void InitOpenSeaMod()
ref PChar = GetMainCharacter();
if(iRealismMode>1 || OPEN_SEA_MOD)
DIRECTENCOUNTERCHANCE = 25; // chance in percent that an encounter fleet appears every hour
DIRECTENCOUNTERDISTANCE = 2250; // distance from player at which random ships appear
ISLANDSWITCHDISTANCE = 30000.0;// for islandcell mode only: distance from island at which transfer to neighbour island starts
ENCOUNTERBREAK = 3.0; // LDH - Changed to float, number is hours per encounter, directsail is called every 5 minutes occasionally
// so you can let the clock run faster (by increasing TIMESCALAR_SEA below), meaning longer voyagetimes, without getting too many encounters.
TIMESCALAR_SEA = 15; // INT - how many seconds of gametime one second of realtime is at sea
MAX_WBALLAST = 10; // INT - how far the weighting will swing in favor of current trend.. use positive integer between 0 and 50 - 0 is no swing - 50 is major swing.. this is for Windspeed
MAX_RBALLAST = 10; // ^^DITTO for rain
MAX_FBALLAST = 10; // ^^DITTO for fog
MAX_ABALLAST = 10.0; // FLOAT - ^^DITTO for wind angle
MAX_WINDCHANGE = 3; // INT - How much the wind CAN change in one hour - use positive integer between 0 and 20
MAX_FOGCHANGE = 3; // INT - ^^DITTO for fog
MAX_RAINCHANGE = 3; // INT - ^^DITTO for rain
COASTRAIDER_CHANCE = 0.01; // FLOAT - Generates local ships in ports and around the islands. Some are local merchants, others pirates.
// 0.0 : Stock PotC, no local ships at all
// 0.1 - 0.9 : The higher that value the more pirates instead of merchants appear
NAVYRAIDER_CHANCE = 2.0; // FLOAT - Ditto, but chance that raider is a foreign warship. Chance for that is coastraider_chance * navyraider_chance
MIN_ENEMY_DISTANCE_TO_DISABLE_MAP_ENTER = 100.0; // FLOAT - original value is 500 - Petros: reset to 500.0 to prevent trouble
MIN_ENEMY_DISTANCE_TO_DISABLE_ENTER_2_LOCATION = 100.0; // FLOAT - original value is 500
RANGE_TO_ENEMY = 3500; // INT - in feet/yards/whatever unit the game uses.
WDM_MAP_TO_SEA_SCALE = 60; // orig 19.607843 for this and next line
WDM_MAP_TO_SEA_ENCOUNTERS_SCALE = 60; // was 60 in build, 10.0 in stock. NK 05-04-30
DIRECTENCOUNTERCHANCE = 50; // chance in percent that an encounter fleet appears every hour
DIRECTENCOUNTERDISTANCE = 1000; // distance from player at which random ships appear
ISLANDSWITCHDISTANCE = 5000.0; // for islandcell mode only: distance from island at which transfer to neighbour island starts
ENCOUNTERBREAK = 1.0; // LDH - Changed to float, number is hours per encounter, directsail is called every 5 minutes occasionally
// so you can let the clock run faster (by increasing TIMESCALAR_SEA below), meaning longer voyagetimes, without getting too many encounters.
TIMESCALAR_SEA = 5; // INT - how many seconds of gametime one second of realtime is at sea
MAX_WBALLAST = 25; // INT - how far the weighting will swing in favor of current trend.. use positive integer between 0 and 50 - 0 is no swing - 50 is major swing.. this is for Windspeed
MAX_RBALLAST = 25; // ^^DITTO for rain
MAX_FBALLAST = 25; // ^^DITTO for fog
MAX_ABALLAST = 25.0; // FLOAT - ^^DITTO for wind angle
MAX_WINDCHANGE = 5; // INT - How much the wind CAN change in one hour - use positive integer between 0 and 20
MAX_FOGCHANGE = 5; // INT - ^^DITTO for fog
MAX_RAINCHANGE = 5; // INT - ^^DITTO for rain
COASTRAIDER_CHANCE = 0.2; // FLOAT - Generates local ships in ports and around the islands. Some are local merchants, others pirates.
// 0.0 : Stock PotC, no local ships at all
// 0.1 - 0.9 : The higher that value the more pirates instead of merchants appear
NAVYRAIDER_CHANCE = 0.4; // FLOAT - Ditto, but chance that raider is a foreign warship. Chance for that is coastraider_chance * navyraider_chance
MIN_ENEMY_DISTANCE_TO_DISABLE_MAP_ENTER = 500.0; // FLOAT - original value is 500 - Petros: reset to 500.0 to prevent trouble
MIN_ENEMY_DISTANCE_TO_DISABLE_ENTER_2_LOCATION = 500.0; // FLOAT - original value is 500
RANGE_TO_ENEMY = 3000; // INT - in feet/yards/whatever unit the game uses.
WDM_MAP_TO_SEA_SCALE = 19.607843; // orig 19.607843 for this and next line
WDM_MAP_TO_SEA_ENCOUNTERS_SCALE = 19.607843; // was 60 in build, 10.0 in stock. NK 05-04-30