in a duel.
    • Loot him and continue all the way up to the Dovecote.
    • Talk to the surgeon and get information about a monastary in Cartagena

    Cartagena (top)

    • Ask the citizens about the monastary. After the port it’s first to the left then right.
    • Use the door to the right of the double doors leading to the inner yard.
    • Coming out on grass again search for a wall cupboard very much to the left.
    • Go back and enter the Abbey through the gate at the crosses on the ground.

    The Abbey (top)

    • To the right you have a Small Chapel and an open shed.
    • A First Aid Kit in the chest in the shed. Very important later on.
    • Next is the Graveyard with two Crypts and a Bell Tower. All four buildings are locked.
    • Straight ahead you have the Abbey building. Enter the Refectory and talk to any nun.
    • You get information about Sister Richards being in the Bell Tower.
    • Return to the Graveyard and talk to Sister Richards. She tells the story of Blackbeard’s blockade of Charleston:

    Charleston blockade (top)

    • Play as Teach. Exit to the deck and to the hole in the railing. Talk to your officers.
    • You decide to take a nap and return to your cabin.
    • Exit to the deck again and go to the hole. Richards arrives. Go talk to him.
    • Return up the ramp to QAR and broadsides are fired.

    The Abbess (top)

    • Sister Richards has left the map to the abbess. Her room is on the upper floor.
    • Go there and find (half of) the map in a chest. The abbess arrives. Tell her the truth.
    • Accept a mission to collect her eight church items and she’ll reward you with the other map-piece. The items are to be found in the Small Chapel and the two Crypts.

    The Small Chapel (top)

    • Examine the map-piece you’ve got. There’s a sketch drawn on the backside.
    • Return to the Graveyard. The Bell Tower is open but you can’t ring the Bell.
    • The only way in is to brake the window of the Small Chapel.
    • Find the Exorcist Book (1) and under a floor hatch a Hammer.

    The Bell Tower (top)

    • Use the Hammer in the Bell Tower. The sound makes a nun appear from the White crypt.

    The White Crypt (top)

    • In there a chest at the entrance. Wax candles (2).
    • The lower door is locked but the key is found on the right wall.
    • A chest straight ahead. Altar bread (3) and wine.
    • There’s a locked door to the cell behind the wall with the cross.
    • Now see the sketch and open the coffins in 1 – 2 – 3 - 4 order. The cell door opens.
    • Go down to the cell. A Censer (4) in the chest. Also check the straw on the floor.

    The Grey Crypt (top)

    • Leave the White crypt and you’ll see a nun open to the Grey crypt.
    • From the coffin a dangerous witch attacks you. Defeat her with the Censer (a pistol).
    • She’ll probably poison you but you should have an antidote by now.
    • Open the coffin again and get the Broom.
    • In the Grey crypt items (5), (6) and (7) are found.

    The White Crypt again (top)

    • Return to the Cell in the White crypt. Use the Broom on the straw.
    • Item (8) is there. Now return to the abbess. She’s in the Chapel with all nuns.

    The Other map-piece (top)

    • You get the other map-piece. Repair the map with the First Aid Kit.
    • You can only leave the Abbey if the map is repaired. Examine the map.

    The Cloister fight (top)

    • In the Cloister the monks are under attack from some thugs.
    • Join the fight in the Inner yard. Just try to survive.
    • If the fight ends with any of the enemies not dead but only stunned you’re expected to finish him off.
    • Leave the Cloister and maybe yo’ll get an item from sister Richards.

    Next part here : Woodes Rogers Part 2 (03) Israel Hands
