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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. Stallion

    Tempest [Steam Early Access]

    Save 10% on Tempest on Steam Spotted this on the store yesterday, unfortunately there's not much to be found on the net yet about it. There are a couple gameplay videos of it out, though: Fighting the temptation to buy it due to past bad experiences with Early Access games, plus it sounds...
  2. Stallion


  3. Stallion

    Redesigned Main Page

    Two words: me likey. :onya2 Anybody else had time to explore it yet?
  4. Stallion

    I'm...back...rather surprisingly

    As the topic says. You folks won't believe the crazy crap that's happened since I left. First off, that old house we were moving into - it has a dirt basement. Guess what happened when the Edmonton area had a severe downpour on move-in day? I went to put a box in the basement and hit water...
  5. Stallion

    Are inactive/hardly used accounts deleted?

    As the topic says, do inactive accounts get deleted on this forum? I can't remember if I read somewhere that they do. The reason I'm asking is the place we're moving into is so ancient (100 years old+), all it's got is phone wiring in the walls, and because it's in town, dial-up service isn't...
  6. Stallion

    Avira users - read this!

    http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r25973411-Avira-Partners-with-Scareware-and-Sleazeware-Vendors I know lots of people who use one or more of their programs, myself included, and just wanted to let folks know it seems they want to ruin their good reputation. Note that this also affects users who...
  7. Stallion

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Is anybody else looking forward to the next Elder Scrolls game? I wouldn't be keeping an eye on it, except that there hasn't been much in the way of good RPGs coming out lately. A German gaming site has provided a little more unknown info on the game:
  8. Stallion

    Make your own music sans instruments!

    http://lab.andre-michelle.com/tonematrix :woot I've been farting around with this silly thing all day - it's like Minecraft minus...uh...the mining. :urgh You can copy and paste "songs" into it, too. Try this: 0,512,0,0,0,64,8228,8236,8,24,48,96,2112,192,896,104972 Not happy with what you...
  9. Stallion

    Anyone else having problems with the main page?

    I keep getting this: :ok
  10. Stallion

    Mount & Blade: Warband

    Just wondering what folks' thoughts are on it - I've been debating getting it, but just can't get into whatever they've done with the combat. The map seems a bit wonky design-wise now, too. Also, does anybody have the boxed copy? Is there anything in it aside from the disc?
  11. Stallion

    Enigma: Rising Tide now FREEWARE!

    To those of you who are members on the SUBSIM forums, this is probably old news, but the head of the development studio which created Enigma: Rising Tide, known as "East" on the forum, released the Gold Edition of the game for free download. The Gold Edition is STARFORCE FREE! Anotherwords, it...
  12. Stallion

    US users of PA: read this!

    This is something unimaginably bad the US Congress has intentions of sneaking through under the public's eyes: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-segal/stop-the-internet-blackli_b_739836.html . Welcome to the New World Order, folks. The last bastion of (sometimes) free speech is about to be...
  13. Stallion


    Since the silly blog is refusing to show my latest entry again, here's a link to the post: http://forum.piratesahoy.net/blog/8/entry-62-ggynho-oilrush-by-unigine-corp/ . I really hope they bring this game out on schedule - it looks like it's got the same "kill everything, take no prisoners...
  14. Stallion

    One small step for the Build...

    Come an' get 'er, folks! Build Mod 14 Beta 1 Patch 3.1 is now on the Torrent network! She be my first Torrent! :woot I even included a readme with some tacky ASCII art by yours truly and installation instructions purloined from the topic in here. :lol: I had to hide the torrent file in a RAR...
  15. Stallion

    "Unread Notifications" that won't go away...

    Does anyone know how to get rid of the "Unread Notifications" box on the right side of the forum? Mine won't go away even after clicking every notification. No big deal, but it seems a little weird. Or have I missed something obvious, and there's a way to turn that off? :lol: Edit: Scratch that...
  16. Stallion

    Pirates attack golf course - score no booty

    Golf-course workers were surprised to find a 4x4 stuck in a bunker on the fifth green when they arrived one morning - with the passengers allegedly wearing full pirate outfits. The heavy-duty vehicle was stuck in a sand trap on the course and looked worse for wear, after being turned over on...
  17. Stallion

    Working CoAS No-DVD Patch

    There's now one up on GCW in case anyone's interested - I tested it and it works. :yes Don't know if this is old news or not, since the search button didn't turn anything up.
  18. Stallion

    Armada of the Damned Release Pushed Back

    It seems Disney wants to make sure their latest foray into the pirate gaming genre is done right (at least, to their standards :rotfl ), and so have rescheduled Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned for a fourth quarter of 2010 release, which means it could pop up anywhere from the...
  19. Stallion

    BFG Tech is officially toast

    Sadly, that lot includes me, since my GTX 285 came from them. :E HardwareCanucks now has a copy of an RMA refusal letter sent out to a customer, so if you've got a defective graphics card or PSU from BFG, don't bother sending it in. Those looking to pick up remaining stock from electronics...
  20. Stallion

    Anniversary of the Sinking of the Vasa

    On this day way back in the year 1628, the Swedish warship Vasa foundered and sank less than one nautical mile into her maiden voyage. Several salvage attempts were successfully made on her through the coming years, albeit causing much damage to the ship while they were undergone. She was then...