For the longest of times, we have operated on the Notice - Welcome and Forum Rules! originally written by @Thagarr and updated by various staff members over the years.
It is a fantastic piece of writing; and has served us very well for many years.
It is also old.
Parts are outdated.
And it is so very long that people with today's attention spans are likely to not pay attention.
With this community now officially under new ownership, it is time to reconsider...
And our rules are likely the best place to start.
It is my intention to have an open discussion together; before settling on the new rules.
In the meantime, of course the old ones will remain in effect.
As a starting point, here are the "rules" I whipped up for our 'new' Facebook Group a short while back:
1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Full details courtesy of the United Nations:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United Nations
2. We Really Rather You Didn't...
Courtesy of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Australia:
The ‘I’d Really Rather You Didn’ts’
3. Qualities of a Good Pirate Captain
Courtesy of Captain Python:
Qualities of a Good Pirate Captain | PiratesAhoy!
4. Code of the Brethren
They're more like guidelines anyway:
Code of the Pirate Brethren
5. The Ten Commandments
Courtesy of Moses and Jahweh:
Bible List Of The Ten Commandments
It is a fantastic piece of writing; and has served us very well for many years.
It is also old.
Parts are outdated.
And it is so very long that people with today's attention spans are likely to not pay attention.
With this community now officially under new ownership, it is time to reconsider...
And our rules are likely the best place to start.
It is my intention to have an open discussion together; before settling on the new rules.
In the meantime, of course the old ones will remain in effect.
As a starting point, here are the "rules" I whipped up for our 'new' Facebook Group a short while back:
1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Full details courtesy of the United Nations:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United Nations
2. We Really Rather You Didn't...
Courtesy of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Australia:
The ‘I’d Really Rather You Didn’ts’
3. Qualities of a Good Pirate Captain
Courtesy of Captain Python:
Qualities of a Good Pirate Captain | PiratesAhoy!
4. Code of the Brethren
They're more like guidelines anyway:
Code of the Pirate Brethren
5. The Ten Commandments
Courtesy of Moses and Jahweh:
Bible List Of The Ten Commandments