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C programing

First of all, keep in mind that the language PotC uses is not C or C++, but a script language that resembles C. If you already know C well, it's easy enough to figure out. If you're trying to learn C *and* figure out the script language at the same time, there are a lot of gotchas.

Seems like I remember seeing a tutorial somewhere in the stickies on the forum, but I can't find it now.

The easiest way to test out some simple code is to put it in console.c, then hit F12 in the game to execute the console. If you've made a mistake, it won't execute at all, but shouldn't blow anything up. If it works, you can see the output on your screen in the upper left, using the LogIt() function.

The C tutorial is in Build Alpha & Brainstorming in the sticky topics. There's also a link to the PotC Wiki there. I haven't looked at either in a while, but there might be something there that might help.
