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Legend of Jack Sparrow - Brotherhood-Mings Story

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  • This walkthrough was created using Build 14 Beta 4 it may differ from other versions of the game.

    The Brotherhood - Mings Story (top)

    Talk to Mings – QB Update -- go to Mings room up steps by shipyard - and talk to Mings again - QB Update

    Go back to tavern and talk to Cutler Beckett and accept Escort job. – Let Beckett leave tavern – QB Update

    Go to Port -- Sail with Cutler Beckett's ship to Port Royale Jamaica

    At Port Royale Cutler Beckett talks to you on jetty – QB Update

    Go to EITC offices, through port gate, right, 1st building on right

    Enter - Simpkins talks to you - (Try walking round EITC office and see what Simkins says & Happens!)

    Go to Port Royale Tavern

    Talk to Thomas Tipman upstairs - QB Update

    Go back to EITC offices – Simkins talks to you - Cutler Beckett gives you 10,000 to use and bring profits back to him. – QB Update

    Profit is calculated on the total of money you have when Becket gives you the 10,000 plus the 10,000 ( i.e. you have 20,000 + 10,000 from Beckett – profit is calculated on 30,000 )

    SAVE HERE - Before you return to Cutler Beckett with the profit – if you have enough profit for him to send you to Muscetto Cove you will loose your ship & its cargo. ( get given EITC ship )

    If no profit - fired

    If profit less than 50% - told to try again

    If profit 50% - 100% - asked to Rescue EITC officer captive on Puerto Rico - William Wanderman – QB Update

    If profit more than 100 % - hired and given EITC ship & Passport and sent to Muscetto Cove, Antigua

    Rescue EITC officer captive on Puerto Rico - William Wanderman (top)

    Go to Port Royale Tavern - talk to Thomas Tipman - hire him

    Sail to San Juan Puerto Rico -- on jetty Thomas Tipman talks to you and leaves ( you never see him again )

    Go to tavern and ask around then exit tavern –


    - look towards port gates -- Thomas the Terror should be there --- go and talk to him


    EITHER to pay ransom for EITC officer ( I have not played this bit yet) [TRAP]

    OR rescue EITC officer yourself

    Rescue EITC officer - Thomas the Terror tell you to meet him outside Blacksmiths Shop ( QB says gate by church - same place). – QB Update

    With Port gates behind you take left hand bridge, at end turn left, down steps, turn right, through arch, turn right, through another arch, up steps, Thomas the Terror on your right.

    Talk to Thomas the Terror and then go out of gate into jungle. - follow path straight ahead to beach - Talk to EITC officer on beach and then Thomas the terror

    Go back through jungle, - through San Juan, at port gates Thomas the Terror says goodbye tells you to sail to Oyster beach - pick up EITC officer - sail to Port Royale , Jamaica.

    SAVE HERE - Before you return to Cutler Beckett – when you are sent to Muscetto Cove you will loose your ship & its cargo. ( get given EITC ship )

    Enter EITC offices Simpkins talks to you - talk to Cutler Beckett get reward, new Ship & EITC passport (lets you resupply at Antigua Naval Base) – QB Update - he sends you to Muscetto Cove, Antigua.

    Sail to Antigua

    Muscetto Cove, Antigua (top)

    You can go and talk to Tia Dalma at Muscetto Cove OR go and resupply at the Naval Port First

    Sail to Muscetto cove - Tia Dalma talks to you, - fight 3 slavers - Tia Dalma talks to you -receive Aztec Compass & clothes – QB Update

    Sail to Antigua Naval Port - Ask one of the Naval officers where store is, he will tell you where things are - go to Agent Victuallers ( has guy in Red uniform behind counter ) resupply and pick up cargo & packet for Beckett – QB Update

    Sail to Speightstown and go to Ming’s room - meet Mings & Lt Peter Willemoes - talk with Mings (if you do not get one of the items (packet or compass) - Mings will send you back to Antigua to get it - when you return to Mingswith both items - Mings will tell you to take Lt Peter Willemoes to meet Capt. Petros )

    Take Lt Willemoes to Guadeloupe to meet Capt. Petros & Meet the members of the Brotherhood (top)

    Transported out of Mings Room – QB Update - Mr Gibbs joins - talks to you

    Sail to Pointe a Pitre Guadeloupe

    On jetty Mr Gibbs talks to you - tell him to go to tavern – QB Update

    Go to tavern on entering Ann Bonney says "Talk to Jack" go and talk to Jack Rackham & Cap’n Drow

    Told to Resupply ship and come back when ready to sail

    Transported to Store - resupply if needed - go back to tavern

    On entering tavern - Jack Rackham talks to you – QB Update


    Sail to Anse Casse-Bois - on shore Mr Gibbs talks to you (2 choices)

    Gibbs to stay with ship


    Gibbs to come inland with you (see below)

    Gibbs to stay with Ship (top)

    Go through jungle on your own – go to house outside fort entrance ( 1st jungle screen )

    Transported to prison - Talk to Cap’n Drow. – escape – avoid 3 EITC officers in Port - sail to Turks - on jetty Petros talks to you - gives you your ship back.

    Mr Gibbs leaves you

    Sail to Lighthouse Bay, on Barbados

    Go Searching for Nathan Kell ( see below)

    Gibbs to come inland with you (top)

    Go through jungle to Petros' Plantation - go into house

    Talk to Petros - lots of talking - Willemoes talks - Capt Konrad talks - Willemoes leaves - Petros gives you part of map - asks you to rescue pirate. - QB Update

    No - refuse (I have not played this option yet)

    Yes - go back to Anse Casse-Bois - sail to Puerto Rico.

    At San Juan, Puerto Rico, go to tavern - talk to tavern keeper, ask about captured pirate - then talk to Barbossa, sitting at table near door. – QB Update

    Sail to island next to (south of) Puerto Rico. - go into jungle and find cave - Pirate ( Couch Captain Charles ) hiding in cave - talk to him. – QB Update

    Take Couch Captain Charles back to Petros on Guadeloupe.

    Petros talks to you - says Annamaria is waiting at Lighthouse on Barbados for you.- Mr Gibbs & Couch Captain Charles leave you

    Now go Searching for Nathan Kell

    Searching for Nathan Kell (top)

    Sail to Barbados - Annamaria is standing beside Lighthouse - go and talk to her – (gives you part of map – only if you did NOT get it from Petros – QB Update )


    Go to Bridgetown to find Nathan Kell [ Beware of TRAP ]

    Choose:- Sail to Bridgetown OR go through canyon by path at back of beach

    In Bridgetown - go to small church (Lt Bligh standing opposite the door) inside talk to Capt. Damski.

    Go to the building next to the church - up the steps - inside go to far end - transported into secret room - talk to Nathan Kell - gives you part of map. – QB Update

    Capt. Damski arrives and talks - Kell talks - exit Kell's hideout - Kell talks to you - you & Kell go through jungle to Speightstown and talk to Mings.


    Enter Mings room in Speightstown - Kell talks to you then - Kell talks to Mings - Mings talks to you - Lot of talk between you, Konrad Kulczycki & Lt Peter Willemoes


    Sail to Turks Island and Recover your ship with Petros, Kell and Konrad


    Sail to look for Treasure with Maximus & Philippe (see Below )

    Sail to Turks Island and Recover your ship with Petros, Kell and Konrad (top)

    Exit Mings Room

    Sail to Turks Island - on jetty Capt. Damski talks to you - gives you your ship back.

    Sail to Lighthouse Bay, Barbados

    On beach Cutler Beckett walks up and talks to you - long talk - then walk down beach to rowing boat - board Beckett's ship set sail and go to World Map - Storm Scene should appear - then image of body on beach you are taken to beach at night Davy Jones walks up and talks to you – QB Update

    Accept his offer - if refused - taken out of story ( do what you want) but can go and meet him later at Cozumel and will be made the same offer and return to the story (I have not played refusing his offer yet) - QB Update

    PIRATE LORD SIDE QUESTS CAN NOW BE PLAYED - Must accept Davy Jones' offer and become a member of the Pirate Brotherhood ( Served Nation-Pirate) to play these

    Now you have Black Pearl - go looking for Cortez Treasure (See below)

    Sail to look for Treasure with Maximus & Philippe (top)

    Exit Mings Room - Maximus talks to you

    Sail to Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe - Maximus talks to you on jetty

    Go to tavern on entering Jack Rackham talks to you - takes all the bits of map from you.

    Go to store and resupply ship at store ( if you don't go to store - when you come back to tavern talk to Lt Bligh for explanation )

    Go back to tavern Philippe talks to you – QB Update

    Sail to Isla de Muerte - South-South-West of Jamaica and North West of Aruba )

    3 places to land - Deserted Shore - Dead Mans Bay - Witches Rock - choose Deserted Shore - go up path to second part of beach - go into cave and find treasure - Maximus talks to you then Philippe - Maximus & Philippe leave – QB Update

    Exit cave go to ship – fight Pirates on Beach

    Sail to Dead Mans Bay - go into the wrecked ship

    Captain Teague there - he talks to you - do what he says

    Sail back to the treasure - at treasure talk to yourself.

    Sail to Cayman - at port Maximus & Philippe run up to you - Philippe talks to you - get 3 map pieces back - Maximus & Philippe leave.

    Sail to Turks Island - on jetty Capt. Damski talks to you - gives you your ship back.

    Sail to Lighthouse Bay, Barbados

    On beach Cutler Beckett walks up and talks to you - long talk - then walk down beach to rowing boat - board Beckett's ship set sail and go to World Map - Storm Scene should appear - then image of body on beach you are taken to beach at night Davy Jones walks up and talks to you – QB Update

    Accept his offer - if refused - taken out of story ( do what you want) but can go and meet him later at Cozumel and will be made the same offer and return to the story (I have not played refusing his offer yet) – QB Update

    PIRATE LORD SIDEQUESTS CAN NOW BE PLAYED- Must accept Davy Jones' offer and become a member of the Pirate Brotherhood ( Served Nation-Pirate) to play these

    Now you have Black Pearl - go looking for Cortez Treasure (See below)

    Black Pearl - looking for Cortez Treasure (top)

    Davy Jones tells you Barbossa either at Tortuga Tavern - QB Update

    Sail to Tortuga - in tavern talk to Barbossa - given part of map - go and find Ragetti & Pintel - they are by the Shipyard talk to Ragetti and Pintel and hire them.

    Sail to Isla de Muerte - South-South-West of JAMAICA and North West of Aruba )

    Go to Deserted Shore, go second part of beach, - walk along beach stop near boats & Barbossa will talk to you

    Go into cave and find treasure – at treasure Barbossa will talk to you – QB Update

    Go back to ship - go to world map - transported to Mutiny Scene on Ship Deck with Barbossa - then transported to beach. – Watch Black Pearl sail away. – QB Update

    Go through jungle and find beach with smugglers – Smuggler runs up and talks to you – QB Update

    Sail to Tortuga - Smuggler says Thanks on jetty ( Q B Update ) **** - Enter tavern, - Transported to table Mr Gibbs talking to Guy Verblinski then change back to Jack Sparrow - Annamaria talks to you. – Gives you back compass – Exit tavern – talk to self ( Q B Update) - take Annamaria’s boat - on setting sail Q B update – Sail to Jamaica

    **** If you have Capt Chevalle with you talk to yourself saying and go and talk to tavern keeper

    On arrival at Port Royale - start of film - Curse of the Black Pearl - film sequence Jack Sparrow arrival at port
