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Unity - Setup of a gun in Maya

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      Modeling guidelines
         Unity - Modelsetup (MAYA)
         Unity - Setup of a gun in Maya
         Advanced foliage shader
         Emissive shader
         Fabric shader
         Main shader
         ReliefTerrain shaders
         Sail shader
         SSS shader
         Suimono 2.0 water shader
      Texturing Guidelines
            (3a) CryEngine - CGF setup Maya
            (3b) CryEngine - CGA setup Maya
         CryEngine - Console commands
         CryEngine - Important keys
      Greater Antilles
         Puerto Rico
         St Domingo
      Lesser Antilles
            La Désirade
         Sint Eustatius
         St Barts
         St Croix
         St Johns
         St Kitts
         St Lucia
         St Martins
         St Thomas
         St Vincent
         Virgin Gorda
      Southern Caribbean
   03. Credits
  • By Wedori // 14. August 2014

    To setup a gun for Unity in Maya is very easy. You have a top group with the name of the gun. Below this top group node follows the part group nodes. And in dependency to the groups, the lower part groups (for example the wheels in dependency to the carriage).

    The naming of the gun follows this rules:

    An example:
    Name_Calibre & Nation_year_length_Material & Weight

    The example means:
    12pdr English/British
    Cast or Establisment: 1716
    9ft6in: Length
    BR: Bronze (IR Iron)

    Nation shortcuts:
    EB: English/British
    FR: French
    SW: Swedish
    DA: Danish(-Norwegian)

    Cannon = Gun
    Carronade = Carronade
    Mortar = Mortar


    Please note the Rotation axis of all PART-GROUPS!

    "_proxy" is the naming, Unity looks for it and take as proxymesh for physical interaction.
    "_LOD0" is the rendermesh (highest Polycount)






    Please note, that the naming of the helpers (locaters) are case sensitive. The "muzzle" is placed short behind bores faces and "breach" at the end of the bore. Thats need to calculate the right angle of the balls firing direction.
