My aunty bourght me this game last week and i haven't installed it because its been given such bad reviews, i liked Port Royal 2 which is ment to be similar to this game but this game is ment to offer one thing i alway's wanted to do and that was play online, is this possible? if it is, whats it like any good or a complete waste of time?
You see i don't really want to install this game if its not worth playing, while i'm at it is this game really as bad as its been made out to be, i know there are 3 patches now which must have improved the gameplay since the reviews was made, so is it better or would you advice sticking to one of the older games like Port Royal 2 etc?
You see i don't really want to install this game if its not worth playing, while i'm at it is this game really as bad as its been made out to be, i know there are 3 patches now which must have improved the gameplay since the reviews was made, so is it better or would you advice sticking to one of the older games like Port Royal 2 etc?