• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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  1. Nita

    has anyone played this game

  2. Nita

    Chani a female native

    this came off a Russian site had no portraits made some the Mary.ani did not work found proper ani had to use women3_ab.ani
  3. Nita

    you boys are in trouble

  4. Nita

    fighting pirate song

    this is what i listen to before kicking boys in the junk in wow
  5. Nita

    New world map ship icon

    goes in resource models worldmap you can also make your ship any nation take the ship.gm rename it like shipc.gm make a copy of any nations french_frigate.gm are any nations frigate rename it ship.gm and poof
  6. Nita

    New censored screen (don't look if you get upset at art of breast)

    had to make a new one my old one was narrow (i so loved that one) older monitors hide most of the flaws but with super wide curved monitor i seen it all =( and this one stays with my color scheme if you like this it goes in textures loading inside
  7. Nita

    New female Rose

    this is 2 npcs mixed the face i used i removed most ageing(but keeping a little age to go with the back story) brighten the makeup added gun to hip darken the clothing to match the color of interface changes i made
  8. Nita

    New save icons +

    just a save icon i made to go with a censure screen i made, added the other icons i use i did not make them and forgot who did so can't give credit,they will go with any vs of the game and work on teho
  9. Nita

    Black Desert

    was not sure where to put this but wanted to share this screen shot
  10. Nita

    Mod 4 new women

    i have left the textures named the same just incase someone wants to use them as is..But what i want is the text named the same as gm and the gm to point to the new name for text plz=)
  11. Nita

    English option menu for Sith's New Vision interface mod

    not to pretty but does the job
  12. Nita

    Need Help Modeling gun to belt

    could some one put her gun on her belt for me plz..i seem to suck at maya gives me a headach=(
  13. Nita

    New Angellica/Constance

    This is what happens when a baby is kicking your tummy all night and you cant sleep=)
  14. Nita

    New Censored Screen

  15. Nita

    One more Danielle

    found this in a russian mod eyes where messed up like the quest Danielle..i put the eyes in the right spot but they need work
  16. Nita

    Female main character

    working but have to save and reload after exit from diveing suit more testing to be done
  17. Nita

    Some things i wanted to share

    I have been adding stuff to the game to redo the pirate story line..you will start off as a pirate do the nation line then free to join any other nation once its done are stay a pirate and take over the map.wanted to share a few screens of quest character..starting companion and early quest ship
  18. Nita

    Mod starting companion Skeleton Capitan plus new companion with 666 black pearls and all 15 totems

    This give you a companion right from the start 10 to all p.i.r.a.t.e a some usefull perks gun sword and some potions...this goes in Program/Dialogs/Russian/Quest
  19. Nita

    Mod all captives are able to hire

    i am playing gof 2.1.5 is there a way to make all captured prisoners become officers..meaning dutch.. merchents...not just the pirate looking officers you can already get in the bar...p.s. sorry about my english i found out how program/dialogs/russian/ransack.captain.dialog.c...