• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. S

    Random items stop

    How do I make it so items in a certain area are no longer random and thus I can store items in. Like how it is in a captain’s cabin or treasure cave on Isla de Muerta. Specifically I’m trying to do that to the Pirate House on Nevis. I’m also trying to make it so diamonds can be found in those...
  2. S

    Reload points

    Any ideas?
  3. S

    Reload points

    This link just creates a blank page/tab.
  4. S

    Reload points

    Be there a way to create new reload points in a certain area?, particularly indoor locations. For example I want to create a passageway from a pirate house in the jungle to the beach tunnel on Nevis. I also want to add back room with a secret passageway in it.
  5. S

    Treasure Alcove

    Oh, and I've been modifying the music_stock and music_standard files
  6. S

    Treasure Alcove

    New Horizons Build 14, I got "Coridor.ogg" to play in the Temple when you first enter before the danger music kicks in due to the mummies/skeletons, but as soon as I get through the maze and enter the Alcove there's no music, just the sound effects.
  7. S

    Treasure Alcove

    I'm trying to get Coridor.ogg to play in the Alcove part of the Incan Temple again but no matter what I try in modifying the music code it doesn't work. Every time I enter the Alcove there's no music, just sound effects. Solutions?