The island/town names are Period-dependent and so are the ships you can encounter at sea.
The Devlin storyline takes place in the first period (Early Explorers) and so you won't have many of the more modern, larger, faster navy ships at all.
Did a fresh start with nathaniel.
Grinded werry fast enough to get a bermuda navy sloop. Next goal was to get the first officer. Was so lucky that i could get two the same place. Then we whent to sea. After some trading and some smal skirmishes i found a single exee and had two good first broadsides that removed hes masts. Then i just stayed in blind angle and fired all the nails and small pieces of metal we had and when i finaly boarded i had a monster sword fight with the captain. I maneged to get him and i made the swap ship and was the proud owner of a pirate exeebet.
Life was good and we sunk some more small pirate vessels and we slowly gained experinence so we were atleast capeable of doing some good. I docked at jamaica for provisions and used all money i had on food, rum and ship upgrades, now my small ship was so mean as you could get it. We roamed around attacking pirates and ended up in a battle between a pirate frigate and some spanish merchants. My crew screamed go for broke and we attaked the frigate with chains. I realy dont think he put any attention on us´, and thast was hes mistake. My chains cut down all hes sails and masts and i maneged to get him dead in the water. The other ships didnt stay and soon it was just my small ship vs this magnificant navy ship.
Again we used all we had of metal scrubs, shot at him for the best part of 15 minutes and then we boarded. Heawy fighting occured all over the ship and it actualy ended with me and a few crew members against the pirate captain. He cut down my men but me and my officers were able to kill him. Then it came "swap ships" I didnt hesitate, and i was 1 crew man from not enough crew. We took what was left of hes crew all the goods and scuttled the exeebet.
We were now the proud owners of a flush deck frigate.
We now attacked bigger ships and was especilay keen on pirate ships and french shipping. Doing a night we attacked a french convoy of merchants that was escortet by a ship that glowed blue in the dark. Didnt payed attention to it and startet to board and plunder the merchant ships. Then between two boardings the blue ship had its broadside to us and it seemed the side of it exploded. My ship took one hell of a beating and i for the first time use the bino`s to se what the devils name this hsip was. It was a frigate, but with two gundecks. I changed my mind, no more goods, i want that ship. We manouvered down wind with him upwind and startet the chain shooting. When fired the last chain we had i was almost not moving anymore.
I made sure that all man had the best weapons we had collectet. Now a 20 minutes barrage fire with metal scrups startet and i was afraid i would end up sinking it. He did get two more broadsied on me, but he took a biger beating than us. Then the order came BOOOOOARDIIING!!!
I was surpised, my initial muscet fire must have killed or wounded the last crew, i ´went straight to the cabin. My first shot on him revealed that he was way better than me, and i ended up in the hardest sword fight so far. Never did i have to manege items and think so had about fighting as i did here.
I was down to my last breath, this was realy a fight to the death, i turned around ran down behind hes desk and fired my last shot with the pistols and it killed him. I had no idea what to do, but then the "plunder screen came up and i saw the ship type, a heawy flush deck frigate. There was one thing i didnt like (no chasers), but when i noticed the broadside on it i swapped ships.
That is where i am now. Docked at Jamaica repairing it and getting all stocks filled up. Its a werry mean ship to look at, but with a full rack of upgrades, this ship will be my choise for a long time.
So the new game have turned out way better than the old one did in 9 days. This is fun and i recon in a weeks time this one will be upgraded to 100%. When that is done i will change the name, the name will be skulls n Bones and in that name is the future tale of CPT soerensen and hes crew of merry men...