• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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  1. Dextr

    Fixed Full taverns and related

    Whoa, these reductions do seem pretty steep:O
  2. Dextr

    Included in Build New Replaced Towns

    Well, IMHO, everything's flawless, 'cept for Oranjestad though... The Spanish towns look awesome, especially after those "chest travel" things were removed from the streets:D BTW, you might want to replace these strange, seemingly dead treas in Santiago with those magnificent ones in full leaf...
  3. Dextr

    Abandoned Sharing some thoughts on specific game items

    Now, after reading Hylie Pistof's and Red Back Dude's comments in the build development thread I started to wonder, whether the storm reducer item idea is really that good, seeing that storms are indeed the best way to improve sailing skills...
  4. Dextr

    Fixed Capture Colonies: Issues with Newly Replaced Towns

    Aye, just about to reinstall the most recent version, then we shall see:) Were the governors' dialogues also addressed?
  5. Dextr

    Not a Bug Ships showing different stats

    The problem concerns the ship you choose to play with at the start of free play (cheat mode on). The chosen ship usually shows different stats from the actual ones, as presented in the ship. file, often unrealistic, for example turn rate 90 for Flying Dutchman (instead of 36), etc. Each starting...
  6. Dextr

    Unconfirmed Bug Flying Dutchman: problem with submerging

    It seems that submerging often causes the ship to lose her sails and masts. I'm not exactly sure what's wrong, since it happens without any particular system, but regularly. The problem has actually been for some time, since 14.2 at the least.
  7. Dextr

    A new mysterious problem`

    I had a similar problem, but solved it by running the game from the config file, after that everything was fine.
  8. Dextr

    Need Help No dialogue with cap'n William initiated

    After escaping the town, following the hanging, cap'n William talks to Bartolomeu and a swarm of soldiers attack the party. After the fight, the cap'n just stands there without initiating a subsequent dialogue, which should take the quest further to shore, etc. Is it a bug? I replayed this for a...
  9. Dextr

    Fixed Prices for blades

    I looked through initItems.c file and here's the deal: the prices, IMHO, depend on the following 6 stats - min and max damage, piercing, block, rarity and min level. While I do not know of any exact formula that makes the final price, an overview of stats and the approximate price suggests...
  10. Dextr

    Fixed Prices for blades

    Well, after looking a bit deeper into this, things definitely don't look good: same high-profile blades, given by the governors when making high rank, French admiralty rapier, corsair's pride, may be found on soldiers, at least in the Bartolomeu storyline. I would say, on some high-tier ship...
  11. Dextr

    Abandoned Sharing some thoughts on specific game items

    Yeah, I know of the disable function, so that may indeed be close to simply reducing the chance rather than preventing it from happening at all. I'll have a look at it then, thanks.
  12. Dextr

    Included in Build New Replaced Towns

    Been to Oranjestad port. As far as I understand, that's the only thing changed to the location. IMHO, though generaly looking good, it does not seem to suit the idea of a port very well, since it looks much more a countryside than a harbour. Besides, you often feel like Gulliver in the country...
  13. Dextr

    Abandoned Sharing some thoughts on specific game items

    Would be indeed a fine addition to the game, IMHO. I'm thinking about giving a try to create some item against encountering storms - some sort of a barometer. Do you think something like that could be implemented with limited coding knowledge? Just some hint of where to start looking first...
  14. Dextr

    Abandoned Sharing some thoughts on specific game items

    Huh, I actually never had a broken/lost blade. Never let it happen that is:) What I thought was that you lose a blade automatically when it breaks. Oh well, gives credits to the one who actually invented all that wearing off thing:)
  15. Dextr

    Fixed Prices for blades

    I think I got it - you were refering to the French Admiralty Rapier? It's silver, and yeah, quite impresive stats. But I don't think it's that rare - started off as Bartolomeu and there you have it, right in the port, in the inventories of French soldiers. A great boost for the start I should say:D
  16. Dextr

    Abandoned Sharing some thoughts on specific game items

    Well, Sharp's sword does have quality differences, thus it can break, though I do believe it is unique... A shame IMHO, since it's one of the best blades, besides, easily obtainable and early on. Speaking of bothering, yeah, that's natural I believe. But still, my primary idea was that this...
  17. Dextr

    Included in Build New Replaced Towns

    Seems that it was, sometimes at least... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tortuga_Island,_Haiti
  18. Dextr

    Included in Build New Replaced Towns

    It does, thanks, but the governor's button still seems absent. Ah, been there, looks like it's just the name, which got me confused.
  19. Dextr

    Included in Build New Replaced Towns

    Hey, it just got weird on me with Santiago: as far as I understand it is actually Port Royal on Jamaica of the later epochs (checked Wiki). In fact, it is the starting location for Devlin. But the town is not actually changed, it is based on Redmond from the stock game. Am I confucing it with...
  20. Dextr

    Included in Build New Replaced Towns

    Yeah, 3.3 WIP.