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GOL fleet crashing the game


Storm Modder
The GOL (Gentlemen of Luck) fleet is crashing the game in 8/10 battles. You can run away from it exchanging some shots and all is ok, but if you engage it in a long fight the game ends crashing most times.

Most of the crashes are CTDs: Window will tell you the game crashed and close it. In one combat I got three crashes with a message saying a pure virtual method was called.

In the "pure virtual method call" crashes there was one La Licorne frigate involved I think was the one causing the crash. I managed to seize her and she is apparently behaving ok. But the three crashes where while I was fighting her, far from the rest of the GOL fleet (far but in cannon shot range). As a detail, starboard cannons was mostly all damaged, may be 3/4 where off, and the masts nearly going down (may be important, as the game crashed one time as soon the mast went down)

The vessels I remember from the crashing fights are: a Black Pearl, Black Angels, a couple types of galleons and a West Indiaman (seized it in the same fight I seized La Licorne, she is doing ok too, I think).

Note: I'm not getting involved in big fights with any other fleet but the GOL, may be it is a problem in all big fights and not in the GOL fights only.

A question (better later than never): is this the right place to report bugs? There are some minutiae bugs in La Licorne and the Heavy Batavia I want to report in some detail.

buho (A).
Hmmm, i have had some crashes in big battles with French, Spanish and Dutch fleets. I haven't had a problem with the English but then i haven't been in a big battle with them yet. I thourght it was something i had changed that was doing this which is why i made a fresh install from the vanilla game and installed GOF over it to see but as of it i have not had chance to play it.

For reporting bugs please see the bugs forum here = http://forum.piratesahoy.net//index.php?/tracker/project-4-combined-modpack/ each bug should be posted in a seperate topic so that it is seen and fixed rather than all of them in a single post which could resault in some not been fixed. :onya
I too have experienced crashes fighting large fleet actions. The key is to save often. You will get through the fight. I think the bug has to do with gm textures involved with dismasting. It only seems to crash when certain ships lose one or more of their masts. I'm wondering if we have some mis matched mast textures or even some mast textures missing.


Thank you. I'll report there.

@King, All:

I got a good deal of crashes, but that fight was the only one I saw the "pure virtual call" error window. The others were CTDs.

I can't remember how the first crash was. The 2nd I remember seeing the masts of the La Licorne going down and the game crashing (I was fighting her). The 3th was after I seized her: the mast went down and the game crashed a couple seconds later (as a time measure, the ship I've abandoned was still drowning, if memory serves). I popped the manual save I've made after the boarding and went over with all masts (may be the warship which was shoting me got a bad dice roll).

I played with her as my flagship for 8...10 hours (real time) and apparently she is behaving ok. She have not been dismasted, though.

buho (A).

PD: Got another CTD fighting the GOL minutes ago. A pitty. The most interesting tactical situation I faced in the game.
Last week I also had similar problem with GOL fleet.
I loaded save made in the middle of the battle several times and always got CTD soon after load.

Just set WinXP-compatibility mode and finished this battle without any problems.

Then switched off compatibilty mode again to restore normal "Sail to..." functionality.
Just set WinXP-compatibility mode and finished this battle without any problems.

Then switched off compatibilty mode again to restore normal "Sail to..." functionality.

What is the problem with "Sail to...", please?

buho (A).
So the battle played fine under compatability mode?
Looks like native Win7 has sound issues, even with different "UseMM" settings and updated fmodex.dll.
Tried all variants, different UseMM settings, vanilla and new fmodex.dll -- nothing helped, could finish this battle only in XP-mode.

What is the problem with "Sail to...", please?
So the battle played fine under compatability mode?
Looks like native Win7 has sound issues, even with different "UseMM" settings and updated fmodex.dll.

What is the problem with "Sail to...", please?

Me and Craiggo had a talk a while back about possibly there being too many sounds going on at once during a sea battle and that the game engine can't handle it. I wonder if that's related to this.
Me and Craiggo had a talk a while back about possibly there being too many sounds going on at once during a sea battle and that the game engine can't handle it. I wonder if that's related to this.
Maybe. But most frequent CTDs I'm getting during boarding load-screen at the moment when musket salvo is heard.
It's definitely sound issue but there are not many sounds at this time.



Never got a crash boarding. My crashes are fighting class 3- ships. No problem with classes 4+, drowned half a zillion (AOP2 pirates are suicidal).

No problems with sounds either, I think.

Curious glitch today: two of my three companion ships disappeared suddenly in the middle of a fight. The icons were there in the screen and the rooster showed the ships, but they dissapeared even from the minimap.

buho (A).