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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Engine.exe crash


Storm Modder
Hi, I recently got POTC and am really excited about the build that you guys have done. My problem is as soon as I start a new game, it has a message that the engine.exe had problems and wants to know if I want to report it to Microsoft. I have 2.4 ghz celeron with an SIS 315 graphics card. I read in another post to turn off sound, but that hasn't worked. Does anyone have any insight as to what is causing this problem? I have just the stock US version installed. Also, my directx is updated.
Here are the log files, there was no error.log. This is with Build 12 installed. I put it on hoping it would fix things.


Init encounters complete.
Init weathers complete. 320 weathers found.
Init character names complete.
Main_LogoVideo() 0
Main_LogoVideo() -1
Number of locations: 291
bool CreateParticleEntity()
n is 2
ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=100)
ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=25)
ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=8.4)
ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=4.2)
ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=180.)
ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=180.)
ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=180.)
SETTING MUSIC: music_main_menu
SETTING MUSIC: music_main_menu
Number of locations: 291
bool CreateParticleEntity()
n is 2
ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=100)
ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=25)
ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=8.4)
ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=4.2)
ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=180.)
ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=180.)
ERROR! Cargo space overup (character=0,Quantity=180.)
!!! Reload to 219
LoadLocation(ref loc) Tutorial_Deck
LocLoadShips: Can't find Location.locators.ships in location: Tutorial_Deck
ItemLogic: On load location Tutorial_Deck
ItemLogic: found 0 buttons
ItemLogic: Loaded model ammo\blade1


Scanning modules\
Loading modules...
Loaded 0
Initializing CORE...
Creating atoms space: 128
initializing complete
Initializing DirectX 8
Techniques: 9 shaders compiled.
Techniques: 179 techniques compiled.
Techniques: compiled by 736200270 ticks.
The method call is invalid For example, a method's parameter may have an invalid value
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Can`t create texture
Cannot create cube texture

The method call is invalid For example, a method's parameter may have an invalid value
Cube map texture resource\textures\AMMO\ENVAMMO.TGA.tx is not created (size: 32, num mips: 1, format: D3DFMT_DXT1), not loading it.
Just an update for any other poor souls with this problem, I got a new graphics card with the omega drivers and it was all fixed.