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Horatio Hornblower Storyline Preview


News Crew

<p><em><img src="http://www.piratesahoy.net/images/stories/potc.gif" align="right" />As a seventeen-year-old with a touch for seasickness, young Horatio Hornblower hardly cuts a dash in His Majesty's Navy. Yet from the moment he is ordered to board the Indefatigable, he proves his seafaring mettle on the waves. With a character-forming duel, several chases and some strange tavern encounters, the young Hornblower is soon forged into a formidable man of the sea.</em></p>
<p>Welcome to Part 4 of the Build 14 Alpha 9 Preview series. This article will go more in-depth on one of the several completely new storylines available to you in "Pirates of the Caribbean: New Horizons".

{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=30|limitstart=0|limitcount=1|detail=0|overlib=3|displayname=0|displaydetail=1|imageshadow=shadow|float=left}<em><strong>THE HORNBLOWER MAIN QUEST</strong></em>
Although Pirates of the Caribbean was originally created as a pirate game, many people like to play it as a historically accurate naval simulation. In our attempts to make the game more realistic and interesting for those players, we have begun work on adding a navy main quest. The choice fell on the character of Horatio Hornblower, who lends himself very well to being put into a game.

At the moment, we have created the beginning of the quest, chronicling Hornblower's assignment to the HMS Indefatigable under Captain Sir Edward Pellew. The player gets little time to get used to his situation as the ship is soon ordered to go into battle with a French battleship. But not before Hornblower meets a rather aggressive and unpleasant fellow midshipman.

{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=30|limitstart=3|limitcount=1|detail=0|overlib=3|displayname=0|displaydetail=1|imageshadow=shadow|float=right}<em><strong>THE REAL HORATIO HORNBLOWER</strong></em>
As with Jack Sparrow in the previous storyline preview, Horatio Hornblower was not a real person. He was conceived by C.S. Forester in 1937 and went on to become the main character in eleven books, one epic TV movie in 1951 and most recently an eight-part TV series.</p>
<p>Hornblower joins the British Royal Navy as a midshipman, the lowest rank of officer. He quickly distinguishes himself as being an excellent leader. The most interesting aspect of the character of Hornblower, however, is his personality. Despite all his succes and popularity, he is an unhappy and lonely man who tends to subject himself to merciless self-doubt.

As such, he is a rather unlikely hero, but a very endearing one who has stood the test of time as being one of the best fictional characters in a series of historical
<h4>{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=30|limitstart=5|limitcount=2|detail=0|overlib=3|displayname=0|displaydetail=1|imageshadow=shadow|float=left}<em><strong>IN THE GAME</strong></em></h4>
<p>At the opening of the main quest, Captain Keene tells you that you have been transferred to HMS Indefatigable under Captain Sir Edward Pellew. Captain Keene doesn't appear to like Hornblower very much.</p>
<p>Aboard the ship, you are greeted by the senior midshipman: a most friendly character named Jack Simpson.</p>
<p>{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=30|limitstart=1|limitcount=2|detail=0|overlib=3|displayname=0|displaydetail=1|imageshadow=shadow|float=right}Once you have survided that particular encounter, you are put in charge of the watch and have to sail the ship towards another British colony.</p>
<p>On the below screenshot, you can part of the worldmap in "New Horizons". The stock game finctional islands have been renamed to their real-life counter-parts and also the toy ships on the worldmap have been replaced.</p>
<p>In addition to worldmap sailing mode, there is now Direct Sail. Thanks to this mod, you can now sail from island to island in 3D sailing mode without having to go to the worldmap. Along the way, you will encounter other ships or interesting things drifiting in the water.

{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=30|limitstart=4|limitcount=1|detail=0|overlib=3|displayname=0|displaydetail=1|imageshadow=shadow|float=left}This is an oft-requested feature and was thought to be impossible to achieve for the longest of time. But achieve it we did and it appears to be working very well now. In both the Horatio Hornblower and Legend of Jack Sparrow main quests, use of this mod is encouraged and characters will tell you which course to sail to get to your next destination. However, this is not required and you can still use the worldmap whenever you want.

We hope you enjoyed this preview. Earlier today, we released the Build 14 Alpha 8.5 Patch 2 installer. We need to confirm that this version works stable enough to be used as the base for the release of Alpha 9 this weekend. If you can and want to help with this, now would be the time!

This is Part 4 in the Build 14 Alpha 9 Preview series. Part 3 was a preview of the Legend of Jack Sparrow storyline, Part 2 gave you a preview of the Bartolomeu o Portugues main quest and Part 1 showed you some of the new interfaces and loading screens and contained some images on the addition of the United States of America into the game. Check out all the <a href="http://www.piratesahoy.net/game-news/new-horizons.html">previous editions</a> if you haven't done so already.</p>

<a href="http://piratesahoy.net/game-news/new-horizons/258-horatio-hornblower-storyline-preview.html" target="_blank">View the full article</a>