Did you run RunMe.bat after installing Build 14 Alpha 10 Full?
What Windows do you have? If Vista or Windows 7:
If you have Windows Vista or Windows 7 install the original game OUT of the Program Files (ie. C:/My Games/Pirates of the Caribbean) the security system doesnt allow the Program Files to change for these operating system
ok i some how got that working now a nuther prob
and yea i got windows 7
COMPILE ERROR - file: characters\characters_init.c; line: 356
function 'CreateTempQuestEnemyCharacters' not found
COMPILE ERROR - file: characters\characters_init.c; line: 356
function 'CreateGameCharacters' stack error
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Characters\init\Officers.c; line: 805
integer function return reference value
RUNTIME ERROR - file: storyline\LegendJackSparrow\\Characters\init\Officers.c; line: 256
function must return value
RUNTIME ERROR - file: storyline\LegendJackSparrow\\Characters\init\Officers.c; line: 256
function 'CreateOfficersCharacters' stack error
RUNTIME ERROR - file: characters\characterUtilite.c; line: 172
invalid index -1 [size:514]
RUNTIME ERROR - file: characters\characterUtilite.c; line: 172
function 'GetCargoMaxSpace' stack error
RUNTIME ERROR - file: characters\characterUtilite.c; line: 161
Using reference variable without initializing
RUNTIME ERROR - file: characters\characterUtilite.c; line: 161
Using reference variable without initializing