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Capturing Colonies

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      Capturing Colonies
         A girl won in a card game
         Artois Voysey (Quest)
         Cargo for Thomas O'Reily
         Church Protection
         Edgar Attwood Adventures
         Escort Vigila Mendes Ship
         Hard Labors of an Assassin
         Help The Boatswain
         Help the Church
         Help the Lady
         Hire A Sailor - Rys Bloom
         Nigel Blythe (Quest)
         Patric and the Idols
         Rescue Peter Bloods Crew
         Sabine Matton
         Saga of the Blacque Family
         Saving Toff's Daughter
         Search for Peter Bloods Ship
         Silver for Cartagena
         Sink the Pirate Corvette
         Sinking The Vogelstruijs
         Smuggling for Thomas O'Reily
         The Silver Train
         Zaid Murro's Problems
      Treasure Quests
         Lost Treasure on Cuba
         Lost Treasure on Guadeloupe
  • This walkthrough was created using Build 14 Beta 4 it may differ from other versions of the game.

    Towns/Colonies with Forts

    There are Forts of various sizes - for the smaller Forts you need at least one Tier 3 ship ( the more ships you have the better since they can draw the Fort's fire away from you) - for the Larger Forts you need higher level ships and more of them.

    So check the size of the Fort before you attack it.

    Sail to the Town and attack the Fort with you ships

    Destroy the Fort’s guns – shown by rising smoke from the gun emplacements.

    When the Fort’s health down to 10% approx. Fort surrenders/destroyed. – Burning Fort icon appears when player is near the Fort.

    Select Burning Fort icon – now it is a land fight through sections of the Fort, Port and Town. Number of sections depends on the size of the colony. You are transported between each section (similar to a ship boarding fight where you are transported between each deck).

    Once the fighting is finished – transported to the townhall ( except in towns with no Governor – here once fighting finished the Fort Commander should be standing near to you – talk to him) – talk to Governor

    CHOICES :–

    1. Ransom the Colony – can also loot the store and Shipyard – get goods and ships for free.
    2. Install a new government – choose Nation to give the colony to OR take it for yourself
      • – If you are a Naval Officer you can only give the colony to the Nation you serve.
      • – If you take it for yourself - you have to assign officers as the new Governor and Fort Commander – so make sure you have enough officers to do this – you also receive daily tax income from the colony and can change the name of the colony.

    Towns/Colonies without Forts

    To capture these you need the Landing Party Ability see:- New Horizons Abilities

    Sail to the Island

    Sink or Board all ships sailing around the island belonging to the Colony’s Nation (if there are none just sail to the colony’s port )

    At the Port use the Landing Party Ability – Fight through sections of the Port and Town as above – then everything is the same as Towns with Forts.
