There is indeed a definition for a fountain. The figures appear to be the same as those in GoF.
;minDistance was 3.0
minDistance = 3.0
maxDistance = 16.0
volume = 0.3
name = AMBIENT\LAND\water_fountain_02.wav
I'll try putting in the figures from GoF. If that doesn't work, I'll try the figures from AoP, which are different again.
That might help with a different sound problem in NH, which is cannons sometimes going temporarily silent during a sea battle. (And will probably go better in a different thread in the PoTC section - in fact, I'm seriously considering moving the last few posts to such a thread.
) But the fireplace sounds don't drop out, they never even start.
Ha! My mistake on the fountain...I was looking at POTC alias when I was attempting to figure some theories as to why it didn't work. I do see it in NH.
Either the source changed to correct something I am unaware of, or it still might be the "virtualizing" of the sound because of the low volume and if there are too many other simultaneous sounds, based on their distance, priority, volume settings, FMOD will start allocating a preference, and cull sounds that are deemed not-as-important, due to the constraint of channel resources/mixing capabilities of the product.
But, so far, it appears that the script code is looking for the locators, and is sending the message, so it "should" work. One other thing, is that sometimes, the sound file itself, though it plays in other software, doesn't always work in FMOD. I had that problem with some .ogg music files, that were fine in VLAN, but my newer FMOD would not play them at all. I simply "converted" them to .ogg (yes, you read that correctly...ogg to ogg), and voila! They worked, LOL
ETA: Just as an example theory for the fireplace. The min distance is 15.0, meaning that is the distance defined where the sound will be full strength < 15, and start to fade due to distance > 15, ma
istance = 70.0, which is where the sound > 70 can't be heard, volume = 0.5 so very low. Since no priority listed, it defaults to midway = 128. If there are a bunch of other sounds going on, and this sound can be heard a long distance, but is faint at .5 volume, it will likely get culled. If the min distance were small, like 2, max small like 8, and volume cranked to 3 or 4, in theory, if you are very close to this locator, you should hear it because presumably it will gain precedence, and if the other sounds don't have a crazy min/max of 200/1000, then they should get culled. However, if all the other sounds still have a large min/max, they will still take precedence and if you are at the channel limits, then fireplace will still get virtualized/culled from the we would still be stuck wondering.
ETA #2: As for sea sounds, a hint is that the sail sound priorities are all messed up...they are the biggest culprit for cannon sounds getting virtualized/culled during battles. Any sound that has a priority setting that supercedes another sound, no matter how distant or faint, they ALWAYS take the channel, no matter what, and that is why cannons get culled.