• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. E

    Not a Bug Tier 3 Flushdeck Frigate with inappropriate interiors

    Nevermind, I checked other corvettes and flushdeck frigates and noticed this is very well intended. Nor do I have anything in mind for a replacement :cheeky
  2. E

    Not a Bug Tier 3 Flushdeck Frigate with inappropriate interiors

    The 3rd class Flushdeck Frigate has an interior deck which seems too small for its size,something that a tier 7th or 8th would use as well as the captains cabin which from what I have seen is mostly used by 6th tier ships. Nothing gamebreaking or anything though, but certainly has cought my eye.
  3. E

    Not a Bug Player character not getting the usual 10 hp bonus after a level up

    Thats good news! It is a good thing and idea to make the game more challenging depending on difficulty! Thanks Pieter, for looking into it.
  4. E

    Not a Bug Player character not getting the usual 10 hp bonus after a level up

    I did change a few ingame settings which are no auto looting, a brothel access, Pickpocketing set to 15 and chestlocks to 8 and changed a few files particulary InitItems.c Ships_Init.c to add a few ships and weapons to Period 1 of Spanish Main and permanent_crewmember_dialog.c and LAi_init.c to...
  5. E

    Not a Bug Player character not getting the usual 10 hp bonus after a level up

    I do not know if its a bug or not but in previous releases that I have played the player always got 10 hp after each level up. not having the toughness perk. But now after each level up the player character gets 1 point less, which makes it 9, 8, 7, 6 and so on after each level. I am no modder...
  6. E

    Need Help Locked perks and ways to unlock them

    Is there any guide which tells about the locked perks and the ways to unlock them? Cause I seriously have no idea. Thank you in advance.
  7. E

    Solved The return of the managable shore crew inventories

    I edited the files and tested it in-game and it appears to be working just fine! Thank you very much Pieter!
  8. E

    Solved The return of the managable shore crew inventories

    I understand that. So is there any possibility you could enable back the abilty to manage their inventories? Or perhaps you could tell me how I could do that on my own. This doesn't sound too complicated.
  9. E

    Solved The return of the managable shore crew inventories

    Earlier in the build 14 developement stage there usted to be a feature involving ability to arm your on shore crew with weapons. It was removed since it was considered micromanaging and was removed and replaced by crew getting their own guns according to players level. What could have been done...
  10. E

    Need Help Not able to give weapons to crew

    Not big of a deal really. But I sure hope this is going to receive some further improvement in the future! An outstanding job on this game has been done already as it is! Impossible not to love it. :doff
  11. E

    Need Help Not able to give weapons to crew

    Still, would be nice to have it back or both features at the same time, since now one isn't able to access their inventory at all. Better yet, would be awesome if they used the weapons from the weapons locker rather than out of nowhere assigned ones.
  12. E

    Need Help Not able to give weapons to crew

    Since some update(currently I am playing Build 14 Beta 3.4) I am not able to give or change any of the weapons to the crew I take ashore with me. Though the option to do so still remains within the dialog. Is there any way to get this feature back?
  13. E

    Simplified Code for Build 14 Beta 3.3

    Now I don't know if this is related to these two missing lines of code in Bartolomeu storyline, but whenever I change the in-game speed in Bartolomeu storyline, the top-left corner of the screen floods with the following message: "ERROR - Unable to load storyline/Bartolomeu/SL_utils.c!!!"...
  14. E

    Simplified Code for Build 14 Beta 3.3

    The change log states thar multiple ability points are switched OFF, yet in-game specific abilities still require multiple ability points. Any idea how to switch it off, so that each ability would require only 1 point? Edit: Also in Bartolomeu o Portugues storyline Bartolomeu is given 5 ability...
  15. E

    Turning off the Direct Sail

    Wow, didn't thought it was that simple and easy. Thanks!
  16. E

    Turning off the Direct Sail

    Is there any way to turn off the direct sail?
  17. E

    Simplified Code for Build 14 Beta 3.3

    Bartolomeu O Portugues storyline doesn't seem to work at all. I get a black screen as soon as it finishes loading.
  18. E

    Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

    Guys, is it normal that the crew on the ships take like a crapload of damage from the fort cannons(not sure about ship vs. ship) and the hull is like not even half away from being destroyed? Can forts use different types of cannon balls too? Maybe they were using grapes or something. :facepalm I...
  19. E

    Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

    No thanks buddy, and I don't really think this is a place to exchange your save games. You gonna have to find an appropriate thread or make one yourself :)
  20. E

    Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

    I am not sure if this is storyline-related. I did as you said, started a new game, got to the tavern and everything was fine, so there was something else that went wrong, also I checked some other towns and taverns were hostile too, should I upload my save game?