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A Pirate Podcast with Interviews
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This walk through was created using Build 14 Beta 4 it may differ from other versions of the game.
This task involves finding certain goods for various traders (Blacksmiths/Gunsmiths - Shipyard Owners - Tailors - Apothecary) throughout the Caribbean. Completing these quests may be needed to unlock certain Abilities
To find out if a trader needs something Press F2 – then go to the Ships Log – some entries there will tell you that a trader (e.g. the tailor in San Juan) needs help.
(To keep the Ships Log up to date - talk to the tavern keepers and ask about the latest rumours, news, etc)
Go and talk to the trader – they will tell you the goods they need - go and get the goods and bring them back to the trader before the date given. You do not need to bring back all the goods in one go - you can do it over several runs.