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Need help with Combined Mod missing features


The Dude Abides
I have the retail English version of the game. I am running the game on a system that more than exceeds the recommended system requirements. Only issue with my rig that I can think of is I am running Windows 7 Ultimate edition. I have redone a fresh install over which I then installed the latest CMV 3.2 full .exe file. I then start a fresh game but the issue persists. The issue in question is a lack of features from the combined mod showing up in game. All the new ships are available and seem to work fine but I haven't experimented with the particular ones with bugged cannons to see if the fix worked for me.

I encounter the first issue straight from character creation. It seems choosing the pirate nationality is bugged for me since after the introduction and orientation from the mate, I can't leave the ship. No options exist after saying I'm going ashore and then I am stuck with no exit and no one to talk to...

Second issue and really the biggest is encountered in the store and shipyard shopping menu. All of the items added via the combined mod to include the cannons do not have an item title or icon. The description shows up once selected and I can freely buy and sell, they show up in the hold and as far as I can tell, the cannons do their job when equipped. The issue in the goods not having a title or icon is the fedex missions, the Bermuda shipyard upgrades missions, and pretty much any mission where the required goods must be shown via dialog text won't recognize that the proper goods are in the hold. I have tried looking at the individual files associated with these items, but to no avail. I even tried getting the latest trade overhaul mod and manually overwriting the files for the goods but that only works to break the game as the store then shows no goods at all and the option menu is disabled completely.

Another issue I have noticed is the trinkets and totems still provide their bonuses and the books are nowhere to be seen. I don't know what caused this and I haven't really tried to investigate since I have been stuck on the trade goods issue.

Final issue I have noticed but am not sure it is an actual issue is in regards to the Blue Bird. The ships_init.c file originally had the cannons set to 9,9,2,2 but the ship showed up as 8,8,4,2 as it should anyway, so I don't know how that happened. But the problem is with the four fore cannons or more precisely two of the four which seem to fire from the back and shred my sails every time. Maybe this is the way it was designed but it seemed rather odd.

Any help with any of these persisting issues will be very much appreciated. Even theories I can test out would be helpful. Thanks for looking at this post.
The four cannons should be in the front, if you can remove all cannons, all is ok. In the Mod there are still some ships that have bugged cannon layouts, like the heavy MOW or the Shark. I belive there is a fixed layout for the Shark at least somewhere in the forum. Since the Bluebird is one of my favourite ships, I tried it out and yes, the forward cannons destroy your Sails (you know, being in battle I never noticed this, I always thought it was the enemys doing). I would say that this is the result of the cannons not being fired from the cannon muzzle but from the middle of the ship model itself.
Being a bit tenacious you could demast yourself (which sounds like really wrong sailor slang).
Those silly things are in the game just buy a manowar with debug mode and go in first person sail on deck and set sail. You will hear even on open sea some kind of grinding noise near the stearing wheel. That is some of the moving parts of the model grinding against themselves and indeed slowly damaging the ship (I never managed more than 1% dmg but it is an enerving sound in battle if you try to aim yourself)
That aside I always believed Sail HP should be higher with all ships (I really did tons of dmg to my sails without having sailcloth aboard).

I never did the fedex missions, because those buggers wont let me just because I plundered one ship or two and enslaved the crew and imprisoned the captain or something... as soon as I have a honest face I will try it out.

There are also problems with the weapons having the wrong models, the katana has the flamberg model, the french rapier has the katana model and so forth. But the books should appear.

I honestly mistrust the .exe installation and I did a manual install and corrected some of the cannon layouts myself and everything worked as intended. But honestly I dont know much about files and stuff and I dont know how to view .tx files and so I really can't help you with the icons.

I tried choosing the pirate nationality with davvy jones and it worked fine (although I dont recommend pirate nationality, it adds a lot of difficulty, so much that the game starts to suck).
I know this is not helpful but at least now you know that you are not alone ;)
I have the retail English version of the game. I am running the game on a system that more than exceeds the recommended system requirements. Only issue with my rig that I can think of is I am running Windows 7 Ultimate edition. I have redone a fresh install over which I then installed the latest CMV 3.2 full .exe file. I then start a fresh game but the issue persists. The issue in question is a lack of features from the combined mod showing up in game. All the new ships are available and seem to work fine but I haven't experimented with the particular ones with bugged cannons to see if the fix worked for me.

I encounter the first issue straight from character creation. It seems choosing the pirate nationality is bugged for me since after the introduction and orientation from the mate, I can't leave the ship. No options exist after saying I'm going ashore and then I am stuck with no exit and no one to talk to...

Second issue and really the biggest is encountered in the store and shipyard shopping menu. All of the items added via the combined mod to include the cannons do not have an item title or icon. The description shows up once selected and I can freely buy and sell, they show up in the hold and as far as I can tell, the cannons do their job when equipped. The issue in the goods not having a title or icon is the fedex missions, the Bermuda shipyard upgrades missions, and pretty much any mission where the required goods must be shown via dialog text won't recognize that the proper goods are in the hold. I have tried looking at the individual files associated with these items, but to no avail. I even tried getting the latest trade overhaul mod and manually overwriting the files for the goods but that only works to break the game as the store then shows no goods at all and the option menu is disabled completely.

Another issue I have noticed is the trinkets and totems still provide their bonuses and the books are nowhere to be seen. I don't know what caused this and I haven't really tried to investigate since I have been stuck on the trade goods issue.

Final issue I have noticed but am not sure it is an actual issue is in regards to the Blue Bird. The ships_init.c file originally had the cannons set to 9,9,2,2 but the ship showed up as 8,8,4,2 as it should anyway, so I don't know how that happened. But the problem is with the four fore cannons or more precisely two of the four which seem to fire from the back and shred my sails every time. Maybe this is the way it was designed but it seemed rather odd.

Any help with any of these persisting issues will be very much appreciated. Even theories I can test out would be helpful. Thanks for looking at this post.

I would personally suiggest uninstalling COAS and deleting any files and folders left behind once the uninstaller has finished and then reinstal COAS and create a folder on your desktop called games or something and then copy the intire COAS game from the main directory to the folder you created on the desktop then set the CMV3.2.EXE to install into a second folder on the desktop and copy and paste that over once finished to the COAS game folder you created and let it overwrite all files and folders, then try and play the game. It sounds to me like Windows 7 has not allowed some files to be replaced and thats why your having the problems your having.
Recommendation: DON'T install to the Program Files folder. Modern Windows versions do not like modpacks installing in there. :modding
First off, thanks for the quick responses. I'm glad to know I came to the right place to try and solve this. Unfortunately to no avail. I reinstalled and then extracted the .exe file to the desktop and then copied over using a program I know works at overwriting files in the programs (x86) folder in my directory. I have used mods extensively on several games to include Fallout (3 and New Vegas), Oblivion, and Dragon Age Origins, just to name a few. In those cases, either the mods worked completely, or they didn't work at all because the coding was incorrect or conflicts. Considering this is a single combined mod using several sources, I assume the compatibility issues have been tested and the file download all inclusive, so this is the first instance where some aspects of the mod have worked while others fail that I have encountered.

Although I say I completely uninstalled the game and reinstalled using the retail disk, I did find my previous save profile/game intact although there was no more Playlogic file in the programs directory. After installing, I even checked the save folder which was empty. Is there an alternate location to which the game saves that I can nuke to start fresh? I checked all subfolders in my user profile to include locations where other Windows compliant games usually save and found nothing.

I also encountered some further issues which I will list in the hopes that it helps direct someone clued in about this towards the problem. Firstly, the soldiers in the towns walk around as though they are carrying rifles but the rifles themselves are nowhere to be seen. This is only in the towns, however. During ship boarding, the rifles are in plain view. That is a rather weird glitch, I think. Another glitch I encounter deals with one of the myriad number of reasons the game CTDs. I am quite used to and acceptant of the random CTD that comes from a bad load sequence but I have found one consistent case of it which occurs during the werewolf event. It comes when phasing from the church interior to the town proper after telling the priest you will bring the supposed werewolf to him. This happens every time no matter how many different times or locations I phase to before it, which I have found to be a rather effective method of avoiding consistent CTD during loading. Perhaps the quest is bugged for me and it may lie in the same missing or otherwise broken files that have caused the rest of the mess. Lastly, and this has happened only once, the treasure map doesn't list a location. It goes a little something like "... the treasure is in a cave on the island of . Will it be there?..." This just may be a random bug and not associated with the rest. I hope this helps pinpoint the issue because I really do enjoy the depth of the game and it's immersive gameplay.

Again, thanks for your efforts so far and any further aide will be greatly appreciated.
Issue has been fixed!!! After a series of uninstalling and reinstalling the game, I noticed my save game was always present as well as the options I have chosen. Searching through the harddrive, I discovered where the game saves (at least my game, but it may apply to other Windows 7 users as well). In a hidden folder under users (C:\Users\(user name)\AppData (hidden)\Local\VirtualStore\Program FIles (x86)\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\SAVE) there exists the save files and in the Age of Pirates 2 directory is the file which saves option preferences. I also stumbled upon about 1.35GB worth of game data that was somehow overwriting and superseding the game files in the regular Program (x86) directory, causing all the issues. I am surprised the damned thing worked at all with the potential compatibility issues. All these files seem to have been put there during a previous install of an older Combined Mod version which I was unaware left residual file load. I assume it was due to using an older version of JGSME or whatever the acronym is which I no longer use and haven't since Combined Modpack V1.5. If anyone else is having odd inconsistencies with certain features being present while others aren't, I hope my blundering helps.