case "contraband":
if (LAI_IsDead(characterFromID("Andre Juliao")))
dialog.text = "There was indeed another job that needed doing, but word has reached me that my contact person in #sFalaise de Fleur#... passed away under mysterious circumstances.";
link.l1 = "Hey, don't look at me like that! I'm sure I had nothing to do with it. Or did I? I don't think I did...";
link.l1.go = "No quest";
if (characters[GetCharacterIndex("Andre Juliao")].location != "Falaise_de_fleur_tavern")
dialog.text = "Unfortunately I have not heard from my contact person in #sFalaise de Fleur# for quite some time.";
link.l1 = "Maybe he got himself into trouble with that gang of smugglers that got caught there a while back. Better to steer clear of that!";
link.l1.go = "No quest";
if(CheckSmugglerLiking(pchar) < 25)
dialog.text = "There is indeed something that needs doing. But I'm not certain my contact person would be quite willing to trust you just yet. You may have to get yourself a bit more well liked by a... certain group of people.";
link.l1 = "'Certain group of people', eh? That sounds a bit shady... I'm not sure I like the sound of this.";
link.l1.go = "No quest";
if (GetSquadronFreeSpace(pchar, GOOD_EBONY)<134)
dialog.text = "There is a cargo that I need to be transported, but it appears that you do not have enough space available to carry it.";
link.l1 = "That can be rectified. I'll come back when I have some more room.";
link.l1.go = "No quest";
dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[43] + GetMyAddressForm(NPChar, PChar, ADDR_CIVIL, false, false) + DLG_TEXT[44];
link.l1 = pcharrepphrase(DLG_TEXT[45], DLG_TEXT[46]);
link.l1.go = "contraband_1";