• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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  1. Takeda-One

    Henry Morgan

    Morgan never shows up in his house after getting out of Jail, Arthure vine always says, he is at the residence but nothing? A nother bug? I think to stuck in this quest prevents me from doing a national quest, altough I am "hero" and got a LOM, damn it!
  2. Takeda-One

    Players Flag

    This mod solution does not seem to work for COAS, if I didn't make a mistake. I am working on adding a new nation, but the problem really starts at the interface arrangements. Very soon I will see where it leads me...
  3. Takeda-One

    Players Flag

    Thanks ! This hole theat was ment to concern COAS :? so I hope this will work. ref pchar = GetMainCharacter(); pchar.nation = PERSONAL_NATION; > should this only be added to BattleInterface.c, or what other files instead?
  4. Takeda-One

    Players Flag

    Nice to read, you seem to understand what has to be done. Could you explain it in detail? I want this to work. For a Flag change in game, I will also have to define the new nation as perk. How could that be done?
  5. Takeda-One

    La Couronne 1636

    Looks awsome! With every Porject your level of historic accuracy increases. How is the air up there on the olymp of ship building?
  6. Takeda-One

    La Creole

    Looks fanastic, go ahead. I am exited to see her completed.
  7. Takeda-One

    Players Flag

    Ok, do we have some kind of an instuction guide, which describes what steps are to be taken for adding a new nation (what codeslines and wich files has to be included)? I would give it a try
  8. Takeda-One

    Players Flag

    Ups... But anyway, my question still important. Why should it not be possible to code a special flag option (player flag instead of nation flag) without modding a hole new nation?
  9. Takeda-One

    Change suit, change look...

    Hi mates, my question for a new little mod is: How can I use the character-model exchange-function (when putting on a cirass) for putting on a special suit (merchant clothes), so that your character-model changes to another one, which requests a different texture?? Any ideas?
  10. Takeda-One

    Released Neptunus Privateer

    please give her a bowspit-mast!
  11. Takeda-One

    My third try...:p

    There is nothing mor to be said!
  12. Takeda-One

    My third try...:p

    Awsome Ship, I am totally speachless! This must be Art! May the force be with you to finish it...
  13. Takeda-One

    Players Flag

    But how can this be adapted? I have no idea how to code it and make a new menu and how to link it to the code?
  14. Takeda-One

    Players Flag

    Hi Mates, as I read here, the Source code shall be in hold by a few trustwurthy mates, so I don't dare to ask for it, but my deepest wish since I play AoP and COAS was always to sail under my own flag (like in Sid Meyers Pirates)! I don't know enough for adding a hole new nation but maybe there...
  15. Takeda-One

    Packet Boat

    Amazing! Didn't knwo that its possible to convert PotBS Ships, know we con get the San Felipe and other ons for fitting better for the COAS era, thats brilliant!!
  16. Takeda-One

    New Arabella Skin

    Yes a bit with using the diaz-tool, but my attemps lead to crashes when entring the night, for some reason. I don't understand this...
  17. Takeda-One

    Ketch "Nonsuch" 1654

    Looks nice, we need more ships of that age, a good beginning!
  18. Takeda-One

    New Arabella Skin

    Thanks, it has beeb added to my Arabella-Mod folder, enjoy @ Oskar: I didn't get the point of your question, sorry...
  19. Takeda-One

    New Arabella Skin

    Ahoy mates, here is my latest Shipskin:
  20. Takeda-One

    The "Le Superbe"

    Great as always P!