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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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The Euchmich Legacy - Free Game!


Raping the Horses and Stealing the Women!
Staff member
[imgleft]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_cQOyQjTP3GY/SzdzZcJpthI/AAAAAAAAAIU/lTv6nE8qBxo/s128/pa-logo.gif[/imgleft]I just came across this, apparently it was made back in 2004, it looks like a dodgy Pirates! type game. I have not tried it yet, but let us know if you have!

This game was created for the 72 Hour Game Development Competition in 2004. As the first Windows game we ever released, it was buggy beyond belief. Still, despite locking up slower machines, looking dreadful on half the graphics cards on the market, and randomly crashing for no apparent reason, it took a near grand slam in the competition; first place in gameplay, innovation, graphics and overall, second place in the remaining two categories sound and completeness.

This version is a lot more stable than the original release and offers several game and difficulty options that were not there to begin with. Use the default settings to play a game closest to that of the competition version.
Download it HERE

ss_game1.jpg ss_game2.jpg ss_title.png
[imgleft]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_cQOyQjTP3GY/SzdzZcJpthI/AAAAAAAAAIU/lTv6nE8qBxo/s128/pa-logo.gif[/imgleft]I just came across this, apparently it was made back in 2004, it looks like a dodgy Pirates! type game. I have not tried it yet, but let us know if you have!

This game was created for the 72 Hour Game Development Competition in 2004. As the first Windows game we ever released, it was buggy beyond belief. Still, despite locking up slower machines, looking dreadful on half the graphics cards on the market, and randomly crashing for no apparent reason, it took a near grand slam in the competition; first place in gameplay, innovation, graphics and overall, second place in the remaining two categories sound and completeness.

This version is a lot more stable than the original release and offers several game and difficulty options that were not there to begin with. Use the default settings to play a game closest to that of the competition version.
Download it HERE

[attachment=4878:ss_game1.jpg] [attachment=4879:ss_game2.jpg] [attachment=4880:ss_title.png]

Very fast learning curve, with a very high skill roof ...