string = Caravel1,"Caravela Latina" - historical "portuguese man o war"
string = Caravel2,"Caravela Redonda" - square sails
string = Caravel3,"Caravela Hermafrodita" - hybrid lateen mizzen & square main
string = Schooner1,"Gaff Schooner" - basic schooner
string = SchoonerMod,"Jury-rigged Topsail Schooner" - "war" schooner with 12 pdr guns
string = SchoonerUSA,"Baltimore Clipper" - advanced American schooner, 17kts top speed
string = SchoonerSq,"Squaresail Schooner" - "HMS River Thames" naval auxiliary, 15kts longhull schooner
string = Schooner3M,"Grand Schooner" - French xebec hull with schooner rig, heaviest 3 masted schooner type
string = FrigateUSA,"U.S. Heavy Frigate" - USS Constitution
string = Frigate1,"Dutch Frigate" - 42 gun early 80 Years' War battle frigate
string = FrigateL,"Light Frigate" - 32 gun late 80 Years' War frigate
string = Barque1,"Barque"
string = BarqueHeavy,"Barque Longue" - historical "La Belle"
string = LuggerHvy,"Heavy Lugger" - AOP? model that is significantly larger, rare ship.
string = Galeoth1,"Espadina" - no such thing as a "Galeoth", "Espadina" is the Spanish response to English fast privateering ships operating in the Spanish Main, 12pdr coastal monitor
string = Yacht1,"English Bark" - yacht model found identical to historical collier "HMS Bark Endeavour". All English ships of 3 masts but do not fall into naval classification were termed Barks
string = BarqueHybrid,"Jackass Bark" - intended as quest/smuggler ship, hybrid rig improves upwind performance. Historical name.
string = LightMerchantman,"Retired Frigate" - decommissioned frigates with large capacity, occasionally "Assault Frigate" for boarding operations, big carronades but only 4 of them.
string = FleutWar,"Fluyt-of-War" - FoW naming to differentiate between trade and battle flutes
string = Galeon1,"Manila Galleon" - stock game GIANT galleon that is now properly a floating fortress with 24pdrs (yes they historically carried weapons up to 32pdr demi-cannon) and almost indestructible; historically re-used for generations
string = Galeon2,"War Galleon" - typical huge Spanish galleon with 32pdr
string = FastGalleon,"Fast Galleon" - advanced galleon with 12.5kts capability, like a cruiser
string = GaleonEng,"English Galleon" - appearance identical to early Elizabethian galleons
string = GaleonEngW,"English War Galleon" - variant of above, with greatly increased bulk
string = GaleonEngF,"English Fast Galleon"