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Rheims quest bug


I'm playing Build mod 14, patch 3. And I'm up to the part where I have just started the search for Rheims. First stop the bartender of Nevis who doesn't tell me much, then I walk out of the tavern and am supposed to meet a different pirate. I however instead get a quest update informing me said pirate is dead (don't ask me how, I always exit/reload scenes with random fighting knowing they tend to spiral out of control). This is fine as the game has accounted for said possibility and tells me to search every island except the British ones (and I already know where he is as I've played it before).

My problem is that upon exiting the bar, my character controls are frozen, and are never unfrozen. I can strafe left and right, but not rotate the camera, talk to anyone or move forward. Reloading an earlier save yields the same results and saving and reloading the frozen state doesn't help as obivously the frozen state is also stored in the information of the save file.

Is there a command console in POTC to unfreeze me? Alternately has anyone hacked the save-files to the extend they not how to unfreeze me? Or is it possible to edit the quest information so it doesn't freeze me or skips ahead in the quest entirely? I've already tired going to conciago without going to Nevis but the next stage of the quest isn't active yet.

Ideas please.
Try asking around before you go into the bar. When you get the answer you need, that might give you a different path that works.
Try asking around before you go into the bar. When you get the answer you need, that might give you a different path that works.

It worked perfectly! I talked to one of the randoms (forgot his name) he informed me that the bartender knew, then she spilled the whole story. I wasn't expecting it to work as I had forgotten that the quest could go that way around.
Ar...there be more trouble afoot. Now I head to Concaigo, skip a head to the pirate cheif who is stuck on a dialogue "Did skull send you..." player responds "do you kiss your mother with that mouth..." (end dialogue). I head back into town, talk to tavern owner, who tells me to follow the guy who just left the tavern. I leave the tavern, get approached my a smuggler who says "..." I respond "..." (end dialogue). This time I mean actually "..." I'm not abbreviating. I still can't talk to the pirate chief so I am still stuck. Trying to talk to the tavern owner or smuggler also doesn't help, neither does killing the smuggler. I haven't tried killing Desmond yet, that may be my next attempt.
Are you also doing the assassin side quest? The two quests can conflict with each other. Please read this thread.

That does sound like exactly the same problem as I've been having. However I turned down the assasin side quest. I might try early saves and see if haven't turned down that quest and try playing it through, then coming back.

I'll also make a list of active quests. The only unusual one is that instead of saving the "Spanish admiral's son" I ended up having him killed because I forgot about it :facepalm

EDIT: Nope, no luck.
Ar...there be more trouble afoot. Now I head to Concaigo, skip a head to the pirate cheif who is stuck on a dialogue "Did skull send you..." player responds "do you kiss your mother with that mouth..." (end dialogue). I head back into town, talk to tavern owner, who tells me to follow the guy who just left the tavern. I leave the tavern, get approached my a smuggler who says "..." I respond "..." (end dialogue). This time I mean actually "..." I'm not abbreviating. I still can't talk to the pirate chief so I am still stuck. Trying to talk to the tavern owner or smuggler also doesn't help, neither does killing the smuggler. I haven't tried killing Desmond yet, that may be my next attempt.


When you arrive in Concaigo -- try going to the tavernkeeper first -- do not go to the pirate chief until you are taken there by smuggler.

See if that works.

I already tried that. That or I talked to him before talking to the bartender in Nevis and no longer have a save before-hand.

I admit I don't know anything about the inner mechanics of Pirates of the caribbean, But I used to solve all of morrowinds bugs by using the command console to move the quest forward past the bugged parts. I still have no idea if POTC has a console, but I do notice many of the game files are text files. Is is possible to edit someone's dialog so the update the quest to a point past the his house in the smugglers lair (and add the journal quest item). Then save, replace the edited file with the original and continue on?
We do have something similar to a console in PROGRAM\console.c and since all code files are regular text files, a LOT is possible.
Hurray! That makes me feel better about have my ship moored in port while I try to find a solution. I suppose it is too much to ask for someone to do it for me :rolleyes:

I better get started learning this code. So far I think I want something like this:
			pchar.quest.main_line = "blaze_talk_with_beltrop_complete";
Locations[FindLocation("Smugglers_residence")].reload.l1.disable = 0;
if (makeint(environment.time) > 22.0 || makeint(environment.time) < 8.0)
Locations[FindLocation("Smugglers_Lair")].reload.l6.disable = 0;
//äàåì âîçìîæíîñòü áëåéçó ïðîñòî óáèòü ñòðàæíèêîâ
pchar.quest.kill_guards_in_rheims_house_smugglers.win_condition.l1 = "NPC_Death";
pchar.quest.kill_guards_in_rheims_house_smugglers.win_condition.l1.character = "Macario Regalo";
pchar.quest.kill_guards_in_rheims_house_smugglers.win_condition.l2 = "NPC_Death";
pchar.quest.kill_guards_in_rheims_house_smugglers.win_condition.l2.character = "Evaristo Filho";
pchar.quest.kill_guards_in_rheims_house_smugglers.win_condition = "kill_guards_in_rheims_house_smugglers_complete";
//ñðàçó æå äàåì êâåñò íà ïîïàäàíèå â äîì
pchar.quest.blaze_to_rheims_house_in_smugglers.win_condition.l1 = "location";
pchar.quest.blaze_to_rheims_house_in_smugglers.win_condition.l1.location = "Rheims_house_in_smugglers";
pchar.quest.blaze_to_rheims_house_in_smugglers.win_condition = "blaze_to_rheims_house_in_smugglers_complete";

Alternatively I've figured out that the quest item I need (but not sure about the code for adding it) and the quest ID and appropriate string number for a good point to go to (again not sure on the code for using it, or if the string number is useful for updating the quest location.

TakeNItems(&pchar, "item_rheims_letteer",1);
blaze_search_rheims text 9

EDIT: First code worked perfectly. I'm back on the high seas once more :keith Now I just have to resist further abuse of the console.