The line is a direct copy from "system.log" and does indeed include the "..". In directory structures, ".." basically means "go back up one level". Function "InitTavern02" does this:
So the default path is "Locations\Inside\Tavern02", but the back models are't in folder "Tavern02", they're in "back". So, go back one level and on to folder "back" - the effective full path is "Locations\Inside\back".
The problem is that "" isn't in there either. Presumably different letters are appended to "back_" depending on time of day.
Locations[n].filespath.models = "locations\Inside\Tavern02";
Locations[n].image = "Inside_Tavern02.tga";
Locations[n].models.back = "..\back\inside_back_";
Locations[n].models.always.cave = "tavern02";
Locations[n].models.always.locators = "tavern02_locators";
Locations[n].models.always.window = "tavern02_window";
Locations[n] = "LocationWindows";
The problem is that "" isn't in there either. Presumably different letters are appended to "back_" depending on time of day.