This problem is sort of similar to the one posted here:-
Fix in Progress - Smuggling: Eleuthera has Smuggling Goods when it shouldn't | PiratesAhoy!
On the Colonies screen there are Contraband Goods. (see image )
But there is no Smuggler's Agent in the Tavern
And although the island has lots of beaches - none are defined for smuggling in smuggling.c
case "Turks":
TargetLocation = "none";
if(DEBUG_SMUGGLING>0) Trace("Location " + TargetLocation + " Selected");
Also no goods are defined as Contraband in Islands_init.c
// KK -->
rIsland.Trade.Export.id1 = GOOD_COPRA;
rIsland.Trade.Export.id2 = GOOD_SILK;
rIsland.Trade.Export.id3 = GOOD_COFFEE;
rIsland.Trade.Export.id4 = GOOD_FRUITS;
rIsland.Trade.Import.id1 = GOOD_OIL;
rIsland.Trade.Import.id2 = GOOD_ALE;
rIsland.Trade.Import.id3 = GOOD_TOBACCO;
rIsland.Trade.Import.id4 = GOOD_LEATHER;
// <-- KK
This all makes sense - since you would not smuggle into a Pirate Settlement.
However if Grand Turk is in any Period NOT a Pirate Settlement - then it should have Contraband goods.
So I am not sure what to do about this
1) - Remove Contraband from Turks.
2) - Let Turks have Contraband - Set up Smugglers Agent in Usurers.c & Beach (s) in Smuggling.c & Goods in Islands_init.c for all periods and Occupiers of Turks
3) - Set Up Grand Turks so it only has Contraband Goods when it is NOT occupied by by Pirates. ( This sounds complicated and may not be worth the effort )
Where do we go from here ?
All suggestions appreciated.