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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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The Natividad Incident

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  • Promotion and New Orders​ (top)

    When you are promoted to Post Captain, the governor tells you to report to Admiral Pellew in Bridgetown Naval HQ. QB update.

    Go to Bridgetown Naval HQ and talk to Admiral Pellew. He orders you to deliver muskets and ammunition to Don Julian Alvarado in the fort at Playa de Sabana. You are given 500 units of gunpowder in your hold and 100 muskets in your inventory. QB update.
    (If you have completed the storyline extension "Hunt the Traitors", you will first report the results to Admiral Pellew. When that is finished, talk to him again.)

    Deliver the Cargo​ (top)

    Sail to Cuba. Make sure you still have at least 500 units of gunpowder and 100 muskets before you arrive!

    Upon arrival at Cuba, teleport to the quarterdeck. Talk to Lt. William Bush. Jose Hernandez arrives. Talk to Jose Hernandez, then to Lt. William Bush.

    Teleport to Playa de Sabana beach. QB update. Jose Hernandez warns you not to take the path to Havana. Follow him to the fort. You may know the way to the fort but you won't be able to enter until Jose Hernandez arrives to unlock the door. In the courtyard, observe a gallows and some prisoners. Follow Jose Hernandez to Don Julian Alvarado's quarters (formerly the dining room).

    Talk to Don Julian Alvarado, who calls himself El Supremo. If you do not have the required amount of powder or muskets, you are executed. Otherwise he threatens you, then backs down when he looks out of the window at your ship. Talk to Jose Hernandez about supplies. Talk to Don Julian. A messenger arrives with a report in Spanish. Don Julian translates - the 'Natividad' is on its way and he wants you to capture her, then give the ship to him. QB update.

    The "Natividad" Arrives​ (top)

    Return to Playa de Sabana beach. When you go to the boat, teleport to the quarterdeck. Talk to Lt. William Bush. The muskets and gunpowder are removed and you gain some supplies. QB update.

    Night time on the quarterdeck. Talk to Lt. William Bush.

    Teleport to cabin. Talk to Lieutenant Crystal, then to Midshipman Longley. Time passes and now you're at the dining table. Talk to Lieutenant Crystal, then to Lt. William Bush, then to Midshipman Longley.

    Teleport to Playa de Sabana beach. Talk to Midshipman Longley, then Mr. Perrin.

    Take the "Natividad"​ (top)

    Follow Mr. Perrin's directions to Punta de Maisi - pass the first turn to left, continue to a jungle scene with a hill on a tree, then turn left to the beach. (If you go the wrong way, you are likely to be attacked by a Spanish patrol.)

    At Punta de Maisi beach, observe the "Natividad" near the shore. Walk to the water's edge. Teleport to the deck of the "Natividad". Auto-run to the quarterdeck. Talk to Midshipman Longley. Duel the Spanish captain, Cristobal Leon, who surrenders when you have dealt enough damage. Talk to Lt. William Bush, then to Cristobal Leon. QB update.

    Morning on the quarterdeck. Talk to Lt. William Bush.

    Scene reload. Talk to Lt. William Bush. Eleven cannons fire a salute as Don Julian Alvarado comes aboard. Talk to Don Julian Alvarado. Talk to Lt. William Bush. Transfer to "HMS Lydia" at sea.

    Enemies Become Allies, Allies Become Enemies​ (top)

    Sail to Puerto Rico.

    In cabin, talk to Lt. William Bush. On deck, talk to Lieutenant Gerard. Talk to lugger captain Escovar Entenza, to Lt. William Bush, then to Escovar Entenza again. Spain has switched sides and is now Britain's ally, at war with France. Prisoners from "Natividad" arrive on deck. Self-dialog as you read Admiralty letter. Talk to Lady Barbara Wellesley, to Midshipman Longley, then again to Lady Barbara Wellesley. Talk to Escovar Entenza, then to Lady Barbara Wellesley. Talk to Escovar Entenza, then to Midshipman Longley, then to Lady Barbara Wellesley.

    Transfer to cabin. You become Midshipman Longley. Talk to Lady Barbara Wellesley. Talk to Oldroyd, then again to Lady Barbara Wellesley.

    QB update. Transfer to deck and revert to Hornblower. Talk to Lt. William Bush. Transfer to "HMS Lydia" at sea.

    Battle and Aftermath​ (top)

    Sail to Cuba. Upon arrival in Cuba waters, fight the "Natividad".

    After the battle, transfer to the quarterdeck. Talk to Oldroyd. Transfer to the crew quarters. Walk to the first cabin on the left to see Lady Barbara Wellesley and Midshipman Longley. Talk to Midshipman Longley and Lady Barbara Wellesley for Longley's death scene. QB update. Go manually to ship's deck, then to sea.

    Rewards​ (top)

    Sail to Barbados. Upon arrival in Barbados waters, transfer to deck. Talk to Rear Admiral Sir Rodney Leighton and Lady Barbara Wellesley. Transfer to Bridgetown port. Go to Bridgetown Naval HQ. Talk to Lt. Eccleston. Go upstairs to Officer Commanding Bridgetown Naval HQ. Talk to Rear Admiral Sir Edward Pellew. Receive "HMS Sutherland". QB update and close.