<p>via <a href="http://www.bluesnews.com/" target="_blank">Blues</a>, Worthplaying also have a very early preview of the LOJS which is due out late next year and from what they have to say it really looks like a hack&slash game without alot of thought involved. </p>
<p><em>If you’ve played the Lord of the Rings games or even King Arthur, you’ve got a bit of a primer as to what the gameplay in PotC will entail.</em></p>
<p>So yeah, should we be getting excited? I just don't know...Check it out <a href="http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=25759" target="_blank"><strong><font color="#0000ff">HERE</font></strong></a></p>
<p><em>If you’ve played the Lord of the Rings games or even King Arthur, you’ve got a bit of a primer as to what the gameplay in PotC will entail.</em></p>
<p>So yeah, should we be getting excited? I just don't know...Check it out <a href="http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=25759" target="_blank"><strong><font color="#0000ff">HERE</font></strong></a></p>