The first Build I played was Build 11 (10 wouldn't work on Euro versions) and then I joined just before the release of Build 12, if I recall.
Well Build 11 is here: and it contains the people that worked in it some continued on Build 12+ some did not, however, when you make a thread about the "POTC Modding Team: All those people who worked and work on the Build mod" you cannot be selective based on Build Versions, the thread is not called Build 12 Modding Team...did I misunderstand maybe?
I understand everyone cannot know everyone else and as you said you only played since build 11 onwars, so you may not know how the Build 1.0 came to be (I do, I was there), or what were the names of the modders that took part in it.
Still, I think, when evidence is brought forth, then it becomes a duty to respect that new information and honor the people it includes as well, unless there is reasons compelling you not to or it is simply not in your personality to do the right thing (which I do not think is the case).