• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Recent content by FrozenHeart

  1. FrozenHeart

    Caribbean Legend general discussion

    'HookMod' & 'ActiveMap' helped a lot in TEHO. And I am all most sure they are no use for this CL :(
  2. FrozenHeart

    Caribbean Legend general discussion

    That's a good thing. I like TEHO. Might try it.
  3. FrozenHeart

    Caribbean Legend general discussion

    Do they changed anything? Graphic design looks like same old one to me.
  4. FrozenHeart

    Caribbean Legend general discussion

    Is this a remastered version of Sea Dog To Each His Own???
  5. FrozenHeart

    Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 31st January 2025]

    There was no save game. Was trying to load completely new game. Assassin, Hoist the Colours and a free play. All 3 crashed when loading. Tried multiple times. Then uninstalled it. Will install it again soon.
  6. FrozenHeart

    Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 31st January 2025]

    Game not running. Crashing while loading new game. Tried with Assassin, Hoist the Colours and a free play. Always crash on loading. Game was updated with new installer and 28/02/22 patch. Using nvidia. Error log was created only after single crash. But not always.
  7. FrozenHeart

    Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

    Download is very slow here (hardly 30kb/s). ModDb download is fine.
  8. FrozenHeart

    Notice New Horizons on Maelstrom 2.8.4 Engine

    Thanks. I will try.
  9. FrozenHeart

    Notice New Horizons on Maelstrom 2.8.4 Engine

    Have a question. Is debit card can be used for purchasing Maelstrom engine?
  10. FrozenHeart

    List of pirate games.

    Heard of it and saw the game play. No it does not cover any 7 years war battle, I think. A.C. has its own story line. Assassin vs Templar... People say Black Flag is much better though. Civil war navel battles would be exciting.
  11. FrozenHeart

    List of pirate games.

    Is there any game that covers- Civil war sea battles or 7 years war ?
  12. FrozenHeart

    List of pirate games.

    There are some other games too, like Memory of the Sea. Legends A Painted Ocean Blue Horizon LOST ISland Hope they manage to release them someday.
  13. FrozenHeart

    Official Announcement of Corsairs Legacy

    I am excited. Was excited about corsair black mask too but sad that was cancelled. Finger crossed for this one.
  14. FrozenHeart

    WoodesRogers Quest part 2

    Forgot to mention that electric shock in Church.:rofl Nice graphical work there:onya Most enjoyable.:dance
  15. FrozenHeart

    Bug JRH Part 2- Health bug

    No I did not saw them. I used that wall locker at least two times(to rearrange inventory) during my play and of course no jump starts there.