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Ingame weapon system, modeling and texturing guide

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      Modeling guidelines
         Unity - Modelsetup (MAYA)
         Unity - Setup of a gun in Maya
         Advanced foliage shader
         Emissive shader
         Fabric shader
         Main shader
         ReliefTerrain shaders
         Sail shader
         SSS shader
         Suimono 2.0 water shader
      Texturing Guidelines
            (3a) CryEngine - CGF setup Maya
            (3b) CryEngine - CGA setup Maya
         CryEngine - Console commands
         CryEngine - Important keys
      Greater Antilles
         Puerto Rico
         St Domingo
      Lesser Antilles
            La Désirade
         Sint Eustatius
         St Barts
         St Croix
         St Johns
         St Kitts
         St Lucia
         St Martins
         St Thomas
         St Vincent
         Virgin Gorda
      Southern Caribbean
   03. Credits
  • Ingame weapon system, modeling and texturing guide (top)

    Main set of weapons, used in HoO is made in modular design. Here is guidelines for it.

    The systems main idea, is to have all weapons in modular design, that is cut-a-part. And those parts could be changeable in-game, to use the same resources and to make bigger variety of weapons.

    Model requirements (top)

    Rapier models (top)

    (dagers, rapiers)
    Name of part
    Model versions
    orient polys
    orient texture
    Link to example
    Blade of rapier
    Normal, Broken
    100 - 300 polys
    512 x 512 or equivalent
    grip of rapier
    256 x 256 or equivalent
    gripguard of rapier (with all adds)
    rapier_gripGuard, gripGuardAdd
    512 x 512 or equivalent
    Pumel of rapier
    256 x 256 or equivalent
    All parts
    All of the above
    all of the above as seperate atlass textures.
    All of the above

    Rapier textures (top)

    (dagers, rapiers)

    File naming (top)

    To understand it all, you need to understand how it all is named.

    list is not complete. Listing only implemented or work in progress items.

    • Model names
      • [weaponBranch]_[partType]_[preID][ID][postID]_[modelState]_[LOD],
        example „rapier_blade_r01a_normal_LOD0
        • rapier_blade_r01a_normal_LOD0 — weaponBranch
          defines which branch do weapon model belongs to.
        • rapier_blade_r01a_normal_LOD0 — partType
          defines which role model takes on the item.
        • rapier_blade_r01a_normal_LOD0 — preID
          defines limitations for usage of this model in curent branch. In this case, "r" defines, that his model can be used only for with rapiers. "d" would meen, that this item can be used only with dagers. In case of multyple "limitations" two or more letters can be used in this place.
        • rapier_blade_r01a_normal_LOD0 — ID
          ID of the model. Just simple as that.
        • rapier_blade_r01a_normal_LOD0 — postID
          defines the ID of texture used for that model, in this case "a" stamds for "alpha". "b" would stand for "beta".
        • rapier_blade_r01a_normal_LOD0 — modelState
          defines the state of the model. This is changed dinamically in-game, depending of event. "Normal", meens standart base model. "Broken" would be used in cases of... braking a sword...
        • rapier_blade_r01a_normal_LOD0 — LOD
    • Texture names
      • [weaponBranch]_[partType]_[ID]_[RID]_[LOD]_[fileType],
        example „rapier_gripGuard_alpha_steel_LOD0_diff
        • rapier_gripGuard_alpha_steel_LOD0_diff — weaponBranch
          defines which branch do weapon texture belongs to.
        • rapier_gripGuard_alpha_steel_LOD0_diff — partType
          defines of what role models texture is covering up.
        • rapier_gripGuard_alpha_steel_LOD0_diff — ID
          ID of texture, defined in models [postID] section.
        • rapier_gripGuard_alpha_steel_LOD0_diff — RID
          retexture ID (steel, gold...). State texture (alpha'ed) ID to be used depending on the event of the game (bloody)
        • rapier_gripGuard_alpha_steel_LOD0_diff — LOD
        • rapier_gripGuard_alpha_steel_LOD0_diff — diff, ddn, spec and so on...

    Detailed file variable list

    list is not complete. Listing only implemented or work in progress items.

    • weaponBranch
      • melee branches
        • rapier — rapier, dager
        • unique — one time weapons, that do ignore modular system.
    • partType
      • rapier
        • blade — blade
        • grip — grip
        • gripGuard — grip guard
        • gripGuardAdd — additional (optional) content for the grip guard.
        • pumel — pumel
    • preID
      • rapier
        • d — dagger
        • r — rapier
    • RID
      • recolors — goldem, silver, leather, woodend and so on...
      • states — blood, rust and other alpha'ed layers placed on top of recolor.
    • modelState
      • normal — standart model
      • broken — broken model, used in case of braking.

    Model and texture list, ID's used ant authors. (top)

    texture used
    author(s) of the model
    broken dager blade
    d - dager only
    a - alpha
    normal dager blade
    d - dager only
    a - alpha
    broken dager blade
    d - dager only
    a - alpha
    normal dager blade
    d - dager only
    a - alpha
    broken rapier blade
    r - rapier only
    a - alpha
    normal rapier blade
    r - rapier only
    a - alpha
    broken rapier blade
    r - rapier only
    a - alpha
    normal rapier blade
    r - rapier only
    a - alpha
    rapier grip guard
    d - dager only
    a - alpha
    rapier grip guard
    d - dager only
    a - alpha
    rapier grip guard
    r - rapier only
    a - alpha
    rapier grip guard
    r - rapier only
    a - alpha
    rapier grip guard
    r - rapier only
    a - alpha

    author(s) of thetexture
    Alpha'ed texture of blood for rapiers_blade_alpha
    rapier blade alpha texture, steel re-texture
    rapier grip guard alpha texture, gold re-texture
    rapier grip guard alpha texture, steel re-texture

    WiP as of 2014-10-01