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Captive Captains in Cargo Hold Bug


Powder Monkey
So every time I fast travel or just continue on to the cargo hold the same captains that I have already um "dealt with" :walkplank are there still but with randomized names. I can't interact with them and if I attack them I automatically enter into combat and any companions with me at the time just slaughter them because they just stand there. So it is a great way to gain a negative reputation but horrible in the fact that they keep coming back to haunt my cargo hold as well as ANY of the other ship's cargo holds in my fleet. Really frustrating. :modding
Which modpack version is that?
I've got to admit it has been ages ago since I played the game properly, let alone ransomed any captains.
I have seen that before but it is very rare. This has happened to you a lot recently?
Beta 2.5 light and yes sadly. Also while playing I noticed some skins behaving oddly when they were tried on the tailor before you buy them. The arms get distorted and sporadic when the tailor does the "wipe eyes, im tired" motion. Didn't know if this was the particular models they were on since it seems to be only the Female blacksmith and a few of the Tradesmen. The guy in the blue shirt covered in soot and the older guy who has the different skins that stands in front of the character placed buildings. Might have something to do with coding for those interfering, idk. Also noticed when at pirate ports whether it be Nevis or La Torque etc etc. the way people treat you differs. My relations with pirates is a flat 0 Neutral but yet sometimes they hate me and treaten to kick me out or treat me as a friend and let me freely trade. This is with both my personal and pirate flags as well as saving and loading it again. One second they hate me. Save and load. Then they love me. Don't get it. Thanks for the help and sorry for the list.
Beta 2.5 light and yes sadly. Also while playing I noticed some skins behaving oddly when they were tried on the tailor before you buy them. The arms get distorted and sporadic when the tailor does the "wipe eyes, im tired" motion. Didn't know if this was the particular models they were on since it seems to be only the Female blacksmith and a few of the Tradesmen. The guy in the blue shirt covered in soot and the older guy who has the different skins that stands in front of the character placed buildings.
Must be some sort of animation mis-match. :facepalm

Also noticed when at pirate ports whether it be Nevis or La Torque etc etc. the way people treat you differs. My relations with pirates is a flat 0 Neutral but yet sometimes they hate me and treaten to kick me out or treat me as a friend and let me freely trade. This is with both my personal and pirate flags as well as saving and loading it again. One second they hate me. Save and load. Then they love me. Don't get it. Thanks for the help and sorry for the list.
Does this explain anything?
  . Merchants and Shipwrights trade depends on relation to nation and player reputation by Pieter Boelen
    > At Hero you can trade with everyone, but Pirates don't like nice guys and won't trade above Matey
For the second one not really. My reputation is "Terror of the Sea". Is there also no way to join the pirates? Still playing the Buccaneer storyline. I can go to La Torque and change my relation but the Pirate Chief in Nevis doesn't give me any options even when approaching with a pirate flag hoisted from the relations screen.
You have to be at least a "well-known pirate" to join the brotherhood. If you are a "famous pirate" and a member of the brotherhood, you will be able to buy pirate modified ships in pirate shipyards.

One way to quickly climb the ranks as pirate is to sign articles with your crew and sack in several prizes, resulting in big fat paydays.
So I signed articles with my crew and have sacked and captured dozens of ships and even divided up the plunder at the loan shark at the pirate settlement in Nevis. My rating with the pirates and my reputation haven't changed even a single point though.......so confused on how to get my relation with pirates to improve and my reputation to tank :shrug
Do you have more personal Wealth now? That should have increased your fame level in the F2>Nation Relations interface.
What does the interface say you are known as? You start out as "Unknown Freebooter".
Still unknown freebooter and my notoriety is neutral. My reputation is all negative 70 or so from all the pirating except spain is neutral from some odd reason. I've even sunk Spanish ships and Spain increased. Pirates are at -30 neutral where they have been after I paid for it and they still attack me without a pirate flag at La Torque. Maybe I'm just noobing this up. :nerbz
Try enabling the cheatmode and just press Numpad 6 a whole bunch of times.
Ok so Terror of the seas worth 8 mil and reputation is famous pirate. Still can't join pirates by talking to Jurksen or the guy at La Torque that you pay to get on the pirates good side. And after I sack class two and three warships and merchants for the umpteenth time like that my reputation is still -29 for pirates. Can't do anything in any of the shops in La Torgue because it's a French city even though the guy in the town hall refers to it as Tortuga still and there's pirates fighting in the street and the guard still has the "population of 500 in our little town we started" dialog.
La Tortue is supposed to be French, except in the Jack Sparrow storyline. It used to be Pirate, but historically speaking, it never really was.

I just tested this and it seems that just having wealth isn't good enough. The following things also help:
- Leadership and Luck skill
- Iron Will Ability
- Ranks with nations

It does work in the end.
Thanks. Maybe it's just me but it seems like it takes way too long to get in good with pirates in general. But then again pirates are never the trusting type.
PROGRAM\globals.c find:
Reduce that number.
Thanks. Which ones change the amount of good or bad relation points go towards the character and the nations they interact with based on actions. Say I want more or less punishment for sinking ships or killing soldiers
Nobody cares about killing characters, as long as they're not unarmed.
As for sinking ships, all pirate ships count for 1 and other ships count for more depending on their type and size.
So apparently the captives die and don't return if you do an honorable duel with them. I guess this engages combat like a deck battle would so they actually get registered as defeated by the game and de-spawn permanently (until they get randomly generated again I assume) while just chopping them up while unarmed or making them walk the plank or other grisly deaths don't. Maybe there is something in the coding for the dueling/deck battles that's missing from the other options? :shrug