• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Recent content by Mirsaneli

  1. Mirsaneli

    JRH quest

  2. Mirsaneli

    Hornblower Main Story Bugg

    Try installing this update: https://mega.nz/file/UewD3AwQ#xC9cTyGqTTF1PgLmvkGLYsSHWnlqZHaQm8K5YxvvrvI
  3. Mirsaneli

    Maelstrom | Island names not aligned in Archipelago Map

    https://mega.nz/file/UewD3AwQ#xC9cTyGqTTF1PgLmvkGLYsSHWnlqZHaQm8K5YxvvrvI Apply the update from the link...
  4. Mirsaneli

    Can i talk abot New Horizons on maelstrom here?

    Is this ChatGPT writing?
  5. Mirsaneli

    Resolution issues

    That's why I added HUD scaling in Options. Use the slider to make icons larger, but keep the resolution.
  6. Mirsaneli

    Resolution issues

    I think you can use any resolution with Maelstrom. Try playing with native resolution.
  7. Mirsaneli

    Can't load library issue New Horizons Maelstrom

    yep, thats the one, sorry, I broke the link somehow in my reply...
  8. Mirsaneli

    Can't load library issue New Horizons Maelstrom

    that is a sign that the mod is not properly installed. It's simple, just follow this guide, and make sure you are using LATEST Maelstrom engine + New Horizons mod from itch or from this link New Horizons - PiratesAhoy!. Have fun!
  9. Mirsaneli

    Resolution issues

    Just saw that this is fixed already, sorry.
  10. Mirsaneli

    Beyond New Horizons Alpha Release

    Just to help you out with that bug, cause I had that same problem when I was porting New Horizons on Maelstrom Engine. What you need to do is, you need to sort all ships inside ships_init.c starting from class 7 to class 1. That way, it will work and you will get normal stats in shipyards. I...
  11. Mirsaneli

    New Horizons on StormX

    If you are afraid of copyright issues, use the spinningh ship wheel from AoP:Caribbean Tales. It looks nice also. @Pieter Boelen for loading screens, use paintings and artwork, don't use game screenshots cause they look ugly.
  12. Mirsaneli

    New Horizons on StormX

    try to do this: in here replace ``Dialog.greeting = "Gr_none";`` with ``DeleteAttribute(&Dialog, "greeting");``
  13. Mirsaneli

    New Horizons on StormX

    Storm X engine doesn't seem to have error.log file? Also the modules folder must be compiled into a .dll or something. Seems it handles some things differently compared to Maelstrom. @Pieter Boelen the Butcher sound was fixed with Maelstrom. I think it was somewhere inside Dialog.c.
  14. Mirsaneli

    How Does Storm Engine Work - Mod Help

    An order is an order lol