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Captain John Evans

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  • John Evans was a welshman who served as master onboard several vessels out of Nevis and Jamaica, though when jobs became hard to come by he and 4 others went on the account, and endeavored to get themselves a pirate vessel. With 4 comrades in a open canoe they went ashore and robbed 2 houses of portables, plate,clothing, and money and brought their loot aboard their small Man Of War.

    Wanting to get better plunder they stole a sloop belonging to Bermuda, renamed her the Scowerer and mounted 4 carriage guns aboard her.

    To celebrate they went ashore to a tavern and spent the rest of the day, drinking merrily, for during the night these rovers robbed the tavern of any and all goods they desired.

    These pirates then sailed to Hispaniola and took a rich spanish sloop, which since it fell upon so little men, the money was shared out 150 pounds per man.

    Here soon they took a Large ship the Lucretia , and kept her and plundered a sugar dover and took a Dutch sloop, before letting her go. Wanting refreshmants, and to clean their sloop they sailed to Grand Caymans, where his career came to a end, his boatswain was a loud ignorant fellow who constanley argued with Evans and even challenged him to a match ashore with pistols and swords. Though when they dropped anchor and Evans proposed the duel the boatswain cowardly refused the battle. Evans angered by this he took his cane and hit the boatswain repatedly till the Boatswain took a pistol and shot him through the head instanley killing him. As punishment for this crime Evan's crew shot The boatswain to death, went ashore and split the money 9,000 pounds.
