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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Legend of Jack Sparrow - Dead man's chest

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  • This walkthrough was created using Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 21st July 2022] it may differ from other versions of the game.

    Player must first complete: Justine Le Moigne’s Disappearance as a pirate lord!

    Dead man's chest(top)

    Sail to Antigua(top)

    Sail to Muscetto Cove on Antigua with Tia Dalma.

    On shore Tia Dalma talks to you – Teleported to Swamp Shack location – Walk to her shack and enter it – Talk to Tia Dalma. – QB Update

    Exit Shack – Talk Self – Teleported to ship's deck – Mister Gibbs talks to you.

    Sail to Turks​ (top)

    On Jetty a sailor talks to you – must find guards who are standing near the Governor's residence next to the fountain. – QB Update

    Talk to the Guard Captain – teleported to Turks Prison.

    Here you will have two choices: - (See Below)

    1. Let the guards capture you:

    Automatically follow the guards to your cell – thrown into the cell – Atwood Paddley talks to you – Escape the cell.

    Talk Self and escape (see Below)

    2. Attack the guards

    Automatically draw your weapon and shoot prison guard captain – other guards attack you – kill the guards – go further into the prison.

    Talk self – more guards run to attack you – kill the guards and go find Atwood Paddley, he is in the furthest left cell.

    Talk to Atwood Paddley.

    Talk Self and escape (see Below)

    Talk Self and escape

    Talk self – automatically run to another cell – Talk self and hide in the cell – wait for the guards to run up to the cell – listen to the guards talking.

    Movie scene plays – teleported to ship's deck – Mister Gibbs and Anamaria talk to you. – QB Update

    Sail to Cozumel​ (top)

    When near Cozumel shore get teleported to your cabin or deck. (Depends on your ship)

    Automatically walk around the ship (route depends on your ship) – Bootstrap Bill Turner appears and talks to you – teleported to Cozumel shore. – QB Update

    Mister Gibbs runs up to you and talks - go to the jungle entrance - cannibals attack your party - kill the cannibals.

    Anamaria talks to you - go to the first jungle path to your left - automatically run after your party - talk with Mister Gibbs - teleported to cannibal village.

    Talk to cannibal chief - Will Turner appears and walks up to you - talk and fight the cannibals around you.

    Exit the village - automatically run to the bridge chased by the cannibals - fight the cannibals - run to the cave entrance.

    Fight the cannibals in cavern - automatically walk up to Mister Gibbs and talk- find an exit from the cave (only one exit will be open) and escape to jungle.

    Escape the jungle same way you have entered - cannibals attack your party - kill the cannibals - Anamaria talks to you.

    Teleported to the shore - automatically run to your boat and escape - movie scene plays.

    Teleported to ship deck - talk to your party. – QB Update

    Sail to Antigua(top)

    Now you have around 25 days to sail to Muscetto Cove on Antigua, if you don't hurry the Kraken attacks and sinks your ship when you enter sea.

    On Muscetto Cove shore Mister Gibbs talks to you - automatically run to the jungle - teleported into the jungle.

    Will Turner talks to you - follow him and enter the smugglers den - automatically walk up to the smugglers.

    Here you will have two choices:-

    1. Fight the smugglers.

    2. Bribe the smugglers. (
    player must have 10000 or more gold in inventory! )

    After dealing with the smugglers Will Turner talks to you - exit smugglers den back to the jungle - take the first exit to your left into the jungle.

    Appear in the Swamp shack location - Will Turner talks to you - automatically run to Dalma's shack and enter.

    A lot of dialogue between your party and Tia Dalma - Movie scene plays - teleported to ship's deck - Will Turner talks to you.

    Switch to playing as Will Turner​ (top)

    Teleported to a shipwreck - find two sailors on the ship (go up the stairs on both sides of the ship) - talk to both of them - a corpse is washed onto deck - talk self - search for the corpse (it will be near your boat in the water) - talk to the corpse.

    Movie scene plays - see the flying Dutchman near the shipwreck - think about bad decisions - Davy Jones' crew appears and attacks you - you can fight but some of them will be invincible and eventually kill you.

    Davy Jones' appears on shipwreck - dialogue between the survivors and Jones' - Movie scene plays.

    Switch back to playing as Captain Jack​ (top)

    Davy Jones' teleports to your deck - dialogue - teleported to Tortuga jetty.

    Mister Gibbs talks to you - teleported to Tortuga tavern - sailors appear and you recruit them to your crew. (everything happens automatically)

    James Norrington appears - talks to you - a fight starts between you - wait for Elizabeth Swann to appear and bonk him - talk with Elizabeth - teleported to Tortuga jetty again.

    Dialogue between you and Elizabeth/Norrington/Gibbs - teleported to ship's deck. – QB Update

    The story ends here for now, to be continued...