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Larger Fleet Size for GOF2 (Mini Mod)


Sailor Apprentice
8 Ship Fleet mod for GOF2

Below is the readme file that will be included in the download.



The goal of this mod is to increase the fleet size in Age Of Pirates 2 using GOF2 to 8 ships. Limited testing has been done with GOF2 beta 1.4 only.

Peregrine posted the code to do this for GOF1.2 here.

This mod is save game compatible. (You should not have to start a new game).

First, back up the following files in case something goes wrong!

Age of Pirates 2/Program/battle_interface/BattleInterface.c
Age of Pirates 2/Program/battle_interface/WmInterface.c
Age of Pirates 2/Program/characters/characters.h
Age of Pirates 2/Program/characters/INTERFACE/Cannons.c
Age of Pirates 2/Program/characters/INTERFACE/ColonyCapture.c
Age of Pirates 2/Program/characters/INTERFACE/hirecrew.c
Age of Pirates 2/Program/characters/INTERFACE/ship.c
Age of Pirates 2/Program/characters/INTERFACE/store.c

Next, just copy the folder named "Program" from the .zip file into your
Age of Pirates 2 main folder. When asked if you want to overwrite any files, select "yes".

Known problems:
You can only store the first 4 ships in your list at the Port Control. Trying to store any of the extra ships will cause the game to hang up and require a reboot.

Enjoy your new fleet in GOF2 and please post here if you encounter any problems after installation. :keith


  • GOF2 8 Ship Fleet V2.zip
    321.3 KB · Views: 121
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First of all thanks for the great tip above. I tried to download it for GOF 2.0 Mod Beta Ver. 1.4. But the game crashed during save game all over the time. I guess it was because the Modder wrote there a comment inside the code. Later I tried to manually write the code sentences like described above for the GOF1.2 version inside, and it worked well so far. The only issue I got is that only 6 icons appears from top to bottom in a row on sea mode. While when I activate the "Sail to" short command, every 8 ships of my fleet used to appear at the bottom from left to right (the last one ship on the top right corner is a strange ship, it doesn't belong to my fleet). Well I got only a 19" flat screen. May be I need a larger 21" flat screen?

Here is a picture to show you how it looks inside my game:

GOF 8 Ships Fleet.png

Can somebody give me a tip to fix this problem?

Thank you for your help and support! :napoleon
Hi seadogz,
I'm playing with GOF 2.2 and i haved done the modification as explained in Gof 1.2 (here). Everything run fine except one thing; i cannot pick missions from governor or ay escort mission since those modifications.
Any one have a clue about this problem ?!
I have attached a .zip file to my first post that should fix the problem. Ship #7 and #8 were displaying below the bottom edge of the screen. So I've moved them up and made a second column. Looks like this now.

8 Ships Battle View.jpg

8 Ships Map View.jpg
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