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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Recent content by pelle71

  1. P

    Age of Pirates 2 City of Abandoned Ships. Scenery and sea state looks super. Why not use that?

    Yes, i had a read about it, sounds nice. But is it the 1.5 version or the 2.0, is it better to go with the 1.5, it sounds stable?
  2. P

    Age of Pirates 2 City of Abandoned Ships. Scenery and sea state looks super. Why not use that?

    New Horison on a CoAB platform. Why not! The islands of CoAS is beutiful, and have the looks likes it real. I am an old seaman, working 15y in the caribbean for Royal caribbean cruise lines, and Norwegian Caribbean Lines. Pipefitter, welder/technichian. The only game who represent the islans...
  3. P

    Age of Pirates 2 City of Abandoned Ships. Scenery and sea state looks super. Why not use that?

    I used to work with dos in the 80s, so i'm of here.. But why not use thous games adv to suport youre big game? Just pick the gold of everything and band them togheter. And *POFF* you have a masterpiece. Why not? We are pirates .. :D
  4. P

    Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 31st January 2025]

    This game is so beautiful. Late night i see a bunch of ships dogin in a fight long long way of my starboard, on the way to Jamaica. I just love this, you can play as a asshole or just a freight hauler who just want to make money legally. Well, i'm that freight hauler :D
  5. P

    Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 31st January 2025]

    Yep, i have done a clean new install with the April update. Good work, thanks, looking good.
  6. P

    Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 31st January 2025]

    If you have done this in the real world, you have been keelhauled :D From and old REAL Royal Caribbean (RCCL) engine /aircont mek.. :D
  7. P

    Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 31st January 2025]

    I have install this, and now, my old save is fucked!!!! I was a prety rich guy in the Caribbean befor this shit!
  8. P

    A Question:

    Hi again! I just have to say how COMPLETELY! wrong i had about navigation in the game. It works 100%, you end up exactly where you supposed to be on the map after "land Ho" in the game. I made myself an A2 paper map to use my tools to navigate. Everything is perfect. Sorry about my mistake...
  9. P

    A Question:

    Ok! Thanks for the info.
  10. P

    A Question:

    I like to play it 100% realtime, but this "Land Ho" "Ship Ho" ruine my exact position on the map. Is there a way to disable this game destroyer in the game cuz if not, it is useless to navigate in realtime. Thanks./ Pelle.
  11. P


    Maybe i take back Curacao, it used to belong to Sweden :)
  12. P


    Thanks! Ok, well i did the same cuz i was unserten, so i kept it. So now i just dump the stuff in my chest, its to much to carry.. About Sweden, yes, i saw that, course i choose to play as a swede :) Vads fränt. Jag har håller på att komma in i spelet igen, har inte spelat detta på 15 ÅR...
  13. P

    Corsairs Legacy. Development blog #19: Plans for 2022 / Historical pirate simulator

    Is there a free roaming so you can sailing the seas freely? I'm a Silent Hunter III (GWX) kind of guy, i like historical correct. If i want to have speed boats, the ship simulator is in hand for those who like that.. Thanks.
  14. P


    A question: If i buy all the books, where do i put them? Keep it in my "pocket" or put them in the ships chest? And thanks! I haven't played this for years, i have tried to find a fix for this game many times. And now i finally be able to play it again. Best regards, from Sweden.